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1.3k · Sep 2020
Nimekuwa silent for a while waka-confuse kuhang boots na a short break,huwezi nipata bar no wonder bars zangu ziko so-bar,black supremacy... Niko na connection na maraga ndio maana akanipea hii ko-r-ti,ni  poet petty siku hizi na-weigh content si  value ya suti,apart from kutema visiriaz,nacheza guitar na at times isukutti,kaa ni kisima,si  unajua obvious hii_ siikuti,

Daily na hood niite mya-hoodie,ni  due to public demand so sikuwa na budi,nilipretend kunguru ndio nipate hizo white collar jobs,na nikasema sitadiss king rabbit ndio unispot kaka,aty petty ameomoka?,si aitane basi sherehe ya kukata na shoka,kaa ni breko naamkia konyangi,na hii  dry spell uko sure hunyongangi?.

Hii class kila mtu  huchoma tuko high class,heri  uko mnakula vako,huku kumekauka kuliko kichwa ya babu owino,dawa ya wivu nakuandikia eno,situmii smartphone natumia phone smart,only call sina  time ya kuchat,ambia smart joker jokes zake huwa joked smart,

Walisema sikio la kufa halisikii dawa,acha nijaribu tena  MARA MOJA, thanks to corona for the first time mluhya anaoga mkono na si  ugali anakula,na petty unatema hata  mtu  haezi sema,ni  venye alikuwa na vinyasa mbili so nikamwomba sho-r-t
moja,na petty pieces zako huniacha in pieces,hizo ndio comments nareply,juz for teases,

Na kama corona shida zangu huwezi zicough out kwa public,natumia mouth piece ya scimo na Leo hatubongi za mitaro na toothpicks,na kuna chizi flani  ananukia colon na hii corona huwezi sema kwa mama mboga iko loan,na kama ni  lyrics nauza hii itabidi umechomoa mita,na before niachilie mic,kumbuka sonko alisema social distance ni  ya one metre,sihang suspenders kwa shoulders, nikiwa hustle nahang guitar,hio  time short nimespend apa  nilikuwa na blessings za mama no wonder sijastammer,kama nimekubamba scratch kwa tenje uniseti stage ndio home na sijaplan...kuhama.
833 · Jul 2020
Before uende tizi,usikule ndizi,that could make you feel uneasy,nowadays injili naspread bila bibles,the only player kwa hii game anacheza na bi-*****,hii si  kujichocha ni  vile skills nimeobtain kwa makocha,luku safi na maganji kwa toja,na hi I dunia ni ya sir God so kaa unategea downfall yangu my friend utangoja.

Art inatoka kwa heart,PETTY POET is about to change ile narrative imekuwepo,my lines are full of flavour kaa ni diss unapokea kichapo,ni  heri uko mnaeza kula vako,huku kumekauka kuliko kichwa ya babu owino,na Jana na Leo mayutt daily ni  kilio,promises hamfulfill kisha kwa mbulu unabrag venye  uko na spirit ya kuokolea,zote mauongo,I wish ningekuwa na kalamu ni-underline na rangi iliyokolea.

Kama ni  uhondo unatafuta songea,si kubrag ni course ya success nilisomea,daily  nikiota nagrow ka mmea,kila mtu  ana-views tofauti huwezi sikia nikikusemea,ukibehave abnormally tunakutreat normally,si  wasapere pekee wanapenda mali ata  mayoh utaskia wakisema no-mali,

Hii time short nimespend apa  nilikuwa na blessings za mama no wonder sijastammer,kama nimekubamba scratch kwa tenje uniseti stage name sijaplan kuhama.
Follow PETTY POET on;
574 · Jun 2020
Sometimes mi hu-wrong nikijaribu ku-correct,na mi si perfect so daily niko  kwa  risklt ya ku-loose vitu ata  nili-collect,so we skiza hii  tune,yeah ofcourse hii tune si  unajua mali safi zi huzinduliwa June.Pingu za maisha nishanunua shoneni vitenge juu nazifunga soon.

Samahani,back then kudish kwa sahani kwangu ilisound kifahari,world yangu ilikuwa so untrue na mauongo ki-kanyari,kupata kwangu then ilisound ka monkey kuonekana kalahari,nyi mkinyonga tai zangu nabaki ni  nyoka nanyonga,ni  saa  nane  usiku nikiexhaust my poetic pen igeuze words ziwe dishi,DJ akiscratch ilikuwa opportunity ya kuflow nayo  na mistari haziishi,mtaa 1960 ndio iliniwai courage ya kusimama mbele ya mahater nikiwashow hii mwaka haiishi meza moja na nyinyi tudishi.

Mi hu-acknoledge power ya sir God jo juu ya kuniblessia creativity tangu pre-unit,usitafte amani  bila unity certificate ya kugraduate from petty poet to plenty of poems nikailaminate na case ya glass,after kuchoma kuna wasee nilianza nao na siko nao  si  zao ziliwashow wako "high" class,hii  dunia ni ya God so ka unaplan downfall yangu jua success naiwai a thousand times plus.

Hii sanaa  mi hufanya si  rahisi,ata ka Nadia na kalikuwa kashaa tamba ilibidi ameitisha maombi,ka si Sunday siogi,mi nimezoea kula jasho yangu that's why unaskia nikiongea sh*t that is stinky.

So ukihustle na biz ya kuuza charcoal jua ***** hands zi hukuwa sign ya clean money,na since muka aende silent mi ndio nimekuwa nikiwasha nare kwa stage bila lyta,mi ndio nimekuwa nikijua mbona mapema ye hurauka.Hii time short nimekuwa hapa nilikuwa na blessings za mama no wonder sijastammer,ka nimekubamba scratch kwa tenje uniseti...stage ndio home na sijaplan kuhama.
-P€TT¥PO€T ✍️
570 · May 2020
Many are those who ask how I came up with my stage name,let me this out,from the day I knew I could use my blood-inked pen to exhaust my mind and heart,it has never been tthe same,when I was fifteen years old,"sometimes what you see as PETTY might turn to be PLENTY and splendid," that's what I was told,back then I knew less about poetry all I did is disgrace myself on church stage,TEARDROPS poems was what I made mimicry off,so talkative I didn't know my voice combined with a bit of skills was all I needed to make words speak sense,on a stage sometimes back I could perform three lines and the rest...let me laugh a bit....hahaha! My brain which on backstage was flowing lines of matured pieces and poems and now my brain's empty not comparisonable to that of a small kid.
    I come from NGONG a place known to hold the mathare  slums,its from this slums that told me the poetry art and everybody claps,its from this slums that I obtained my daily bread,its from this slums that the tag PETTY POET came to spread,I decided to choose the stage name for if one has to begin a journey from the first stairs,then the English dictionary spills the beans,"PETTY is someone or something of secondary rank,no importance," and as their brains serve them,they think that we people from the slums and of secondary rank couldn't do anything of importance,so PETTY POET is a poet who comes from that humble background and with the vast experience in the writing of poems and spokenword and plans on delivering as mature poems as possible that's PETTY POET
Written and published by,PETTY POET
Follow PETTY POET on;
Facebook;PETTY KE
Youtube;; PETTY POET
555 · May 2020
Flavour of fake love
Ask me and I shall tell you the flavour of fake love,don't laugh,it ain't a joke or maybe love is the reason why am so broke,you talk of peace of mind,I never taste the "sweet love" as they tend to call it,maybe am too old fashioned or am just too old to understand this,don't mind,all I know is that genuine love does not exist,don't resist because I only know the flavour of fake love and so ask me and I shall tell you the flavour of fake love.
For full piece follow PETTY POET on;
Facebook;PETTY KE/Pety poetke KE
-written and published by;
466 · Jun 2020
Like a scent of a rose in the morning dew,and as soon as I am awake my day starts only when I see you,usijali dear,mi husema we wangu milele so usiwai tense nitakuwa na wewe mpaka I.C.U,vile we hucoat my life na happiness...mi hufeel sawa adi kuliko maziwa mala,mi hufeel comfortable ka mguu ya masaai ndani ya akala,mi hufeel ata  kama si  kufanana basi tufaana,na juu si  huwa tumependana nipromise hatutakuja kuagana,figure ndani ya dera assurance nitafute nini  kwa akina vera,mpenzi,kama kupendana kwetu si  kibahati...basi usiwai taka tusort out issues na ugomvi,kama ulimi na mate endelea kuwet my days na smiles za dunia ingine,usiwai danganywa na rangi  ya thao ngiri  haijawai kuwa cute,from today mi ntakuwa nakuita Mary ndio nikipropose iwe,"Mary will you marry me",
#umeamka aje?

— The End —