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 Apr 2019 Hans Peter
The queen of pain


The king of sorrow.

It happened so unexpectedly,

From the beginning you had me.

Started out as friends;

We all know that’s how love affairs begin

Confiding in one another

To falling in love with each other.

You were taken, I was taken.

Is it crime?

Were we mistaken?

Making hot, passionate love on top of lover’s rock.

In the middle of our own paradise.

Your love was on me like a tattoo.

You’re the David

To my Jezebel

The sweetest taboo.

The vision of our feelings were so vivid.

Gazing into the heart of our soul;

Watching our love as it unfold.

My heart is queen,

Your love is king

To me, you are the moon and the sky.

To you, I am the ocean and the sun.

Body to body, we slowly become one.

For one night we will live a lie.

We both want the same thing.

On the night stand, you place your wedding band

And I place my wedding ring.

Holding and caressing each other under the moonlight.

Never leaving each other’s sight.

Just you and me

Falling victim to our forbidden fantasy.
 Apr 2019 Hans Peter
Thoughts of you run through my mind.
I think we've crossed the line.
I want you to myself
   But you belong to someone else.
You want me to be your lover
But I belong to another.
Hard to watch you with her.
Having you here with me
  is what I prefer.
She doesn't appreciate the things you
  do or the man that you are.
I could treat you better by far.
These feelings we share
  are so hard to explain.
Trying your best to maintain.
Trying my best to understand;
How could I be so deep in love
with another woman's man.
Wanting to treat me like a queen
And give me the world.
Fighting the feelings you have
for your best friend's girl.
We know this is wrong
but why does it feel so right?
From the way you hug me
to the way you kiss me softly.
We have an addiction.
The drug is our touch.
We fiend for it so much.
One hit of our love
flows through our veins.
It has us in an ****** zone.
Craving for us to be alone.
So many obstacles are in our way.
It kills us not to be with each other everyday.
It hurts when we have to say goodbye.
Going back to our spouses to continue
living a lie.
 Sep 2018 Hans Peter
Mary Allard
The ones who always leave me
are the ones I want to stay
The ones who care so deeply
are the ones I push away
 Jul 2018 Hans Peter
the person you
love the most,
will hurt the most

— The End —