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Onoma Apr 2018
as windows come up for air,
dimmed by the depths of
vases draw clear distinctions
of water, before a handful of
stems shatter their illusions.
all to clarify flowers, and what
a clarity.
it's there among them, standing
alone in a crowd...April finds
she's utterly disoriented at the
height of her powers.
she's welcome wherever she may
roam, so it takes a while.
Onoma Apr 2018
an April head of hair
in dispositions of wind--
institutional greens
swept away by exponential
outright wiry (mind be still).
when color roasts its
pigment strange things
as balloons loosely held
by children,
with ice cream dangling
from their chins.
rains begin to sputter in
afterglows of building
dogs rub their spines on
the grasses of parks, tongues
limply aside in pardons
of speech.
raving aliveness.
Onoma Dec 2024
a vinegary ripeness dabs fall's thirst--

an unnervingly tasteless demeanor

prevails over trees.

the strength of passing facts at their

feet, unprotective of experience.

what witnessed dwindlement looks like,

without appeal.

as for the rest, that stands to regard--

an understanding without imposition

will move across a prior transparency.

winter nears.
Onoma Jun 2018
so much selective attention

to report of--

that the date's been omitted

for more than awhile,

despite numeric girth.

though an uncanny

guesser of time,

to the minute.

a startled rabbit

in a clearing.

snared and prepared--

to be called an

acquired taste.

what to do with all

these acquired tastes,

these refinements?

wait and see.
Onoma Mar 2019
the electric dawdle of

meristems buzz between


bliss-bitten accents to the

bronzy moods of a softening


arcady of pitch and fever--

balm to the month of the season

to date.

as dream the break from death's

clutch, wild with pigmentation.
Onoma Mar 2019
the arcana of a rose

is guarded by the heavy

hands of soil.

stones as soon split if

they sat where she chose

to bed her rise.


she wraps her blood curdling

scream round a stem's fingertip.

for vowing to secrecy.
Onoma Apr 2024
an archway with ivy bangs, glass cuts

another archway with ivy bangs.

dangling from the foreheads of a gothic


magnifying feet that have masticated

undergrowth & path.

the metamorphose of a human animal,

whose keenness still rings in the ears--

while ****** into the pressure of the tunnel.

a soundproof & sound-enhancing paradox,

that spacewalks limbs.

coupled with the aerodynamic windbreaks of

cars, riding the back of its modest overpass.

then the emergence to a connective forest

path--as if cleansed before a consequent

Onoma Jun 2019
epically long threads

are spun--

to clothe

the body of

*Ardhanarishvara is the unified form of Shiva and Shakti.
Onoma Oct 2023
a red moon crusts on a right

hand--pulled from blankets

that shift into folds.

spread cleaner than the Face

of these.

all the matter kept, a

tutelage of flocking

black birds closing their


a soundless penmanship

of two withheld bodies.

words are very difficult

when they come alive in


serpents trade bedsides

in deep sleep.

their waking eight coincides with

the slowest fathom--dousing the

legend of a heart.

it's so strange when it follows you

Onoma Jul 2024
the awful fatigue of leashed wrath--

the devourment of all other emotion.

one of the most frustrating & loneliest


a lion's infrasound shaking the housemates

of organs & bones.

a reiterating plain, onward straight to onward--

a massive drain at its center.

stymied blood let out, down it--a red waterfall

transfusing the earth's gut.
Onoma Nov 2013
sprawled 'cross a time,
and 'gain...
birdies-peoples ...kept as musical
bars...nondescript angels
of yore.
Onoma Mar 2020
stick to tree, marker lost

to the forest.

ariadne's spidery verve of

weave, threading cities lost

to their applied logic.

dense enough to entrap flies--

zigzagging against these

gordian knots.

her mind-eyed computer

graphics unable to simulate


deep breathing for clearer

intuitions, ariadne breaks down

to the squeaky laughter of spiders.

who thread without threading--

feast on the dainty logician.
*The breakdown of Western logic while undergoing Eastern rays...
Onoma May 2018
always with what's at stake--

as off with rivers shorn by

final intensities.

feast of floods, registrar of

inexhaustible oceans, situate


by all blood and its letting--

a rich relational stain that

will never wash off.

till it does.
Onoma Jan 2019
if you find

your head

lowered to the

current of faces.

you'll baby your

boy--baby your


arisen fresh.
Onoma Feb 2016
A river is aware
of its course...
wise to the ways
of water.
~Jai Ma~
Onoma May 2017
Carted off to who-hears paths
doubly deep of our weathers.
Keeping armfuls of guts from
spilling, un-wed worms uncoiling
for their native soils.
Saying loudly our slippery peaces...
to break with surface light.
To trade ravings hinged on absence,
moistly noodling context in place.
Freakishly conducive to metabolizing
the essence of otherness.
Onoma Jul 2022
a circle is now drawn,

a golden-white

outline of nearnesses.

a round completed at

every turn, emissarial

whispers of angelic phylums

catching fire.

in skies too acoustical for any

Onoma Feb 2017
Arrayed in partings,
your hands
slicked with ****** oil--
themed their folding
upon the plane of a table.
Recovering from your sides.
Onoma Jul 2020
if a Muse is

true, it peers at your


at it, from it.

arresting all development,

every vocable angle.

not merely representative

of life, but her in full.
Onoma Apr 2014
Gift me your exquisite arrival times...
your comings and goings into your own--
and I will instinctively pour what I contain.
What I kept for myself...will consider itself
free, and so...begin to disappear on sight.
We could make this life a common affair...
couple in color till we bore through the canvas.
We've already gone where no man or woman
have gone before--as space is a matter of being
unique unto us...yet not.
The space between our uniqueness and the ineffable space that the infinite
gave chase to.
It is true...we will die misunderstood, please
don't misunderstand.
Onoma Dec 2023
Mephistopheles sticks out his throaty

tongue--to sample the lineaments of

an artist's brushstrokes.

his overactive salivatory glands leak

down from the finishing touch--an

artist prematurely committed.

standing in the way of what the artist

knew would become a whole other

painting--with the possibility of a

non premature finish.

the conjuration progresses--art provenance.

hanging in a place of honor, someone's

home--a matter of acquisitional record.

the very spot of their chosen wall, feng shui.

with no visiting hours imposed, the obsessive

collector is slobbered on by the barter of that


so the painting is lent to a museum--where its

viewers find themselves in front of other paintings.

though viewing the same one.

by sheer force of attraction, they all end up

in front of that painting again.

as if the museum emptied out in a single


Onoma Feb 2024
a dragnet

comes up--

a sample grid of

shorn simpaticos...

waiting to fit into

the ripples.

of an unreleased

maritime report.

as if fore-harnessed,

by the indisputable

anchor of the Atlantic.
Onoma May 2022
caressing a

broken twig--

as Baby's Breath


punctuated by

the blackest

Onoma Nov 2013
A rose of glassblowing transparency...
air-born as the color eyes see
when closed to the sun.
Petals pressed open shatter in place...
as red silk intermingled.
The color of passion and alarm,
that an earth transpires--rose...
occasioned by that transpiration.
Put to amnesiac white wings--
aftershocks of blood to
snow, and all its angels.
Onoma Jan 2015
These inherent sounds
wound round
the husk of
a song...
till it gives.
As clouds impress
a sky.
Onoma Jan 2019
i pitch a blackness

for her to undress.

in the wetness of a

sea's night...things

brush against her.

as my mouth meets

hers, every time she

gasps for air.
Onoma Nov 2018
an electric blue forehead

wears a rusty-gold garland

of leaves.

age old in the youth of heaven...

no nearer to November than

this window to that sky.

or wisdom to that dye.

yet the view's pulled inward,

and the circle implodes.

only to marry the rim of a

brighter sun...scattering the

curiosities of leaves and birds.

glory's the tallest order, firmly

foundationless--with no height to

be taken by a season's standard.

fall on Fall...endear the bare to the

naked eye.
Onoma Apr 2016
Unable to close
the gap of distance...
the pilgrim plants
a seed.
Onoma Jun 2024
a sensorial Kingdom transpired

along: Ocean City, Maryland.

its village shops rang the bell of

a scent that any verity of incense &

ginger, long to touch.

shelved starfish, baby sharks in a

jar, (blue-eyed) along strung shells

in the shape of a spiral cone.

*Childhood vacations rock...addendum: dedicated to my best friend Chris.
Onoma May 2020
a serenade

in and of itself

is the melody

of a saint.

so in love with

the unrequited--

that there is a heart

for every note.
Onoma May 2020
grant me a space

to wander that'll

make the Himalayas

look like a series of


i tire of creating karma.
Onoma Mar 2019
herded apart a sheep

blackens--as hills roll

to the sounds of bells.

his fuses cross and blow--

as rains smoke his wool.

beast to the star of days,

an inert **** full of

everlasting sentiments.

shadowing the valley,

with mouthfuls of grass.

erratically closing his eyes

between chews, the way

a monk minds a prayer.
Onoma Nov 2017
as the
ground is hard,
and the sky is
ashes fly
from flesh.
of bodies that
stare at a sun
with no country.
Onoma Nov 2023
sap has to sway in

stiff wands to meet

a white beyond weather.

as high towers well

pitless raindrops.

to satisfy the most private


way greener goes a pasture

for a newborn black sheep

laying there for a belly rub.
Onoma May 2019

at water's




left off--

for the ginormous

come in.

unblinking doors--


Onoma Feb 2020
the Truth is never

insurmountable, if it

comes upon you

just so.

form for form, as in a

perfect likeness.

where here stands before--

no judgement, only understanding.

that fiercely intelligent

and evasive shape taken--


some seeing is undeniable.
Onoma Sep 2014
We "ground" by focusing
on breath...
neglecting to realize
the mind thinks
it understands
a single breath.
Whose genius it grew
out of.
Onoma Jul 2016
Everything that happens,
does so concurrently...
it's just the same energy
in a different happening.
If a single clap is meant
to break a trance, the
energy of the clap and
the energy of the trance...
wave and trough for the
love of sameness.
Onoma Aug 2018
a slip of stones...your sidelong glance,

an entire mountain to break our fall.

i want to tell you--as i tell you when

night doesn't know what's happening.

with the ritual of breath and its savage


you push from behind my eyes, and i


it's from there i hold words to your face

that pale, so i can live and die by comparison.

rocking forward and backward, side to side...

i can't undress and clothe enough.

i scratch at this split heart, and offer it a

crushing embrace when it breaks open.

it's you baby, it's you...the culmination of my

poetry--this final intensity.

i don't care about the next poem anymore,

the one i'm in is the god of your country.

i'm content to roam...waiting for you to come out

into a clearing.
Onoma Sep 2020
it's always this day--

good enough, to Now

allow the sun to trade

phases with the moon.

though if I-I told you

they were trading phases

that very day, would you

wake up confused?

while sound asleep?

rubbing clear that one more thing

left alone to find itself.

as matrimony is pronounced.
Onoma May 2019
her asmr


writhe passes


my listening

with no ears.


every and no


Onoma Feb 2021
there is a tree narrow

enough for a wood.

to reap a snow around


the trunk of Her ankle.

holed-up white, with

wind and cessation.

incontrovertible water.

though it appears so.

Onoma Feb 2020
as of his greyship...

Gotham a smattering wore,

granite tone, pick a hue and

play it.

Self--possessed, samadhi some


founding flowers, saxing


finding their voice, wowed

by improv.

beat boxed to a pulp--that Kid

that has it in him.

to straighten out his guts, for a

walk on some tightrope.

from here to here, name the place.

deferment of streets.
Onoma Sep 2019
there is only before

and after her--gone in

what the heart can not


as a spanless body of water won't

sign the alias of ocean, to point

to itself.

the ever presence of

life to the ever presence

of death.

full in full, nectar to the air

of a flower--whose beauty

terrifies by its resolve.

a single burst in the throes of joy, staying

that openness in a petaled world

of wilt.

her name every one named with

the sound of scent, in the sight of

Onoma Sep 2020
the alone kindles the alone,

desolate fires that aspirant

nights sit around.

already ash to the cracking

sounds of wood, revealing

the vagrant faces of a single


from and toward a journey

that betrays itself by name--

remaining forever a stranger

for daring to show up.
Onoma Jan 2024
moons know of no


while phasing in full.

coring out the cream

of a lone crater.

with staling fortune


no fortune


their wrap.

nor space for soup


dispatching an oculus

seeing fit.

as red dragons decompress~
Onoma Sep 2021
mercurial illuminations

pray over a space

for you good people.

put together

in some **** good


snap, snap.

splitting jungles to

our cipher.

rationed twists pacing

this boney rock.

tense gone passed

it's penultimate


littering streets

with the discarded

masks of assembled

Onoma Feb 2015
As squared circles
we seamlessly,
and effortlessly
observed one another...
a silence spoke so
we embraced without
Onoma Feb 2017
A*  statue  drooling
with  inertia  twitches
its  ri­ght  pointer  finger
toward  creation,   in
an  oblivion  of  secrecy...
here  comes  my  ­fate
taking  its  own  hand.
Onoma Dec 2016
Breath is never
baited, its sea has
already parted.
In its place a mountain
stands, a man lain across
its peak.
There exposed, what bone
may box a breast,  O dear Mother--
never off kilter.
Therefrom a thread so gold, marrow
met skin, up and away...
a steady pull by the tail end
of an angel.
Relative as the bent forefront of love's law,
where all reunion leaves no remnant.
To find a faith so becoming, space leaves
room for space verging on itself.
How blue the pearl, how circular
the sky of its golden grows
the thread that breaks with every breath.
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