A white horse juts its jaw, as it receives
freedom's lash.
Whose distance is already satisfied.
G-force grins bear its large teeth at the
diplomacy of elements.
Below the frigid shade of bridges built
over deserts, eight kicks pace to the
torsoed toss of sand.
No more than a whole in want, spooked
by unbroken thunder shaplier than its
pounding hooves.
Its stomach distends with a flood of gas,
glugging to combustibility.
As it catches fire's metaphor, igniting
catch-me-if-you-can fingers all over it.
While night repudiates night, to where
passage is way behind, or way ahead of
brilliances inconsistently ticking above.
In sound there is time, in time there is
distance--here there is no telling.
Just a white horse eating a purple carrot
out of a poet's hand.