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Onoma Mar 2017
A liturgical darkness pains the

wriggling web of a praying star.

Hardwon quietude differentiates

obsolete centers to contrive the


Timeless hands go up in deflection,

as to abort the scene.

Whose spelling could not boast a

mouth synchronous with them.

The growth spurt of insult to injury

topples a bucket of well water

down the throat.

Alas, at morning...alert me to my

stable, that I may act in accordance.
Onoma Mar 2017
A large rectangular marble

table, networking veins

of greyer and greyer areas.

Coursing through a concessional

white, interspersed by dappled

glimmers of light fixtures above.

The cafe's window showcasing

a slushier version of said table,

an oddly persistent optical illusion

of non ****** snow.
Onoma Mar 2017
Being slowly stripped

of obsessive compulsion,

unable to creature the habits of X--

its greater pains taken by

pains taken.

Volitional deductions, and

inferences...alibis and motives

scarring a madman's template.

Ram-shouldered entries

through paper thin doors, in response

to off color remarks on his meta-physique.

Isn't nature self-regulating, why shouldn't

it produce freaks of like control?

To assemble variables thereof, Warholian

assembly lines stockpiling non perishables

for unseen disasters.

To man, to woman the reins is a most

satisfying illusion...spurring on the tramping boisterousness.

We like formalities, dress rehearsals, the arteries

of run our fingers down,

nonplussed by their pulse.

We know that we don't know, today the weathermen

completely butchered the forecast, of this wouldbe


Time is already filtering their accountability.
Onoma Mar 2017
Salt-grain-taken greetings

from the land of curmudgeons,

powwow in these

craters of overblown canticles.

Dragon-puff proofed spirits

with the matchsticks of nigh-nights...

till we add eyes to the lambs of

Johnny from Patmos.

We can disturb the peace, till it

spews war from windows--gag

reflexes of great purges.

Catching venom samples in our

plastic cups, for posterity's telltale tipples.

Etching paralysis through deadlocked

saints and sinners.
Onoma Mar 2017
Unskilled romancer of moods...

bruised like a plumb from

false starts--fumbling, falling

into graces...whose?

Some bright-bulbed

peanut gallery staring at you

from the rears of their minds.

Watching you cartoonishly swept

off your feet by cosmic record skips.

The cavities of your features filling

with shadows, as if touched up for

your variations on danse macabre.
Onoma Mar 2017
Prone as skin skimmed

by sleep...

breathy prayers speedily

mouthed, kissably close.

As delicate wisps of hair

tug at their root, swearing

north is truth.

They steer their ghosting plex--

as he sub-screws up his face,

he doesn't want to go.

A hard sell, with a soft shell,

and neither or.
Onoma Mar 2017
Straggler whose self-edifying whip

signs the energy of strandedness...

padlocked to the cold ******* of earth,

whose blood flecks gold in a rain of

rays...ready to consume wholes in

that broadening light of upturned eyes.

Its scales, scaling scales that seem to

equalize as open arms...legless, armless--

that belly's bloated deformity.

Fluxing fat off the land, swiveling exclamation

point tapping its head to outer reaches.

Honorary guest ex nihilo,

whose hiss is silence in reverse.
*First of a series of poems under the same title.
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