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Onoma Jul 2016
Your burn is so
big, that whatever
you see is burning
for you.
There's no looking
away, there's no
closing of the eyes.
The more you see
of yourself, an eye
remains there...
crying because it sees.
So many eyes cast
at you my love.
  Jul 2016 Onoma
Oh great Mystery ~
My Love, a tangled moss.

What gentleness preserves in playfulness,
like silly string~strung thin
along the limitless landscape
that forms the truth of your existence.

For in your mind is the treasure seen,
in your vision is bliss obtained.
Through the nature of your deeds,
decides the nature of your salvation.

Till thoroughly the soil of your soul,
for the seeds of your thought bear the sustenance for life.

If the flower be fragrant,
the honey is sweet and the trees be fruitful.
It's branches will extend
into the realm of peaceful spirit,
vast and luminous beyond compare.

Such clarity of light will draw down
the plow of eternal renewal and the
soil will be as rich as the seat of your soul.

Go forth ~
Labor in silence and rejoice
in righteous song and dance.
The fields are rich in vajra potency!!!
Onoma Jun 2016
Does every
sense perception
dream exclusively?
If so, they're bound
to get lost...and
emerge out of one
Eventually agreeing
to meet at the same become
Onoma Jun 2016
Nightfall at the bay...
humid air cut cool,
body contracting.
Sending suddenness
searching through
ruffled ripples.
The clouds like the
inside of a torn drum.
The size  of sound in latest
version of dissolution
vibrates with approval.
Onoma Jun 2016
If life cannot be
seperated from
death, if it's
understood as
life-death, instead
of life and death.
That's a horse of
a different color.
If life-death cannot
be seperated from
that which has no
beginning or end...
it can as soon be
reversed to: death-life.
In that light, it would
appear--and it does
Onoma Jun 2016
Of body, blood
and bind--
breath of light...
foot in front foot,
married to moments.
Crystal and unclear,
perfect pictures
trading places.
Onoma Jun 2016
Say what you'll say,
and it is said.
Do what you'll do,
and it is done.
Resting upon what's
said and done...
the stage is always set
with an air of finality.
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