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Onoma Feb 2015
Candles burnt their encore, sent their smoky
ropes to fatigued altitudinal strongholds.
They slid downward to sinners knee deep
in glossy pews...combing their kneecaps
to sooth a momentarily localized numbness.
Body parts and parts, to parts, and parts...
that are bodies that fell asleep.
Flesh sleeps its church...we are the encore
our candles await.
Onoma Feb 2015
Acuity's sweetheart, without a peep what whole
to picture, reflect you.
Black hole gone consume all put to
Unwavering stare ad nauseam--great gatherer
of last nerves.
Your only sentiment, an unnerving one.
As per second guess, images donned their
reality within your confines...their dead end of
your wide open.
Grey skies of luminous latency, frozen lakes,
serrated knives, sentient fog--smack of you.
Timeless conversation piece on reserve for what
thing may look into you.
How can something so crystal clear, be so cut off?
Your desensitization was fashioned darkly--that
pained slip...that recoil of what you reflect.
More final than the wall hang you, as to eclipse.
You belong shut in a dark, musty closet, or the
cobweb corner of an attic. do not merit the light of's fire
to brush...O Great Teacher!
Onoma Feb 2015
Solemnity foreshortened--the press
of limbs...hence, the wide smile of
the enacted.
Our meeting ground shimmies
toward an eternal to
alight the spiritual workload of its
A floating people, we...dead-stopped
by the ends of our living.
Lucidly signed away we progress
our intervention dissuades
lesser or greater action/inaction.
Something's come, a brazen head,
revivified--its definitions alien
and wide open...wide open.
Eyes don reality as a membrane
just to conceive it--as there are
days when a flower of unspecified
genus is a terrible offering.
Our overcompensation precedes is our passion anticipating
For once fire knows of itself, it is too
settled to recall ash.
As...he/she lit their bastion of faith
without provocation.
Onoma Feb 2015
Trees happened unto themselves--to outlive
the sinuous breach of serpents.
The morass tugged imperceptibly by their
perfect concentration.
A lime-green drain of their hunger's
motive, their solar ration rekindled on the
way down.
Nature in the gorgeous take of its want,
its law reaching for itself wide awake.
If you are made to make of nature, then
you are unnatural--you've stepped out of line...
you are a human being happening unto yourself.
The serpent plummeting into the morass
from the selfsame Tree of Knowledge.
Onoma Feb 2015
I Am the Messiah come
to deliver me--
I have come to pass.
Mine own Messiahship  reaches
hand and foot into a
Heaven and Hell.
I have come to pass exponentially,
I Am with me.
I Am breath entranced to breathe...
by a breathing air.
I Am the air of breathing air--
I Am not the fear of a body--
I wear it well.
I Am within, without me--
I have come to pass
I Am with me.
*Our True Calling...
Onoma Feb 2015
There's a vine shaped as lightning--
grapes bittersweet, supple...come to it,
each an epiphany.
Crushed, their red skin lets out juice,
Sealed up and put away...the body knows
its blood, wine-empurpled, crimson throb.
At the wrists, at chest, at temples, at neck.
A synchronized pulse keeps in touch,
batting wings.
It is love that's move what's
been born of it.
Embodied to embody--there you are my love.
In shock we've been sutured One.
A forever downed to earth, to imbibe drunken
passion--to keep the body from falling over
lest by love.
No cusp more steady than two lips touching
tale--an Edenic one.
Yet--the more we juxtapose bodies, something
ruptures--hands go wild to clutch that ******.
In shame we block the parts that entered
one another so freely.
Shadows are broken light--love can be
prodigiously cruel, but who among us has heart
to expel such cruelty?
Thusly...the heart drinks benumb.
Onoma Feb 2015
Of lavender, golden meshes--discerning
Goddess gargantua.
Lamp of fig tree and Roman chorus...waves crest
in a moonlit white as to knit the sultry
gown of your being.
Never once did you recant the definitions of love
and beauty, they stay and fever...dally the same
breath to deliver.
Here and there, wedged in towering hearts
they sway and splay forked flames.
You are signaled blatantly, and in
secret as holds the tolerance of those
you madden.
Venus...crash landing, riveted Xs cringe
and ripple in anticipation--marked and
moving, your children pass the ardent
thorns of beauty...clump, swell and
spill ****** roses.
You'll always seem uncollected, unstable--
your constitution's chasmic rift
claims...those you've landed upon.
They mouth love and beauty, wound and
bisected, their livelong day thrashes
to unify that breath...just to
sigh as if to say they see you.
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