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Onoma Oct 2013
I've seen water grow an accent spoken to me
in broken ground, as would have it downpour.
Children alighted footfalls in delirious splashes--
their shoelaces seemed to give way in a fine
A film hurled downward from the wisest cloud,
tracing the fissures spending Way.
Power lines sent their crosses in a stream of
charged black channeling voices.
A rampant discourse pulled itself toward a sun's
depravity...a sleek glint dazed the unmade face
of every seeming thing.
A flashing knot tore out of some exquisite depth
to confront...what seemed aslant because a mass
of clouds poured down.
A knot drummed by what set foot, to set off feet
that drag the rain...give it the character it could
never have otherwise.
Onoma Oct 2013
Terminus of the world crossed to deliver its
That whimper put to color...building blocks
lost in space.
A carmine dusk overtaking the blood's circuit...
spilt, spilt, spilt.
Earthen batter, sickly pools dried to raven-black.
Living pigment of broken flesh projected to
The Absolute.
The Void looks out of your windows...its
residency, as levels of formlessness streak
their way up and down them.
The very frame of Art itself perturbed as a
channel gone off the looked
out of your windows.
Onoma Oct 2013
The axiomatic: I Am
That I poised
upon a stippled connectivity
that shall allow Seurat's
park goers to trade places.
A subsumed coming and
going a la gratuitous
Onoma Oct 2013
A horse rests...licks a desert rose, exposing
denture-like teeth.
Slowing its voluptuous space to the courting
of flies.
Its Grecian-black olive eyes, poke their pits
in a pinpointing gleam.
A chancing apocalypse mid-stride...allots dust
the fire it so craves under the sun.
As it settles...the horse is dismounted, and
let loose--a disorienting beauty ensues.
As if nature could part wild ways...onward...
onward...where went the beast...where went
the man?
Onoma Oct 2013
Masks seem to superimpose upon a vast anonymity,
faces beneath become slack...forego face-hood.
A strange empowerment surges, these masks cannot
be undone...haunting an already haunted landscape
whilst peeping through eye-holes.
A certain voyeurism of inner terror playfully diffused
where it may.
The head feels bagged, sold and carried around--one
feels decentralized...combed over by a losing of gravity.
A sparse connectivity runs the body deliciously, as if
the consequences of the material world were scared away.
The interplay of what's dead in such a living, gives masks
a life of their own.
All Hallow's Eve all day long...till what collective ghost be
given up to its night.
To wander a night that's pitched itself forever more--
punctuated by Jack o' lanterns that grin and bear...what's
at the tip of their flame's tongue.
Onoma Oct 2013
...Frankenstein...dear Frank--green with disparity, confusedly amongst parts that
were sum...O Frank--never a creature under no sun could sow dark's reaping so.
Yours is a terrible Art...meat thrown to a black and white world.
Towering clumsily...wobbling that meat before a black and white're
already spoken for by the precedent of your freakdom.
Your wear is worse than the ******* child moon wearing the sun's clothing...
O Frank!
Your awkward as winter's very struggle towards spring--only to die upon
your feet while thawing.
You were never cerebral enough to have a clandestine affair with nothingness in motion...
your body's your confession.
You were struck alive...not dead...ALIVE...ALIVE--thunderously so, called an: IT!
Runaway automata...the collective unconscious of humanity's hypnotized waddle--
O Frank...where is your Heaven...where is your Hell?
You can neither be showered by, nor Fall from grace.
The longest-drawn pity to never be taken...O...the duration of your life...YOUR LIFE!
..."ALIVE"..."ALIVE"...cried your euphoric namesake...God taken step of, to play God to thee--
as such...yours is a terrible Art.
One of living-death...O Frank!

Konstantinos Mark
Onoma Oct 2013
Frisked at customs...sphere-d Muzak...
upped and away...rife, with non address.
Photonic personification...perceptible, yet...
imperceptible gestures Godspeed-ed--
sheer forgetfulness...the genius of remembrance--
Expiration Dates.
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