I astrally projected to the flat depth of a
specified sky--emptied out with upturned
saw lightning come down like a cracked
I heard no-sky move & the earth sink.
electric ants colonized me back to my
feet, on forest ground starving for dead
company--as the living lag between:
let there be light.
there was the same crack of lightning
that passed through me.
the supine speed of itself on snow,
motionlessly making brilliances more
turning snow ashen by comparison.
my awestruckness took longer ways out
of me to approach it.
as if reaching down repeated the initial
impulse to touch it--which felt like
translucently warm skin fresh between
it was to hold an imaginal hand more
real, all-knowingly possible.
all the way home--I held a blinding let go,
I couldn't let go of.
the plan was to stay up all night & look at
it with the lights out.