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Curtis C Feb 2018
What are you going to create today?
Is it what you really want?
Are you ready?
Let it add to your Greatness!
Okay, deep breath, Big Smiles, have fun!
Remember: "You are the Great, that creates the Greatness that You call Your Life!"
Be Grateful, Happy and Love!
And so it is.
Curtis C Feb 2018
"One Day My Soul Just Opened UP!"   I've always Known I was Love and Loved...I've always felted the Love that was coming to me...But last night, I truly saw what Love looks like and IT has many faces, many voices and IT is truly all ONE and IT is an Unlimited Power and Unconditional.  Thank you does not seem enough!  I Love you, does not seem enough!  But I Am so Thankful and my Love for you all is Unlimited...Unconditional. Not just the people sitting in the Theatre but the Love I felt coming for all directions...near and far.  My Soul Just Opened up...there were times I didn't know what was coming out of mouth.  All I could Think was Love, THIS is what Love looks like.  Today I surrender, not giving up but Opening up to Everything, letting go and opening up.  
I know that when you move forward, taking it one step at a time, you step, move into something Greater...Oh, Lord!  what I Am stepping into is Greater than my tiny mind can Imagine and I Am stepping and I Am ready...I Am One.  There are No goodbye.  I will see you later...oh, I will take you with my heart, in the Love that I share...for You Are My Life.  I Am and continue to be Grateful.  I am Sooooooooo Thankful and oh my, I Am Blessed. Abundant and prosperous!  I release my word into the Law of Yes, I know it is done. I Am Living It Now!  I Celebrate, I Love, I sing and My Soul Just Opens Up...I Love... I Am Love...I know Love...I know the Faces of Love!  Think You for shining Your Light on ME!
and so IT is.
CCJ (2013)
Curtis C Feb 2018
What I post each day is a reminder of  Who I Am and Where I operate from.  We all need to be reminded of stuff like, everyday to make conscious choices, that we are all One, different but in Oneness, that we have unlimited Power, unconditional Love and that is the center of our Being. Seeing all the facts, all of them but reacting for that Powerful center that we have.  To remind myself of where I place my focus to create my Life.  I know I have to make  a conscious choice in each moment to use it wisely.  

I don't post things to convince myself but to remind Me.

I Am the Great that create the Greatness I call my Life and all that happens in IT.  That it is all for my highest Good...the lessons.  I am Grateful, Thankful and Blessed for all that I have.

Love You and have a Great Day!  It is a conscious choice to do so...
Frank Sinatra's "I did it my way" is cued up...let it play out. Do it from the center of Power, for the highest Good!
Curtis C Feb 2018
Today was a day of understanding, clearing away stuff, talking heart to heart and taking deep breaths. To say I Love you and know you are Loved back. To stand in what you know and move forward. A celebration of sorts, giving and receiving light. Talking about the lessons learned. It was a moment within each present moment.
Today I was, as I Am. I do Love you so much. It was a day of great joy and warm feelings. Thank You for the talk and I look forward to many more.
Now to end my day on a high note...
And so it is.
Curtis C Jan 2018
I woke this morning thinking...everyone is going through something. There is something in each of our Lives that we look at and have to take a deep breath. After taking that breath, remove the labels and judgements we have place on it...yes, I know it's hard but try. Experience it. Feel it. All the sensations but don't live in it. Yes, another hard one to do. But do, one step at a time, on moment at a time. Know with each breath you will grow, change, learn, share and keep Loving. You have the memories, these points of reference to create from.  Create something Great to honor, something Grand to remember, some Glorious to teach and grow some more. One thing I can say is, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but it will are be okay. As things flow in and out of our Life, with each gonna be okay!!!
Keep sing your song. Keep dancing your dance. Sharing, teaching, growing, changing. Move out of that comfort zone into the next comfort going to be okay and you will see that the Celebrations of Life continue. The journey never stops, it "is" all apart of the process.
You'll pass a mirror and see someone with a Big Smile...then you'll know, in your Being you will know; That in that moment when You see's gonna be okay!!!!
I Love You!!!!
and You Are AWESOME!!!!!!!
Curtis C Jan 2018
Okay, I am just going to start this day Happy!  Not to worry day...I am not going to worry today.  I worry about somethings yesterday and I made it through it all.  One step at a time...One good moment to the next good moment and deal with the stuff in between!!!  Taking a deep breath and then smile, because "there is always something to smile about..." today is smile day...
Think about, if I start for this point, happy, and it's my lowest point of my day...tonight I will be over the top with Joy!!!!! can't wait, taking the steps.
Have a Glorious day, with new experiences and adventures...learn and share it all.  Look for the good stuff and work with the other...deep breath, then step and repeat.
LOVE YOU MY LOVELIES!!! GRATITUDE'S LIGHT IS SHINING BRIGHT!!! Let it guide You...Hugs, kisses and BIG SMILES!!!!! now Get up, Get out and DOIT!!!!
Curtis C Jan 2018
Today is going to be fun and wet, why?  I've made that choice, a conscious choice to have Fun.  to have a Good day. To Love and enjoy all the Love that's coming my way.  To Celebrate Everything in my Life because I know that I Am right where I'm suppose to be at this Very moment, at this Very point in my journey.  Loving every step I take forward and Loving all the People and things in my Life that helps me feel this Good, oh, that's All Y'all and Everything and because it raining. Sing your songs, dance your dance, shake it, shake it, shake it.  Lets make a Soul Train Line Moving Forward......I'm first now the middle...and so it is.
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