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  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
jeffrey robin




                       The spirit of the      Only One

                      (     We talk of many things    )

                  The only child
sleeps in the alleyways

We talk of oh so many things                            



The gentle rain
                            (   The homeless mother weeps  )

We struggle for prosperity

Below the drone airplanes

                               Keep us in our            Place


It's just another morning here in dystopia !

                                 (  The homeless mother weeps )

            The spirit of the        Only One

Wanders down by the alleyway

Sees the child and stays

To guard his holy dreams                                    

:::    :::

Two great birds in the sky

Omens of the coming days
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
Come forth thither~therein lies the dust of Worthy wo/men

Paint not the Saint to be a sinner
pitch accordingly to Prophet's Call
Into Mourning crawls the Child
Twilight's mist brings forth a Wo/Man
Walks the path, long and narrow
led forward by the voiceless Word
Echoes bounce within his skull~
into Verse the messages heard
brought to Song the Sparrow sings
made to beat by Ravens Caw
Swinging Melody sways a Tree
beckons down the Tales of Fall
Onward walks the age'd Seer~
bend of back from Earthen pull
Through the curving Mountain trail,
frail with cane of gnarled wood
Upwards to the Peak he wanders
voiceless whispers the Miracle
Destination as was promised~
arrives the Cave of Oracle.

So now may he rest his weary bones for he has finally travelled Home~
Songs of Nature mark the way much like the poetry of wo/man.
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
The Unbeliever

Discarded by its wing
Dropped away
Without a thought

It drifted, pulled
By currents
Beyond it's control
Tugged and tousled
Tossed like a boat in the storm

This is life
Too many thrown away
Drifting to make a difference
Or crushed beneath the heels of bills

Bouncing back and forth
Without, they say, their chance
But, it's personal
When I say
The chance
Is in your

So take a breathe
Take another
Look to the skies, the stars
Then grit your teeth
Work your fingers
They'll bleed
You'll pay

In the end, you'll see
You are the shining
You were meant to be
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
the crossroads are on the near horizon
its been awhile for this choice to be made
make it I must, and trust I will know the way
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