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NuurSeraph Jun 2014
You are Bigger than my Life
Within you I struggle and Strive
In Faith I've followed to keep me Alive
From your watchful Protection
Not one Journey do I Question
I feel no loss, not one thing to Fear
I understand why You led me Here
To gain from my Efforts
Let there be no Mistakes
Your Reason for every Experience makes
No use in suffering painful Regrets
I honor each Experience as
I've grown for the Best.
With Faith in my corner, I have lived through much and been able to look back at the bigger picture of my life and see how each and every event was pertinent to how I got where I am presently, knowing the things I do, feeling the things I do, and Celebrating the Success of It all one moment at a time....One benefit is that it makes those rougher times more tolerable cause I understand there is reason behind it, just something I am probably not aware of at the time...
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Cascading Kaleidoscopic Visionary, not afraid to float away in a space regurgitating colors, one back into the other, rotation is none other than addition, " You know how fast we're already spinning??"

Temptress undresses and the dream regresses, back from infinity straight down to ***. "What's next? Let me guess...Psychedelic ***, Yes?"
She sauntered all night long, dancing till dawn, "You're Wrong, Sweet...Love. I will be your Drug any day, anyway...but never at Command, I will make the Demands, Give me your hands,
Touch Me..Just..Like...ThaaaAhhhh!!!"

Now after that treasured experience, I don't think I'll be needing Voyages into my own altered Abyss, cause I think I finally just found Pure Bliss.
This May or May not have occurred, I plead complete dissociative fugue
  Jun 2014 NuurSeraph
I saw you standing hands on hips
confident in your wholeness;
Female in what you witnessed.

You looked life in the eye
and life accepted the challenge;
Pulled you to its *****.

Knowing now strength of a lion
You need only cast a look;
And all walls tumble.
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Eye, reciprocal curve, spiraling, Shepard of the Circle and the Square.

Eternal asymmetry makes for Contrast, a definition for God.
From Contrast births Anomaly, makes for clarity in distinction.
For without distinction there would lack anything to compare.

What's out there, everywhere, all around, all the time.
Variety grows from a keen Perception. With blinders on, how to see Periphery?
Come now, See, Sweet Water, Drink, Be Well.

Where is your Pedestal Dear?  
How to find if you remain blind?
Apple Hand
Reach In
Climb In
Fire Spiral
Models my Projection
Into Hologram
Therefore I AM
Inspired by the Wisdom of the Ancient Hebrews...The System of their Language and Alphabet are more than meets the Eye.
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Gut~tight feeling, punching, flooded.
~ • ~
Flooding into every ******* Breath, Digest the Power, Arrest Yourself to utter Absolution.
 ~ • ~
You will not falter beneath this weight, so insurmountable, rumble beneath the covers, shiver in your skin, use it for the masquerade ball for each and all to crawl through you to the funhouse mirror peerers, gaggle toothed crocodile tamers, all will smile in the pantomime hall, pointing the way, you'll hear them say,
   "Next time it will be You"
  ~ • ~
Run Son,
Along the night it will come, it will brush your back with jackal teeth, frozen tundra beneath your Electric Skin, take it off so I may climb in, adjust myself, clear the emptiness, shake it all about,
turn you inside out.
~ • ~
You are helpless, naked, breathless, devastated, Divine. You are Mine.
Close your eyes and breathe, that's better, clever little Valentine. Remember, your heart is mine, all of you, completely, what would you like me to do for you in your body?
Stroke it, Pet it, Touch You...There? Where?
I would like to know your Mind, explore your Circuitry, rearrange the wiring, clear some space for the
Then I will return your Wrapping Robe for you to wear. It will feel a little new, unknown, dissociated maybe, but at least you have a new machine to
~ • ~
Will You act the same way, ******* the same way, how will it Feel?  
How good can you make it feel?  
How about your Brain,
does it work the same?
 ~ • ~
Aah, so something new to do...
!! Explore !!
I added a few more floors for you to find, rooms with doors, some locked,
and hidden keys..
Please take your Time

Take a Tour
See You again
?? When shall We Meet Again ??
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
“The highest levels of performance come to people who are centered, intuitive, creative, and reflective - people who know to see a problem as an opportunity.”

― Deepak Chopra

We do ya know....Rock, Roll, Bleed, Toll, ya know how we do
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
'Tis a risky favor
to give Despair such sweet flavor
A rich Indulgence
will weigh heavy in your belly
rears your gait not so straight
makes your head start to ache
until your Vision becomes unclear.

I've baked a scrumptious dish
try a bite if You like
Its lighter than Air
not a hint of Despair
comes topped with Stardust drops layered with Love and served with a Hug.

I promise Delight,
You'll be walking on Air
You'll be dancing till dawn
making Love all night long
singing yourselves into a tizzy
until you're dizzy and drifting on Marshmallow Clouds.

Would You Like a Bite?  
Oh my that's right,
I forgot the forks and knives
Oh well its a big enough dish
lets All just dive in!!
I must have been bit by a fairy last night
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