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NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Raisin colored Island, how the waters pruned You too, lazy coconut day, climb with rope tied feet and lack the fear of heights. Such terrain as if every part of the world shared a piece to make you. I praise your autonomous solitude, rest assured amongst the South Pacific Blue.

Piecemeal makes much more simply than succeeded individuality. A Euro here, a Euro there, the Rail can take you everywhere....Well, Eastern rules are slightly stern, seems time stood still in terms of brood, but, betwix the contrast of the artistry it is hard to be angry with Tradition.

Goa, India I will never forget You, how could I, You raised me, my mother tongue was Konkoni, the shore side village was Home for me. Later in life coming back shaded a more solemn hue, it is my Heart that couldn't handle it, the Truck ride through....the major transit cities, those who have seen, you know what I mean. It did not help to have to leave my childhood memories and GodParents behind for the hundredth time. I miss you Madrina.
...Still Whirling around the World...
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Four Freedoms Under Siege Serialized

"In the future days which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms."

The first is freedom of speech and expression-everywhere in the world.

The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way-everywhere in the world.

The third is freedom from want, which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants-everywhere in the world.

The fourth is freedom from fear, which, translated into world terms, means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor-anywhere in the world.**

--Franklin Delano Roosevelt,
Annual Message to Congress,
January 6, 1941
Found this a bit sad. But We could Revive this Stance Together, would make a whole lot of things so much better
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Inborn, instant wandering Orient, oh Dragon breathing fire, breeding underwater. Love your magnetic triangle, love it like your child , protect your nest, let none be safe, if that be best for your hatchlings.

Outgrown, violent ripping, Vesuvius rising, burning and churning her helpless spew, if only we knew she is the victor of balancing. Thank her inner fire, even as you melt beneath her flow, follow her stream into the dreams of tomorrow, for she makes for fresher Earth.

Changeling Eastern desert sands, there is much movement into blood and heroic tears for what has come to be a rearrangement of the nativity of the people's homeland, such duress is unreal, to those who do not live it day by aching day. God Bless You, you are sturdy, resilient, Strong.  I pray it won't be to much longer. My thoughts are with You All.

This is Trifecta. I will work around the World in sets of Three.
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
A Big Hug and Great Appreciation to my Fellow Poets who step out in them selves and share such Inspiring, Touching, Mind Blowing Poetry that gives me the Gift of Connection, Warmth and in particular Hope for a future so full of Love, so Evolved, so Free.... so Wonderful
I Thank You from the bottom of my Heart

Much Blessings
From: Venusoul7
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Ecstasy lures Me, oh so Willingly I will phase by, in and out of Common Mind, blurring by on Uncommon Ground.

You might see me drifting in a daze but I am not in your World, my unfocused pleasure is my Ecstatic Treasure. My unfocused Vision allows me to see Uncommon Things. I can see the Wisping Ether rushing by, I can see the quarks pop in and out of this space and time. I will dance to movements of Sound orchestrated within me, automatically.

I will speak from the higher mind, smiling, unknowing of the profound parable uttered from my kissed lips. I will spin visionary, I will body electrify, currents of energy flow in and out of my body and the air amperage jumps with Joy.

I will rise up in Trance and share my spinning Energy with All like ripples in a Pond. I will stay awhile just as long as I have been allotted by the Hand of God.
Deity Expressed. Inspired by the Melami Sufi Tradition.
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Ripe Mourning, so Crisp and Crackling with Life Waking or Life preparing to sleep.

A shift change taking place at dawn, both sleepers and wakers will share a Yawn, for worlds of dream or worlds awake, it's like Consciousness balances itself in this way.

I see a Blue Herron standing on one leg near the pond, ducklings waddling in a line behind their Mom.

I see children running and playing on the jungle gym, how appropriately named. Training ground for the perils of the Jungle ahead, the Jungle of Life.

" Welcome to the Jungle"

Everything in Life is a Test
Every Choice Molds your Future Self
Prepare Yourself, Prepare Your Children, Train them on the Jungle Gym.

*"Welcome to the Jungle"
Mourning Free Flow, who knows?
Not Me...
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