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NuurSeraph Apr 2014
When She told me I had made a Mistake
I replied, "What, in bed?"
She curled over laughing
Shook her head, "I can't believe that get's You each time!"

One day's long extravaganza, both so lost, I'd not noticed at what point I had Shape-Shifted.
In a Moment I curved up a breath, instead the Jungle Sound of Lioness Roar
I pounced from the bed, she sprung up in shock, my head propelled the Ceiling fan, down came Sgt. Pepper with Kaleidoscope vision, no majic carpet, just a naked collision, no feline physique except for my hair, She and I sat silent, naked..just nothing, cause what do you say, what do you do...until finally I heard her softly chuckle, she smiled the biggest smile I'd seen, " Well, I'll never need a drink, no tokes of hashish, We're never leaving this bed, but I think I'll keep you on a Leash..."

~Surmize this a fantasy, hey, a Lady never Tells....
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
And Parden me,
but on just What side Are You.....??????


Don't feed the animals....hmmm...just Who is Who???

Again, excuse my Clarify....
Sometimes the hue must shift to Darken Sky
Requires a Delicacy of lace and lash
Blinking an intricate frequency match
in intervals to small to see, so as to be them both at Once into Union Phase Integration

Until the mornings Light Of Day....


Phase Out
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
I wanted to flow into phrase a general continuum to articulate most prominent my own mood rhythm, just for curious act of putting into words an unspoken knowingness I leave out to hang upon my Space.

I am ready alert as soon as I bring awares to body, I localize and Identify

I am very upbeat, curious, open, observant. I ultimately will let my days activity find itself, because it so wondrously does, every time, to engage in discovery, puzzling, un~puzzling, analyzing, reflecting, and when a bountiful day...Concluding (Always knowing Conclusions are always momentary, discovery, revision, perception, all shift when "New" is incorporating).
I stay bouncy, flexible, studiously refining my personal understanding and then bringing my thoughts and ideas into life in my world to play and check it all out. It's intensive, solitary mostly, always surprise I will find in something.
So, basically, I don't get caught up in attachment. To emotion, perception, definition, judgement, decision, or situation. I am fully immersed in the moment, I just have found a fluidity in movement. I am passionate absolutely, but gladly walk my passion on and on so as not to collapse a density upon the objects of my passions.  

I'm not really a specialist, although I specialize, I enjoy a great variety, I am not afraid to explore and Try.

So, Gladly, I state to Clarify: I am humorous, positive, bravely alive.


“To see the world in a grain of sand,

and heaven in a wild flower.

To hold infinity in the palm of your hand,

and eternity in an hour.

We are led to believe a lie,

when we see with, not through, the eye,

which was born in a night, to die in a night,

while the soul slept in beams of light.”

- William Blake

Nassim Does It Better:

Between your thoughts is a silence which is the unified field, and when you become that silence, you become the unified field, and you become universal. Through the practice of non-attachment, and meditation, all of your troubles disappear because you cease to cling to the changing illusion of reality and you become free to experience what you always will be: pure, infinite, and universal consciousness.

All things already exist encoded holographically within the unified field, the structure of space-time, and it is conscious intention which determines that which is accessed and chosen to be perceived due to its own intentions. Nothing new is created, for it is already present within the field. And it is the highest level of our consciousness which guides us in the manifestation process we call life. We are all expression of the universe, looking back on itself as Nassim would say, and experiencing all possibilities within creation with our unique and individual intentions.

All that you want out of life is encoded within the field. Your intentions and your perception is what determines what you see and what you experience. In the words of Wayne Dyer, “There’s no place that God is not. If this God-force is everywhere, then it must be in you. And if it’s everywhere, then it must be in all that you perceive to be missing from your life as well.”
We are so many different things at so many different times I just think this is a version general and simplified.
nice to meet you
  Apr 2014 NuurSeraph
to be
a butterfly
       on a really
         windy day
A simple ponder....
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
If there will be a tolerating of a metered Tapping
Of finicky high pitch the flipping of flapping
If domino fingers find dancing refinement as pins in the roll of the promenade brigade

Then command to attention each private and captain, each Sergeant, lieutenant, Commander in Chief, and deputy director,  please seniors and majors...I've called an assembly, I'd like to keep brief.

To even presume some desire is pouncing, waiting in ready to Connect on Command, as if orders have issued external assignment, a repose from an otherwise comical stand.

There is nothing more perfect, and no one more clever, no motive for power 'scuse a Daft Rumour Spreader.

Just simply a-script from a quick keene observer, that was shoved to the seat like some kind of Sacrificial Meat.

In A-gaze, Stiff as Steel-Steering of hands
Gripping heat on the wheel in the front of this Monster Truck Madness Ordeal.

It's easy to jeer, laugh, joke and sneer from the drunk, detached comfort of Stadium Beer.

But, Wait, a Reminder!!
We are all in the Boat!
Don't yell at the driver
Then claim not to Float.

Oh, so I see, it's clearly
just innocence
do forgive me,
Cause it comes from the jarring, and scarring, manure in air, that boasts of boldly stout cheering fanfare, clamoring, yammering, death rally hammering, celebrating dirtiest, grittiest, most Carelessly Daring.

Why would the crowd be gathered if not to service-us with shocking engagement to consummate longing for Death's-Entertainment?

I've always found this sinister trait in human beings grossly Un-great.
Won't understand some strange, anomalous behaviors as absolutely peachy keen...actually they're quite disturbing and really Mean.
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
My circle, my Heroes, I ask for your blessing, I'm wearing my feathers, of an ancient Tradition.
I ask for Pardon , I saw the Hollow empty, I was rising into Tides with their spears, they'd thrown Plenty.
When I circled, my glance, I saw they had been waiting.  
I swirled to take in a little more, I burned freely in my rage-fed fantasy, just a couple verse...just what is needed I will Pour.
Sacred Churns, opened- Case, where there they've been , hidden Safe. Eternal Orbs of Light-use-Temple.
As when like Ancient Nights, in Tribal Ritual.
Shining as just is Clear as the Sky, Wings spread so as to Fly,
May coast above Surveyors, Safely
So Shall pass in Rays of Truth,
Cast Eye...
I felt an explanation was needed for that day past...It's a little late, but better than Never
NuurSeraph Apr 2014
I agree....just simply through my Experience.
I understand the fine tuning acquired & required as we unVeil New & refined Capabilities
~Waves of Revelation, surging inside of You
~ as you feel a Personal Amazement of all previous Moments ~synchronized~
Cosmical interconnectedness
The Entanglement
~that directed the bigger Picture of the a transformative situation
(Testing Ground).

I realize I gain in blessed gifts for my service through proper conduct, awareness through dichotomous states of Eagle Eye Concentration, incorporating full sensory ~Engagement~
... at the same time I Release a part of my Conscious Attention into ~Extended Awareness~
Bless my Befuddlement...I..I..mean I am having a recent frustration causing conflicting feelings about the role I see Myself contributing as in the Grand Procession of These Kind of Things....

I am mainly Elated , Honored, Focused, Excited, and, Well, gawddarnitt...*** me ma horsee ma...We's gots a good long ride, Theys'alls a'beans tellings....I hears
...just laugh with me...ahhhh
Phase In,Phase Out
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