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Aug 2021 · 134
Should I?
Numb04 Aug 2021
There are questions I often don't want to get answers.
I'm afraid that the answer would be the opposite of what I've expected.
Sometimes my mind would create stories
To give consideration to my hearts' fantasies.

Funny how we seek for advice
But in reality we only know the answer.
We just refuse to believe it ourselves.
For we are afraid of miseries, of the heartaches and a possible heartbreak 💔.

We keep on consoling ourselves,
Telling lies, believing the lies we feed to ourselves.
We are the one creating our own heartbreaks.
For we already know what's happening but we choose to continue on ignoring.

from frequent to less
From sometime to no time.
Accept that it was only temporary.
Just be thankful for the memory

I opened my heart
Let someone in
I welcomed happiness
But I know it comes with pain.

Now I ask myself....
Should I go on? Or
Should I move on?
These two option bring nothing but pain,
But at least I know where to begin.
Oct 2020 · 111
Never The same
Numb04 Oct 2020
She used to smile,
A smile that caught your eye.
She's once full of life,
That made you fell in love ❣️

You entered in her life,
She let you in.
She gave you love,
You paid it back with pain💔

She tried to fight.
She held on tight.
But you pushed her away
You chose not to stay.

She let you go.
Tears falling from her eyes,
Sobbing, with begging eyes.
And then you turned your back without sparing her a glance :'(

Days, months and years passed
Since you last saw her
One day, unexpectedly
You crossed your ways

You saw her.
Spare glance in her way.

She became more beautiful than before.
Then you started to regret.
Leaving her was a mistake.

You tried reaching her again,
Thinking she would accept you again,
But things are never the same,
For she already found the man in her dream.

From a far you're just staring
Saying the words "Never the same"

Her smile, they're never the same".
Her eyes, there never the same.
Her love is never the same,
It was once for me but now for him.
Treasure the things you have while you still own it.Not everything will stay the way we left it
Sep 2019 · 159
'twas all a Joke
Numb04 Sep 2019
I said the words
I was answered with laughs,
I conveyed through actions,
I was avoided without reasons.

I cried, I really did
I laugh that's how I pretend.

It was just all a joke,
that made this friendship broke.

I was sincere,
I made it clear.
You we're unfair,
made me believe a lie to be real.

Now you apologize,
after hearing my cries.
You want to compromise,
When you finally realize.

'twas all a joke,
but it made me broke.

Now everything is lost
We are now each other's ghost
Jul 2019 · 168
Numb04 Jul 2019
Everyone notice your laughs,
You stood out among'st the crowd.
Your like a picture of happiness,
In your world problem seems unexpected.

But when the curtains are closed.
Tears and sobs explodes.
No one's there.
Cause nobody care.

You fight you're battles alone.
You always tried to stand on your own.
But the continuous battles made you weary,
that made you forgot to wear your mask one day.

The crowd starts to wonder.
You we're just staying in the corner.
The constant chats and laughs,
Are just echoes of the past.
Jul 2019 · 162
Just an Option
Numb04 Jul 2019
I am the one you always turn to,
Every time the world ditches you.
I am always the witness of your late night cries,
I am always the listener of your lovers lies.

You keep coming to me,
When you can no longer take the pain.
You keep crying unto me,
When you have nothing else to see.

But when times that your ok,
The image of your back is all I can see.
Now your ok,
Your smiling unto the world, not to me.

It's sad and painful but true,
I'm just an option when it comes to you.
I can hear clearly your sobs,
but just the distant echoes of your laughs.
Jul 2019 · 411
Just so you Know
Numb04 Jul 2019
Just so you know how happy I was the day I met you,
You were like a star that I look up to.
Just so you know that you give me reasons
Reasons that gave me strength and motivations.

Just so you know that I only once loved you,
Just so you know that it was already in the past.
Just so you know I already cried enough,
Just so you know that I have now moved on.
Oct 2018 · 199
Numb04 Oct 2018
Why does a simple word
hurts like a sword :'( ?
Oct 2018 · 232
Broken Friendship
Numb04 Oct 2018
You are someone I call  FRIEND,
You are someone I truly trust and depend.
You are my cheer leader and comforter,
my life for you is always better.

Together we had failed and succeed.
You always give ,I always receive.
You lay you my problems,
You give me motivation.
I lost my hope you've given me motivation.

I never felt alone for I have you,
But things have changed between us two.
When I slowly learned of loving you,
you started avoiding  me too.

I was on the verge of falling,
but you haven't  any plans on catching.
I lost everything because of this feeling.
The bond that we had was now being broken.

I'm sorry if I betrayed you,
I crossed the line that friendship shouldn't go.
It was never my intention to have special feelings for you,
But what can I do ?
My heart longs for you.

It started with a friensdhip
But never ended into a romantic relationship.
Instead of a happily ever after,
It ended as two people back to being stranger.
Oct 2018 · 272
Numb04 Oct 2018
It was a cold and silent night,
When a girl lost her sight.
She cried and screamed with fright,
then there were arms that held her tight.

Why is this happening in me?
Why I'm stuck in a place where I can't see?
Is this a grace or a  curse to me?
It seems like the word is playing tricks on me.

Oh holy one,
Dear Lord if you're really mighty one.
If you really exist in this world,
then why does it seems you can't hear my words?

Then a voice answered her,
My dear I'm here your mother.
Don't judge him for faith is always tested remember?
Believe in miracle and have strength in prayer.

You may can't see but you can feel,
You still can hear and I'm always here.
There are still people who loves you everywhere
There's the Almighty Father no need to fear.

Just open your eyes and you can see,
The naked eyes can't see.
Think what happened to you as a grace
and all those sorrows in your heart will come at peace.

Have faith !
have Strength !
'cause after the night where there's no light,
comes the morning when the sun shines so bright. :)
to those who runs out of faith...Stand still keep hoping there are still beautiful things that are bound to happen...not now,maybe later !

#throw back high school...
#faithfulNUMB ;)
Numb04 Sep 2018
I pray for you to be happy,
         so that I'll be able to see your smile that completes my day
                  the smile that made up my late night fantasy
                  that smile that also makes me happy

                       I  pray that you'll find love
                      even seeing you with another
makes me hate the word FOREVER
for I know we we're never meant to be together

But every words I say as I pray
I know pain it's along loves way
But I know that in this Silent Prayer
That this hopeful heart will soon get better

I may now be in pain
But I know it will never remain
'cause  just like after every rain
Here comes the glowing sun again.....
#I'm now ready to let go.....
#Hellopoetry #escapeRoute

— The End —