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Nostalgia Feb 22
The tears that uselessly fall will never drown you.
They will only be a little misfortune in your day.
A puddle amidst the rain.
Something to see around you. Something to be expected.
Only to be avoided or stepped on.
So forget about it. Let time pass.
Let the sun shine and evaporate it.
A new day has come, embrace it.
Nostalgia Feb 14
The praise of death was a selfish desire.
You know this.
Yet the prayer comes every morning and night.
But, with no avail does your wish come.
So be it,
and let the desire eat you whole.
Nostalgia Feb 3
Go forth and be who everyone wants you to be.
Speak in tongues that aren’t your own.
Involve into hobbies that will deteriorate living.
Analyze them like a book and answer with an A+
Forget yourself.
And praise the new you.
Nostalgia Jan 25
I’m so tired.
But I need to be better.
If I am not,
What is the point of doing?
Nostalgia Nov 2024
I cling onto your comfort by a thread.
I know I’m too old for this.
But I don’t think I can do this without you.
I want you to hold me in your arms and tell me,
"everything will be alright."
I want everything to be alright.
I want to be a kid again.
I’m going to miss you.
  Nov 2024 Nostalgia
I cry
For fake characters in movies

I dream
Things that could never come true

I lie
To myself

I walk
To places only on the map of my mind

I jump
Into an invisible hole

And I miss
Things and people, when they're alive
A helpful note
Nostalgia Nov 2024
Tears fall out of my eyes when I don't wish for them.
I don't understand why I am like this.
Is it my fault?
Or is it yours?
My body aches with exhaustion
when I already have been sleeping for years.
I am okay
At least, I tell myself that.
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