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Noone May 2018
Your face is similar to the one in my dreams.
Could it be you?
My savior?
I m just so afraid to fall in love again!!!
Noone May 2018
How can you not care?
How can you be okay knowing that you have destroyed me?
How can you just go away?
How can you do that?
What are you?
Are you a human?
Do you have a heart?
Do you have feelings?
Did you ever feel a thing for me?
What was I to you?
Was it all a phony?
Why did you do that?
Are you never going to say sorry?
Are you even sorry?
Will I ever get the answers to these questions?
Noone May 2018
People say you dont expect when you truly love....
They are all liars, you see!
You certainly start to expect at one point
Maybe just a text
Maybe just a call
Maybe just a short coffee date
Maybe just a cute holding of hands
Maybe just a peck on your cheeks
Maybe just a quick tongue wrestling
Maybe just a sweet attention
Maybe just a tiny more time
Maybe just a little love??
Not much, just a little , you see!!
Noone May 2018
It's strange how time can change so quickly,
Just a month ago, I was in cloud nine
and now, I m in hell divine
My playlist has switched
From love me like you do
To gloomy sunday
Time is nothing you see,
It can make you feel so much, so soon
But you don't understand
Cause you are on the otherside of the story
You are one who got the attention you never earned
And I m the one who is not getting the least I deserve
"It has only been a while. How can you feel so much?"
These are the exact words you said
Well you are right, how can I feel so much
Why do I feel so much?
Maybe, I m just like that
A girl who feels so much, so soon
And end up hurting herself so much, so soon
Noone May 2018
There is a hole in my heart
You fired a bullet through it
The bullet got through
But the poison got stuck
The poison is engraved in the heart now
Making the hole grow bigger and bigger
People come in, try to fill in the hole
But now, the heart is in love with it
So it wont let go....
Noone May 2018
If I ever meet you again,
I just want to ask,
Why did you do this to me?
Please tell me why?
But I know you’ll stand there
look me dead in the eyes and ask me instead,
What have I done to you?
What have I done to you?

I won't have any answer to that question
I know I can't answer that but
Look into my eyes,
Look how lifeless they are,
They keep on staring at the blank,
At the ceiling, at the wall
Maybe you have the answer to what  they are searching for

Look at my smile,
Look how broken it is,
But it disguises me quite well,
Helps me to profess I m okay
Maybe you know a way to fix this

Look at my skin,
Look how pale it is,
I have been starving myself lately,
I don’t know what hunger feels like,
Maybe you have the answer to why I m not thirsty anymore

You have broken me into million pieces,
In such a way I can never sew them back together
I don't have faith in love anymore,
Relationships are ****
No, I can't trust anyone anymore
My heart trembles by the fear it will break again
My body fears the touch of a human
For it thinks it will be used again
My soul doesn't seek anyone's company anymore
It cannot endure the pain of separation again
After all of  this, if  I ask you why
You 'll still have that audacity to ask me back cold-heartedly
What have I done to you?
What have I done to you?
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