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1.3k · Dec 2018
Egyptian Satin
My epidermis is nurtured
In a pond of egyptian satin
I am sassy
I am classy
I am an animal little lassy
Dish me the treasure of your pleasures
Your tongue is my candy
Addiction so sweet ****** and dandy
Time ceases to exist in the abyss of egyptian satin
Hypnotized by dances of ancient latin
Screams torn at the seams
In tantric implosion
Let our sins disintegrate in our identities erosion
Salty sweat love potion
Thrusts deeper than the depths of the ocean
1.2k · Dec 2018
I got the whole world in my hands,
A woman existing in a diverse land
I thrive in a tribe a group or a clan
I crave and daydream to live in a nomad van
So much beauty to see in all shapes and sizes
So many stories to hear from all the  different lives'
The clear pristine river where the salmon dance makes me quiver in glee
The bears that eat honey and take naps under a tree
Cozy in their giant fur coats so content and free
From the California coast through the seven seas
What a variety of preference and what one believes
The red Sea full of legend and myth
The Indian ocean full of aquatic masterpieces in warm bliss
The iced playground at the bottom of the globe
Where creatures and humans dwell in insulated snowy abodes
What an experience it would be
To eat a banana in the rainforest with a monkey
The humid beauty where fruits grow so pure and abundantly
Giant insects that would send shivers down your spine
Such exotic berries to make a unique wine
What it would be to groove in a congo with the native African man
Where women are so dear and true to their fam
there is endless majesty in this little globe
How I do so wish to see it all before I grow too old
To sit in a rocking chair a mind ever so expanded
So Content and humble never demanded
The need or desire to gather pointless things
But memories everlasting for eons to come
Don't forget to Stop and smell the roses, there is  no need to run
I vow to always grow and expand ...
I am that I am mother Earth's number one fan
682 · Dec 2018
There's a whole display
Of an infinite array
The tither and tather
Please don't wither and wather
You are you unique and true
Don't compare yourself like a fool
They say to own your shade
Represent and hold pride
But in pride do they anguish
Failing to distinguish
The few unique colors
The shadow and darks
May we befriend them in Stark
Let us taste and feel the contrast
Without leaving my eye palette too abrash
Own your shade
Be-Dazzled in contrast
406 · May 2019
Hello Holo
What to write, when the words hang tight on the rope
The days are filled with possibility and endless hope
So many options and choices to be made
As my physical youth slowly fades
My mind a castle built on teal marble stones of bliss and desire
For what else am I alive but to build and inspire
Theres a fine wire that hangs from the head
Of the dusty old French maiden now an echo in the wind and dead
To leave a legacy or just to simply exist
As does the pretty fluffy kitten in the lap of a miss
We wander in wonder to learn the ways
Through keen wide eyes a curious soul does sway
A feather on a  bird, A dust in the wind
Holographic existence a  mango slowly ripened
Not hollow like all hollows eve
or a ghosts empty sleeve
holo like hello, lets get ready to take a dive
for today with a slow inhale we are alive
378 · Aug 2021
He said She said
He said this
and She said that
You pointed your finger first
You dared caste a curse
The jibber jabber, the senseless blabber
He said, she said
It doesnt matter who said what
Just shut up and hug and kiss
Forgive and let live
Forget it, forget me not

Oh the silly games of he said she said
Lets just pretend were cuddly cats who cant talk
372 · Jun 2019
Amen, oh men, oh man, oh woo man, oh women,
Its our bag of skin and bones, the way we make love to cosmic tones.
The life disguise, with masks and veils, trials and trails that do impale and repair,
The masquerade in all its sequence and glory embedded in delusions of despair .
A stride on a crystal clear river,
informality unformed, the enigma you radiate surely delivers the best of heart shook quivers,
in the poles coldest of nights and days my faith and hope warms the shivers,
mystery me mary carry they, the hopeless and broken to a violet flames new day
we think we must, and trust in the bust, the fear of the event is worse than the event itself
we do our **** near best to keep our thoughts in stealth
I dug and dig the sweat that poors in the ******* of the sun
The needle in the haystack will surely send the homeless man for a hundred mile run
I see the hawks that fly high in the sky with imperial focus
Above the elegant witches in their dance circles conducting a festive hocus pocus
My eyes are peeled to the back of my head to witness you my beloved omen
I live to witness your glory oh men in the omens
Merlin spill your omens
Ladies and gentlemen can I get a witness to these omens
312 · Dec 2018
What does it mean to be a man of hues
One day I am blue
Making love in two's
On Wednesdays I am purple
A little unique and bizzurkle
On Fridays I may be green
Feeling oh so earthy and lean
Who knows which Monday I am pink
Maybe a little stink but as cute as a mink
The heat that keeps me alive
my beating heart exudes in an array of color
Why taste the rainbow when you are the rainbow
I laugh, I cry, I get excited and at times burst as a volcanoe
I am simply man of hues Who possess' Friends and foes
At the end of the day I am just a heat made radiation
What aRe you ?
308 · Dec 2018
Elementally mental
To be or not to be...
What is it that is so captivating of a tree
The plants that stand in Noble stance
To have no eyes
But to see more than the eyes can see
To uphold a roof that all dwell under
Filtering the abominations in the sky
What would we be without air...
We must take time to slow down and care
The buffet for our lungs to sing what must be sung and to feed the flame of the Mighty bright heat of a fire that perspires to warm my flesh
An invention of the gods to make  variant dishes more edible that aren't so fresh
The  guiding light in dark cold nights
To lead me to the water that baptizes my organs to keep me floating in a mental elemental paradise
Oh how wise to recognise and appreciate the fate of the gifts in this elemental paradise
The soul glides through it's endeavors
The ether it's home
Come back to me and melt with the crone
283 · Nov 2019
Star Light Star Bright
Star light star bright
Wish I may wish I might
Surf the cosmos horizon tonight .
I paint a picture with my imagination
Wandering in wonder I am in liberation
From the sirius twins blue creatures
To the Pleiades radiant compassionate features
Sailing on to arcturus with immaculate inventions
I spread my love to Orion to aid in an ascension
Memories of Lyra and Vega are held tight close to my heart
Here in outer space the end is the beginning and now is the only time to start
Take my hand and let's take a surf in the astral
It's as easy as walking really truly quite practical
We are the hybrids made from the dust of stars
Time and space an illusion always home in the galaxies bizarre
My energy shall never be destroyed
It is with you great cosmic angels that I am employed
Many lives I have lived many more I shall give
I am nothing and I am everything
A small speck in the great sea of mystery and infinity
It is within you my love a portal I see
A mirror of me and of me is we
Ancient tides wash upon our shores
That we do so curiously implore
Cobwebs n roses unearthed from our cores
True valiant and radiant love entrepreneurs
May I be embelished in your quintessence and forever adore
The magic of the cosmos unfathomable creation
The cells in my body buzzing with great oscillation
The music of the spheres hums the greatest tune I have ever known
Vibrantly vibrating down my vertebrae to the rest of my bones
My body a vessel a shell and a car
My soul drives me, leading the way, always taking charge
280 · May 2019
Keep the river flowing
We must keep the river flowing
our vulnerability proudly showing
skinny dipping with no rowing
i feed the rivers flowing
with a tear or a sweat
we do our best not to fret or regret
what a day it was when we met
we shall see what the skies bet
as long as the river stays flowing
we will all float on with food for the growing
250 · Sep 2019
Tis the beginning of a delightful season,
I am inspired to hibernate from summers treason,
The young that run amuck, the partiers that don’t give a ****,
Are all put at ease in the brisk cold breeze.
I shiver with delight to roll down my long wool sleeves,
Nothing is better than sweater weather,
And Birds that cuddle in their blankets of feathers.
I feel revived as I inhale the fresh scent of rain,
The heat exhaustion has caused much sweat and pain.
Streets are adorned in colorful fallen leaves,
I bask in the smell of smoke flourishing out of chimneys.
We hold each other tight reading our favorite books next to the fire,
Warm mugs are filled with grandma’s fresh apple cider.
Our crockpot is full of our favorite homemade stew,
Herbal remedies on the stove are a brew.
The kitchens decorated with pumpkins and spices,
Ready to be carved, and turned into piesez.
We grow closer in our homes in this delightful season,
Cuddling by the fires and loving without reason.
234 · Oct 2019
My secret garden
My mind is a garden,
Can you dig it? Can you water it, tend it and admire its fluorescence?
My mind is a garden, I plant seeds, I feed, and I blossom
Sometimes fall comes and old petals and metals turn to dust to blow into the wind and hibernate in the ground with the moles
Comes spring, I am resurrected and refreshed, with roses, tomatoes and herbs galore  
My mind is a garden. Can you dig it, water it, tend it and admire its fluorescence?
The dirt is my canvas and my home, the insects are my friends
My little secret garden of endless ideas dreams and memories
Here I am at home and in love with my own secret garden
On the swing I built myself for me in times of need, I swing life away
In the paradise of my garden, where swans swim on my pond
And lillies sing their harmonious songs
220 · Jun 2019
Bittersweet Somethings
They say birds of a feather flock together
Well I was born an eagle you see
Enamored in loves glamour we hope it withstands forever
Our minds bedazzled dancing in fear and glee

My daydream used to caress me throughout the chaos of a day,
My eyes wide open wandering in wonder joyous in curiosity.
Do you believe in love at first sight, and new beginnings bounty in flowers may
Do you believe love is all you need in a worlds mess of a monstrosity

It seems the best things happen when they are least expected
The avid runner to the finish line of heavens pearly gates
To not expect the best or worst and just enjoy the eternal moment perfected
The things that were meant to be are never on time or late

And there it was, just a moment in space to turn a world upside down
Feelings that take took and shook a mind body and soul
Little did one know that the dream would be found
Little did one know the insanity of loves bittersweet toll

Some say you fall some say you rise in adorations bounty
It’s a bit of both that make the bitter nothing without the sweet
It’s the music in the air that makes us sleep soundly
It’s the flow of unknowing in which we intend to meet

A flame can burn too hot, as much as we enjoy its welcoming heat
The water can be too cold and overbearing as much as it quenches and delights
But what happens when fire and water lock stance and greet
An amazing unison of lifes yin and yang the worlds greatest sight
206 · Jul 2019
Consumed by reality
This love. Consumed by reality. I've lost all gravity. I won't tip my hat that easy. Too many sleezy greasys getting their hair lubed up too easy. Where's the mechanic to repair this despair and iron our lulus affairs, I'd like to smoke a cigar with the mayor and ask him of his cares. We can only hope that one day their wealth is shared. Life is just not fair that's why dance and prance and glance at a new stance of romance. We won't find the *** of gold until we take a chance. Tear up the pants. Take a second glance and look all around you, this is Paradise, climb a tree to see wise, come over at 3 I'll make you some rice, don't dare to act twice, once is enough to hear the Volcanoe rawr. The little weezles implore to conquer a new score, sit back relax and just soar.  I weep to sleep. Let's trash the creep. The hills to steep but this riselience is summit deep. The old Hatter takes her needle to sow and reep, classic skills to perceive so neat, you mustn't forget to wash your feet. Save your brilliance for in between the sheets. **** the Twitter birds tweets, too much blabber, not enough gladier., walkity walk walk, put a boot in your talk talk. A chicken goes boc boc, so shut it before you get **** socked
188 · May 2019
Lovers Poison
Eyes locked engaged and captured by one another,
A tunnel of timelessness created, evading the feelings of a lover,
Energy in motion, takes sail toward the sun of a beating vessel
A conquest that lays ahead, 3, 2, 1, goes the missile
Daring to feel and divuldge in your essence, I don’t care to know you
But bathe in your presence
Your status a mogul, a banker, or a peasant,
addiction ensues ready to get tyrant, nerves of my tongue
tickled in delight, euphoric releases to ease the body so creaky and tight
vulnerability makes its home in armor of the gladiators might
187 · May 2019
The young must grow old
We dance with numbers, random symbols of inked lines called time
In each moment a new eternal divine of a ride
The babe is released from the wet creatress’ haven
Blood vessels pumped mothers freedom forsaken
One heart becomes 2 the world presented with a new little roo
The phenomenal miracle, a creature so delicately full of delight
All eyes on thee to see which way wings spread to take flight
Words become sentences feelings identified
pain becomes inevitable, the curse of death begins
to see hear taste smell and touch all with a grin
communion in joys and agony with foes and friends
experimental paradise, for dust to continuously gather blow and mend
echoes of stories of the young that grew old,
tales always changing but remaining the same no matter how they unfold
the bones will too disintegrate and recycle into dust
you see it is the only fate one realizes must
179 · Aug 2021
The Tree of Life
To be or not to be, id rather be a tree
I am the tree of life
from the seed planted in the cosmic womb of wet soil
I have been sprouted from the raindrops of salty tears
I have been sprouted from the Sun rays of conquered fears
I am the tree of life

My seedling spreads its roots in every direction it can
My tree branches grow through storms and sunny days
From Kether to Chokmah to Binah we  unite power, strength, clarity, and understanding

The great forces of life are in harmony to anchor strife
Our branches extend to all 4 corners of the earth
Our growth through adversity re-creates the heavenly hearth
Oh come little bird rest your weary wings on my branches
For I am the tree of life
Born again I have sprouted from the raindrops of salty tears
I have sprouted from the sun rays of conquered fears
I am the tree of strife.
165 · May 2019
Eye Dea
I I Cap'n, my eyes are fierce
the window to the soul glossy with tears
i present you with 2 gold tokens a gift to the seer
who lives in the cave the dearest friend of the deer
hidden away in the fresh musk of the wooden realms friends
filled with visions and eyes of dea with no end
to see or not to see the cure to mysteries misery
my hungry mind could use some rotisserie
162 · Dec 2018
How we wander in wonder...
Some more daring to take a plunder
My breathe is my existential food
My emotional being is my attitude
I am alive to exist
Be it in sunlight or an abyss
The blood pumps through my veins
In a unison beat to the feet that treck the soils and the street
Informal to societal standard
All voices were meant to be heard
139 · Sep 2019
I care
I am a caregiver,
It is my duty to deliver,
To you the best of tender love and care,
May I help you in your time of need and despair.
You each have an amazing story to tell and share,
I wish I could hear them all and learn from your wisdom of life’s scares.
The battles you each have faced, the challenges you have overcome with grace,
You live to tell your own unique adventure through life,
I admire that your still alive with dignity and pride,
You made it through a long windy road of successes and falls,
I know your body aches but I am here to help you stand tall.
It cant be easy when your organs start to quit,
I hope you can find solace in your chair as you knit,
Reminiscing on your memories and the good times you had
Having a job where I can pay it forward truly makes me glad
Whenever you start to feel sad, I hope you feel grateful for what you did have
The many different careers you each had the opportunity to hold,
The families you created as you watched evolution unfold.
All the tears and laughter, that you can call your own,
Your things will disappear with you but the thought of you helps us to not feel alone.
I will do my best to be a quality caregiver as we prepare you for your next life,
You are only stronger and wiser with your battle scars that resemble strife.

— The End —