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268 · Apr 2014
A girl
A girl in love is
but a girl with
a broken heart...
....Now that's
******* scary!!!
265 · Nov 2014
Cause of you
I'm lying awake at night
All I'm seeing are pictures of you
As I close my eyes
I fade my way into the
last of my dream world
Its a place of trust
Would you meet me there
There's no time to spare
Come on show me you care
That you're believing
that here we can win
All of my dreams, are all I see
Try not to wake me, cant you see
All of my dreams are all I wanna see
Try not to wake me
Try not to wake me
264 · Apr 2014
It found me...
Scary thoughts roam through my mind
Scary shadows are all I find
Try to crawl down to a place deep
So that they cant bother me

Try to find a place to hide
They'll never find
Wont look inside

But to my dismay I'm not alone
they are here like I foretold
Nothing left to do but drowned
In the pain that I feel now...
264 · Nov 2014
Washed Away
Have you seen him walking?
Have you seen him trying
hard to breathe?
There's nothing left to lose,
when you've lost truth.
This road is worn with thousands of
my own footsteps.
I'm torn between the light and the dark,
my eyes can see no more.
Stop, you're moving farther and farther
away from the path that brought you here.
I've been watching you fall into the dark,
but this isn't the end.
When will you stop to realize
that this world is limitless?
'Cause you're far too strong,
and this love won't stop.
So tell me why won't you be there,
why would you take this away?
This bond is too strong to break.
263 · Apr 2014
My air...
you are my life
don't you see
with out you
I cant breathe
you gave me breath
yes you did share
now that your gone
I cannot breathe air
you are the life of me
it's just not fair
tell me how
I'm suppose to breathe
with no air?
What i showed beckyy, was for
her eyes and no one else
What i told beckyy
I only to her, And she never telt
What we did together
Was between us,
no one else Could see
When we both did something wrong
We came to each other
Just her and Me
But people are evil in this world
And like ******* with her mind
So now she has to leave
And find herself in her own time
261 · Apr 2014
Finally free
Don't weep at my grave
For I am not there
I've a date with a butterfly
To dance in the air
I'll be singing in the sunshine
Wild and free
Playing tag with the wind
While you think of me
259 · Apr 2014
With my whole heart
I love you with my whole heart
It hurts a lot when were apart
You are precious like the sun
Having you, I know I won
     I love you with my whole heart
     You are truly very smart
     From the beginning you were there for me
     I will give you the sky and sea
I love you with all my heart
My love for you is off the chart
With that beautiful smile of yours
My happiness always soars
      I love you with all my heart
      Saying this needs no rehearsal
      I love you with all my heart
      The love I feel is universal
258 · Apr 2014
Hear the tear
Did you hear
Did you hear
The tear
The tear
As soon as you left
I fell apart
And the tear you heard
Was my broken heart
253 · Oct 2014
...So Much...
Someone asked me
If I missed you
I didn't answer
I just put my head down
Walked away
And whispered
...So much...
248 · Apr 2014
Broken (part 2)
Broken, broken
Broken in two
Broken, broken
Because of you
The relationship
that we had so long
Just now realizing
that is was wrong
Being with you
a big mistake
Your feelings for me
were nothing but fake
238 · Apr 2014
No more
No more hurt
No more pain
No more clouds
No more rain
I will do my best
To try and move on
Because loving you
Was what i did wrong
No more tears
Nothing more to fret
No more sadness
No more regret
To you, I have Nothing more to say
I will move on
And have a good day
233 · Apr 2014
It just.....
It doesn't help
It never will
Just let is fall
Just let it spill
232 · Apr 2014
The human heart
feels things
the eyes cannot see
and knows what
the mind
cannot understand
232 · Apr 2014
Sweet dreams were broken
As I looked upon the sky
Hateful words were spoken
Though I don't fully know why

Silence the laughter
Everyone has gone
Leave me here
Let life roll along

Shut out the light
I don't want you to see
This empty existence
That encloses me

Close all the doors
Let no one in
The person you once knew
Is no longer living

Lock all the windows
Make this my cell
The dark is my prison
This is now my hell

Block out the sounds
Let life take its play
Because the me that you once knew
Is no longer here to stay
229 · Apr 2014
Night terrors
Drowning in loss
Drowning in sorrow
No escape
Impending doom
That lifts the blood from the veins
And brings it back down with an everlasting splash
I cant stop thinking about my baby
That I made hate me....
A dark figure that looms over me
No more hurting....
No more pain......
How I feel because I lost my baby
227 · Apr 2014
Just don't....
Never say I love you
   If you really don't care
Never talk about feelings
   If they arnt really there
Never hold my hand
   If your gonna break my heart
Never say say your going to
   If you don't plan to start
Never look into my eyes
   If all you do is lie
Never tell me hi
   If you really mean goodbye
If you really mean forever
   Then say that you will try
But if not....then never say forever
   Because forever makes me cry
227 · Apr 2014
Why listen....(part 1)
Why listen to that person say

"I wont hurt you again"

If thats all they continue to do??
225 · Apr 2014
Her voice is as beautiful as the sky
She's a singing angel up so high
Hearing her, your heart skips a beat
Listening to her voice, I feel complete

Her eyes sparkle like the stars above
She's just so perfect, can't get enough
When I see her smile, I instantly melt
My heart always feels so warm felt

There's something about her that makes her unique
She's god's best creation, call me a freak
She may be far away, but I just want more
She's exactly what I've been looking for

She will always have a place In my heart
There always was, right from the start
186 · Apr 2014
Like no other
Gentle and kind
Your on my mind
Sure and strong
Don't mind being wrong
So alive and aware
You always care
Open and true
You help when I'm blue
Friend and lover
Your like no other

— The End —