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8.6k · Apr 2014
I am bisexual
don't judge me
because there are many
of us out there
more than the eye can see
4.0k · Apr 2014
Forget his name
Forget his face
Forget his kiss
His warm embrace
Forget the love that you once knew
Remember that he has someone new
Forget him when they played your song
Remember him when you cry all night long
Forget how close you once were
Remember its someone else he perfers
Forget how you memerized his walk
Forget how you love to hear him talk
Forget the things he use to say
Remember that he has gone away
Forget his laugh
Forget his smile
Forget that he stayed awhile
Forget the way he held you tight
Remember that hes not alone tonight
Forget the time he loved you still
Forget he said he always will
Forget he said he'll leave you never
Remember the fact, hes gone forever
2.1k · Apr 2014
Horrific nightmares
Crying, I cant stop
Like a girl in a horror movie
Again I'm unable to wake up

****** red nightmares
That I cannot keep at bay
There not only darkening my nights
But now also my day

Terrifying nightmares
No hope of getting free
Because I'm battling them alone
Why did you leave me

Endless nightmares
For all my eternity
I can never escape this dark forest
And the demons haunting me
1.8k · Oct 2014
Losing you
All I have is you
It is all that I'm breathing for
All I need is you
Now I cant make it through
I am losing you forever
I am lost in pain without you
I am leaving ground forever
Now I'm lost in pain forever
Hi there everyone!
this more of a message
than a poem...

please subscribe or watch my videos on youtube.

My channel is: Everlasting Emo Goddess

check out all my videos but in this case
i just want you to check out my
latest ones and tell me what you think

My latest ones are:      Jeff the killer (with video clips)
and                                The slenderman (WITH VIDEO CLIPS)

Thank you guys so much for helping me out!
Please repost this and give me a starting chance st haveing a live youtube channel. i am highly greatful <3
1.7k · Nov 2014
The Crescent Moon
A crescent moon
Heaven loves a crescent moon
It is easy to adore
One this lovely. Even more..
It has made the darkness seem
Like a soft and silvery dream
Heaven loves a crescent moon
so much so, it can be torn
Angels tell me this is true
Between the nighttime and the morn
1.5k · Nov 2014
Have I told you yet
Have i told you yet
How much you mean to me
Have i told you yet
About all the happiness you bring
Have i told you yet
That you mean the world to me
Have i told you yet
Just in case i havent
Your the best thing that
Ever happened to me
And nothing will ever change it
1.4k · Jan 2015
Cut a rose in full bloom
Till he brings us to our doom
Till the fearless come
And the act is done
With this knife I take
Till we meet our fate
Till the fearless come
And the act is done
Upon time I strike
Chance to live? I might
Till the fearless come
And the act is done
A love like blood
A love like blood
inspired by the sing
Love Like Blood: Dead By April
1.4k · Apr 2014
Every night
before I go to sleep
I think about just you and me
the way we laughed
the way we  talked
the way we held hands
when we walked
the way you touched me
the way we kissed
you were just so amazing
like wondered bliss
but now as I lay here
and think of you
the only thing I can think is
...what did I do????
you accused me
but I did nothing wrong
only thing I did was love you
with feelings that were strong
I try to think pass it...
beyond all tears
beyond pain
beyond all regret that I have gained
but now as I lie here
under my sheet
all I can do anymore
is cry myself to sleep.....
1.4k · Nov 2014
Mirror Mirror
Mirror mirror on the wall
I just want to be noticed, that's all
Mirror mirror if I change my hair
maybe someone will start to care?
Mirror mirror if I wear different cloths
maybe I fit in, someone will know?
Mirror mirror if I cut my wrist
will I feel like I exist
Mirror mirror don't you see
what you say is ruining me
1.3k · Dec 2014
Every day I listen
And I listen hard
I try to block them out
And move forward
So there's one thing
I listen to and never forget
The drop chill beats
Of Dubstep
Dubstep--where you start the beat off
Dubstep--where you rise the beat up
Dubstep---where you let the tension rise
And then let the beat Drop
I love Dubstep
1.2k · Nov 2014
Today You Should:
Write something worth reading
Read something worth sharing
Say something worth repeating
Give something worth getting
Choose something worth keeping
Sacrifice something worth giving up
Go somewhere worth seeing
Eat something worth tasting
Hug something worth holding
Buy something worth treasuring
Cry tears worth shedding
Do something worth watching
Risk something worth protecting
Listen to something worth hearing
Teach something worth learning
Be someone worth knowing
I hate the way you say
you love me and you don't
I hate the way you say
you'll change even though you wont
I hate the fact that you lie to me
say false **** all the time
I hate that I still love you
its hurting me inside...
I hate the way you smile now
because I know its fake
I hate the way you pull me close
all my energy it takes
I hate the way you always
make me cry for you
I hate the way you say
you'll change even though you never do
Is because no matter what
I love you with all my heart
and all my might...
1.1k · Nov 2014
I Have A Headache
I have a headache
Go away
I have a headache
Ugh! the aching pain
I have a headache
Cant you see
I'm a ***** right now
Just leave me be
968 · Sep 2014
I blame myself
If i told you, would it change anything
Would you see me differently?
Would you still be my best friend
Would you be mine until the end?
Would you even care?
If i said you broke my heart....
How would you reply?
What about if you saw me cry?
You ripped out my heart
You didn't even realize it
i can only blame myself for it...
For thinking we could be more than friends...
950 · May 2015
She'll Never Notice Me...
I sit here everyday
And watch her say
She loves somebody else
I like all her pics
And comment when i cen
And Try not to creep her out
Hoping one day she'll notice me
But knowing tha she never will
Whenever shes down
I try to make her feel special
Texting her long sentences
About how "we" care about her
Even though i really mean me...
But someone better comes along
And says two words that sweep her off her feet
And I still Know
She'll never notice me....
How i feel abou my crush righ now...
909 · Nov 2014
Promise me
Into the fire on my own,
I know I won't see your face again,
Are you sitting there alone?
Are you thinking like me
of the laughing times,
of all the sad and loving times?
Everything that's left of us
is fading away
Promise me to think of us
as a time so wonderful
Promise me to think of us
still bright, still colorful
Promise me to look back at us
as a time in your life you enjoyed
Can you promise me?
promise me, promise me....
909 · May 2014
Theres nothing
I wont do
To spend
my life with you
Ill give my all
To you
I promise
That i will never lie
Theres nothing
I wont do
To spend
my life with you
Ill give my all
To you
I will give
My all to you
And baby, know
my love is true
You my one and only
ill be waitin, waitin,
waitin for you
You can be my homie
Ill be waitin, waitin,
waitin for you
Baby come and hold me
Ill be waitin, waitin,
waitin, for you
You can be my
one and only
You can be my
one and only
901 · Apr 2014
No one deserves (part 2)
No one deserves
To get treated like ****
No one deserves
That punishment
No one deserves
To be annoyed
No one deserves
That empty void
No one deserves
To be frustrated
No one deserves
to be irritated
No one deserves
to get picked on
No one deserves
To get treated wrong
No one deserves
This intense pain
No one deserves
Regret gained
No one deserves
To feel like me
Everyone deserves
To be happy
877 · Nov 2014
I don't admit it
I play it cool
But every minute
That I'm with you
I feel the fever and I won't lie
I break a sweat
My body's telling
All the secrets I ain't told you yet
I struggle to contain
the love that's in my veins
the way it circulates
If you could take my pulse right now
It would feel just like a sledgehammer
If you could feel my heart beat now
It would hit you like a sledgehammer
You're taken over the beat of my body
You just don't let up, don't let up
You're taken over the beat of my body
But you lift me up, lift me up
If you take my pulse right now
It would feel just like a sledgehammer
870 · Nov 2014
Find the right one
Be with the one that makes you happy
The one that makes you smile
The one that makes you laugh
And each day worth while
Live life for the moment
Try hard to make it last
Because life is so short
It goes by so fast
So when you find love
Dont let it slip away
Hold it forever
And cherish it each day
As long as you are happy
That is what you should do
Love that someone and let them know
No one will love them like you do
827 · Dec 2014
My percents
2% happy
2% loved
6% lonely
10% just gave up
10% ******
10% bracelets
10% gloves
9% irritated
20% doesn't give a ****
10% has nothing to say
4% stays silent
1% knows its better this way
3% hates you
3% hates me
?% is emo
that (?%) is Me...
another one like this on the way
826 · Nov 2014
Every night
before I go to sleep
I think about just you and me
the way we laughed
the way we  talked
the way we held hands
when we walked
the way you touched me
the way we kissed
you were just so amazing
like wondered bliss
but now as I lay here
and think of you
the only thing I can think is
...what did I do????
you accused me
but I did nothing wrong
only thing I did was love you
with feelings that were strong
I try to think pass it...
beyond all tears
beyond pain
beyond all regret that I have gained
but now as I lie here
under my sheet
all I can do anymore
is cry myself to sleep.....
765 · Apr 2014
Solve this:
Solve this riddle:

Whats todays tomorrows yesturday???

After youve commented and like this i will tell you the answer XD
715 · Sep 2014
The Crooked Man (part 1...)
There once was a crooked man
Who walked a crooked mile
He found a crooked sixpence
Upon a crooked stile
He bought a crooked cat
Which caught a crooked Mouse
And they all lived together
In a Little crooked house
He Met A crooked Woman
And found a crooked peach
They had a crooked marriage
On a little crooked beach
They had some crooked children
And they lived a crooked Life
The crooked man, the cat, the mouse
The children and The Wife
My version
What i wanted
Was sun
But instead
I got rain
What i wanted
was love
But instead
I got pain
What i wanted
was peace
But instead
i got hate
And from what i feel
I think everyone can relate
Inspired by Sye
686 · Apr 2014
Right through my lens
I see you clear
So far away
But still so near
Im zooming in
your getting close
I want to keep you
In this pose
I focus and
I take the shot
your walking by
cause you do not
have any clue
of what your in
ive captured you
under your skin
637 · May 2014
Your mine
                  ­                  me
feeling some type of way
there's no  
           ­                         me
hope you feel the same
cause there's no you
there's no me
there ain't no us
there ain't no we
it just cant be
don't you see
So why you tripping
Come on babe
636 · Jan 2015
How I Feel
Close Your Eyes
I can't be with you today
but if you close your eyes and think;
I'll be beside you in the kitchen
wearing your shirt - standing by the sink.

I'll be with you in the bedroom
waiting quietly on your bed;
Just close your eyes and think of me,
relive those memories in your head.

I'll stand by you in the bathroom,
an unlikely place to meet;
I'll smile at you so playfully
as I let you brush my teeth.

I'll be your light in the darkness,
shining steady through and through;
You only have to watch it glow
to know I think of you.

I'll be the music that you listen to,
I'll be there in every song:
I'll laugh with you and sing with you,
and comfort you when your day's gone wrong.

I'll be the wind that ruffles your hair,
I'll be that warm embrace;
I'll be the hand on your shoulder,
I'll be the tender touch on your face.

I'll be the clock gently ticking,
reminding you of the times;
We've shut the rest of the world outside
we're in our own world - yours and mine.

I'll be the moon as it dances
on the water cold and still;
For I have loved you always
and I know I always will.

Though you may not see me physically
as you live your life today;
Just close your eyes and think of me
I will not be far away.
632 · May 2014
I guess I'm trying to be
Nonchalant about it
But I'm going to extremes
To prove i'm fine without you
But In reality I'm
Slowly losing my mind
And I need to cast a smile
While Gradually Im dieing inside
Don't ask me how I feel
Cuz i wont tell you a thing
Cuz i don't want you to see
The fact that I'm suffering
Soo i wear a disguise
Till i go home at night
Then turn down all the lights
And then
I breakdown and cry...
614 · Feb 2015
The Mirror

They copy your every move.

Your every step.

Your every expression.

They are out to get you.

They are waiting for you to make a mistake.

They are the evil you.

You shouldn't trust the mirror.

That mirror, a mirror.

It's the evil you.

The opposite.

They say if you chant certain words, it will come out. You could come into their world.

Mirror world, the opposite world, underworld.

But only under one condition, you must do what they ask. You must obey.

Yes, there is another way, another option.


Don't trust the mirror.

Don't trust the mirror world, the underworld.

Don't trust yourself.
612 · Nov 2014
To everyone:
To everyone who reads my poems
I want to thank you all
You made me smile every time I saw
Your likes, your comments, and calls
You guys helped me realized a lot
Even though some used words that were hateful
It helped me open my eyes a little more
And in return I am most grateful
You all inspire me
Make me happy, put a smile on my face
And I hope that with my poems I can
Also do the same
So in the future as we all write together
On...and on....and on....
I hope that we continue to inspire
Each other and Everyone...<3
Repost this so that everyone has a chance to see
How grateful I am and how much this means to me <3 <3 <3
605 · Mar 2015
She Paints A Pretty Picture
But The Story Has a twist
Her Paint Brush is a Razor
And Her Canvas Is Her Wrist
She Paints Her Pretty Picture
Its A Color Thats Blood Red
While Using Her Sharp Paint Brush
She ends up Finally Dead
Her Pretty Pictures Fading
Quite Slowly On Her Arm
The Bloods Not moving through her
She Can no longer Do Harm
She Painted Her Pretty Picture
But Her Picture Has a twist
You See Her Mind was the razor
And Her Heart was Her Wrist
599 · Apr 2014
He's darkest night
on the darkest street
The haunting shuffle
of a strangers feet

He's the gnarled tree
and it's grasping vine
The ice finger
down your tingling spine

He's the shifting form
in a swirling fog
The glowing eyes
of the stalking dog

He's the wrenching creak
beneath your floors
As you dash inside
and bolt the doors

He's the fear
that seeps into your bone
When there's silence
on your telephone

He'll find you
when your all alone
He's spooky
and his face is never shone
569 · Apr 2014
No one deserves (part 1)
Have you noticed
anything about these words
They end with with "ing"
And there all things no one deserves
549 · Jan 2015
R~I~P SHAUNKEE 1996-2015
Time consuming
Life consuming
Pain takes over me
Mind consuming
Try ammusing
But funny ill never see
Very depressed
Even more stressed
What will become of life
I cannot go on
Now that your gone
There is no more light
I miss you a lot
I love you more
But i know that in the end
Life goes on
And so must I
Rest In Peace My Friend
My bestffriend shot and killed on new years day :'(
Look up the news story on youtube to know what happened

Look up: 2015 Springfield Homicide
537 · Apr 2014
Its Halloween! Its Halloween!
the moon is full and bright
and we shall see what cant be seen
on any other night

come with me
to the graveyard where
we will have a blast

we can see all scary things
like creatures in different masks

skeletons and zombies
monsters and ghouls
ghost and danger
its gonna be really cool

now I know ive made better poems
eesh I mean way better throughout
but when it comes to Halloween
the kid in me comes out
don't worry ill make a way better "ITS HALLOWEEN!" very soon XD
523 · Nov 2014
Don't always wear black
Don't worship Satan
Are NOT evil
Do not want to **** people
Do not hate everybody
Are not always depressed
Can be happy to
Are usually nice people
Are normal, just like you
515 · Apr 2014
When I look at you
and you look at me
I think we fit
But something else
bothers my brain
I wonder.....
Do you think the same?
Do you actually love me?
Am I wasting my time?
Is the relationship
we have just a lie?
Are you cheating on me?
Are you playing pretend?
Do you want to break up?
For our relationship to end?
Well while I'm thinking these
things, there's also one thing I do...
I think that you love me
The way I love you....
495 · Apr 2014
No escape
Wandering through the valley of emptiness
Haunted by old demons and knew
Trying to escape the loneliness
Can't stop thinking about you

Strolling over the path of a lost mind
My love for you is breaking me
Trying to find a way out but I'm blind
I shall never be free

Walking on memory lane
Can't seem to get through
My life will never be the same
Because I don't have you

Crawling through the woods of vulnerability
No way out of this bitter landscape
Because the emptiness is inside of me
There is no escape
490 · Apr 2014
Love is a thing
That is never tooken away
Its something thats blazes the soul everyday
Love? Yeah it hurts
we all know of this
But its also so many things
Like wonder and bliss
Hurt on the other hand
Feels so much worse
The feeling known as hurt
Is pretty much a curse
And why these words are spoken
Is because my heart is broken
This feeling isnt good
Because you have misunderstood
I love you, you are my heart
But now we are pulled apart
Forces fully unknown
Have somehow come out to show
But while we were together
I felt so much better
487 · Apr 2014
Must stick with you
Nobodys gonna love me better
i must stick with you forever
Nobodys gonna take me higher.
.i must stick with you
You Know how to preciate me,
im must stick with you my baby, Nobody ever made me feel this way..
..i must stick with you
481 · Sep 2014
The Crooked Man (part 2)
They were happy for a number
Of crookedly long years
Lived a life of crooked happiness
No worries and no fears
Until one day the crooked wife
Upset the crooked Man
He yelled a crooked yell
Then hit her and he ran
The crooked man came again
At the strike of twelve
That was when there crooked life
Became a living hell
There was a crooked man
And he walked a crooked Mile
And when he killed his wife and kids
He smiled a crooked smile
My version
480 · Nov 2014
NO PUEDO.......
467 · Aug 2015
Broke Down...
Let it out?..
I'm Fine....
466 · May 2014
Gotta Make It
Looking At you day after day I know I
Just gotta make it
just gotta make it
Just to the smile upon your face I know I
Just gotta make it
just gotta make it
Everything I do, I do for you and we
Just gotta make it
We just gotta make it
To the top of the world
Me and my girl
Just gotta make it
Just gotta make it
460 · Nov 2014
Shall Not Live In Vain
If i can stop one heart
From breaking
I shall not live in vain
If i can ease one life
Of aching
Or cool one burning pain
Or Help a fainting Robin
Upon its nest again
If i can only do this
And not think of
Personal gain
I shall not live in vain....
I shall not live in vain....
455 · Apr 2014
Dark hallways
Dark hallways
Have filled my mind
Shadowed thoughts
Are all I find

Traveling down
To a place so deep
Soothing words
I long to seek

Reaching blindly
I cannot see
Forgotten dreams
To set me free
449 · Apr 2014
The universe (part 1..)
The suns
The moons
The stars
So famous
Galaxy 1
3 and
Would just love
To learn more
All suns
The yellow
And blue
Makes me wonder about
How they do
Now mix it all around
And put it in reverse
and what do we have?
The universe
445 · Apr 2014
Every single day...
Every single day
I feel so depressed
And the thought of it
Makes me want to stress
...Sinse there's nothing
In my life to make me
Feel this way...
...Then I wonder
Why I act like this
Every single day...
...Mabye the things
I think about
But don't want to say...
...Make me end up
Feeling this way...
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