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Navita Apr 2020
This human spirit is nothing but ceaseless wonder
Encompassing in it all that it passes through
Never does it even once flounder
No doubt I always do wonder!

Reticent when it has to be
Adaptable as the situation seems
Unwavering to the call of duty
Full of admiration to nature’s beauty.

Malleable to human struggles
Fortified by ones foibles
Bolstered by inner confidence
Tepid to inconsideration.

Even as life goes through its swings
It slides and swings back to its bearings
Ah! What would this place be?
Without the wonder of this ceaseless spirit inside me!
Navita Apr 2020
I am the architect of my dreams
It is not all that difficult
As it seems.

It is up to me to multiply my joys
And leave behind my sorrows
As I build the castle of my life
Fortifying it with my strife.

I pave my path with concrete goals
Cementing it hard with what inspires
Moulding my actions
Even though I need to perspire.

My struggles gain a foothold
As I climb up the ladder
Through the tinted glass of vision
Can one see my aspiration.

All around can I see
The success of what I had perceived.
It was not always the same
But then such is the life’s game.

So believe me you are the architect of your dreams
You and only you can do what you wish to mean.
Navita Apr 2020
Really, excuse me, will staying indoors stop me
It might keep me inside
But my will to learn would never really subside.

But of course, you tell me social distancing
Is the norm now a days.
It might keep me away from my dear ones
But really! Excuse me for telling, we are bonded through our heart.

Don’t touch and be near the crowds
Definitely has a sign of foreboding to it.
But once again if you can excuse me
I am touched by the acts of generosity, kindness and humanity
Those acts crowd and cloud my vision
And prevent me from thinking just about myself.

Pardon and excuse me for this thinking
That this enfant terrible of a virus
Has brought us all together.
What could not be achieved by sermons and pleadings
Has been done by this dreaded unseen microscopic entity.
Navita Apr 2020
When the doors open
I shall rush out
Soak in the beauty all around
And have all the little pleasures till now out of bound.

I shall revel in the company of all
With whom I was distanced through these times
I no longer will take for granted
That tomorrow will I show them that they are equally wanted.

I shall enjoy the spirits so spry
That made times good and instantaneously fly.
Little things will have a big role in my life
That will help me move through any strife.

The day the door opens
I shall fly out
And never for a moment think
That my life could ever  have been on the brink.
Waiting for winds of change
Navita Mar 2020
A glimmer of hope seeps through
With each ray of sun that breaks in
Today is yet another day
Where I shall sit and mull once again.

Let me hold on to these rays
For I do not wish the days to pass
The nights seems unceasingly long
I lie awake to catch the golden hues
As it dispels the darkened wait.

Lifting my darkened spirits
Dampened soul
Hidden fears
And crouching persona.

I hold on to the rays of the sun
They help me tide over the night so glum.
Navita Mar 2020
Misty hues surround us
As the sound of silence envelopes us.

Tear-dried faces greet us
Bodies soaked in sorrow and pain meet us.

Relinquished human spirit opens the door
Unburdened souls walk in on that floor.

Indefatigable were we
Surrendered now we lie.

All covered in the mist
Of the uncertain tryst.
Still Mulling.
  Mar 2020 Navita
I am an artist
I draw my life.
I am a teacher
I teach my steps.
I am a doctor
I treat my destiny.
I am a lawyer
I judge my actions.
I am a builder
I build my success.
I am a translator
I translate my opinion.
I am a  photographer
I take  my memories.
I am a writer
I write my future.
I am a chef
I cook my mood.
I am a businesswoman
I manage myself.
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