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Thunder crashes
Lightning strikes
We are engulfed in flames
Golden streaks
Our hearts
Our eyes become
Our souls become
You and I will burn
But not soon
(I pray not soon, or not ever for that matter)
And in that moment she felt like crying
But no tears came
And she so desperately wanted to cry
"over a boy?"
They asked
And all she could do was nod
As she felt the
Work it's way
Life happens;
Let's start with that.
Let's add this to it:
Guys come and add challenges.
What can you do?
They text you, and you text back
They promise they're good and you believe it
They kiss you and you start to feel
They hold your hand and you start to feel more...
They tell you they like you and it takes a few days, but you eventually admit that you like them back.
And that's fine, right?
But then comes this girl who's prettier and most likely smarter
And he looks happy.
I mean, he's got his arm around her right?
And you sit there, like a fool,
Hoping                                          Praying
He still likes you.
But she's prettier.
What do you do?
Anxiety kicks in and suddenly you feel like crying, don't you?
I do...
But she's prettier
And he's most likely not drunk anyway.
But you like him
And he's said he likes you.
Does he?
You blame yourself. You feel stupid. You feel small.
Why would he like you?
Maybe you shouldn't have gotten attached
Maybe you shouldn't  have said it back; "I like you"
There are so many doubts and suddenly you can't think straight.
What is it? Who will it be?
Do you actually like me?
Does he?
And all she wants is
To be held
To have someone whisper
Into her hair
"I've got you"
And to feel properly
For who she was and who
She is and who she wants
To be
And to be allowed to remain a
Free spirit
And someone to get lost with
Someone to encourage her to be her better self
Someone to keep her head
In the clouds
And her feet pressed firmly to the ground
She does not want to feel overwhelmed
Or oppressed
But alive
And beautiful
Tell me, what do you want? What does your heart yearn for?
I wish I could ask you to teach me how to get over you.
It's a new year, and it's going great. So cliché of me to say, but it's true. Save for one thing: I cannot get someone new out of my head, even though he has given me good reason to. He avoids me while I search for him and probably goes for other girls while I sit and wonder about him alone.
(Version 1)
'twas said from Heav'n he fell
into blazing fire and tortures of hell
thine flames did lick his skin
and ash what stained his locks
'twas Love, that arson was
(Version 2)
'twas from Heav'n he fell
into blazing fire and tortures of hell
amber flame did kiss his skin
and ash did besmirch his wings
all for love of mortal ***** thine Angel fell
from Heav'n to earth for a blazing hell
This is a promise to you, Robynne Nataly La Rosa.
A promise that you will not let yourself down again.
A promise of Hope
And of Life
And Love.
A promise of Growth.
It is a Four-leaf Clover wrapped around your finger;
A daily reminder, now and forever more,
That you are worth more than you give yourself credit for.

This is my promise to myself;
To my Heart, to my Mind, to my Soul.
A promise of Hope
And of Life
And Love.
A promise of Growth.
It is a daily reminder,
This Four-leaf Clover.
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