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This is a promise to you, Robynne Nataly La Rosa.
A promise that you will not let yourself down again.
A promise of Hope
And of Life
And Love.
A promise of Growth.
It is a Four-leaf Clover wrapped around your finger;
A daily reminder, now and forever more,
That you are worth more than you give yourself credit for.

This is my promise to myself;
To my Heart, to my Mind, to my Soul.
A promise of Hope
And of Life
And Love.
A promise of Growth.
It is a daily reminder,
This Four-leaf Clover.
People should fall in love with their eyes closed.
But slowly;

Do not give too much of yourself away so quickly.
But slowly;

Let the wall crumble
Beneath their glow.
Let the ashes of the past settle
In their meadow.

Let wildflowers bloom.
And carefully.

Do not allow your soul to become ensnared too easily;
Do not let poison ivy grow.
Do not allow your waters to become polluted.

Fall in love with your eyes closed
But slowly;

Lose yourself in shades of hazel
See the blue of your eyes reflected in his shade of brown
But see beyond that.

Allow him to see the brown of his eyes reflected in your shade of blue
But let him see beyond that.

But slowly;
You refused to;
You weren't willing to;
You weren't interested in
Fixing yourself
And if you think I'm going to
Over a boy like you
Well then you've got me
All wrong
I used to think I won't go on without him. I realize I was wrong. Life goes on, the heart carries on beating and lungs keep breathing. Hearts bleed eyes tear, but we carry on because there's so much more to life than what we've gone through. I realise now that I can go on breathing, beating; living my life.
Today, I saw your face again
And I felt as though I were meeting you for the first time.
That first meeting of ours...
It was so pure
And I was so shy
And you could not take your eyes off of me
And I could barely look at you.
"He doesn't deserve your admiration"
I had thought
And today, I thought that again.
I never thought I'd bump into you once more -
Not until you were ready to let it happen.
But nothing could prevent Destiny.
And when I saw you, I wanted nothing more than to pull you in
And to taste you.
To feel your lips pressed against mine
Even if you would have pushed me away.
But it was that first meeting all over again
And I could barely look at you
And still that didn't stop you from looking at me.
We had hurt each other in the past
But all that is so easily forgotten when I see you.
And as we hugged goodbye, I wished I wasn't such a fool.
I wish I had kissed you.
I felt today was something straight out of a movie. And as much as I tried, I could not describe it precisely as it happened... But this will have to suffice.
To you: I'm sorry for all the hurt we've caused, but you know my love for you is constant and is worth so much more than those fights. And seeing you today... Though it flipped my stomach inside out and made my heart cry out and my head spin and eyesight sway... It filled me with joy. I could breathe you in for a few seconds and maybe that's what healing is. And I hope we meet again. I pray that we'll be together again.
I am no longer ashamed to admit this. You are my heart.
A Storm was brewing outside
And in me
Thunder crashed
And my heart screamed
Lightning struck
And my eyes were blinded
Rain pounds down
And I was beaten
The sky cried out
"God save me please"
And my bones grew weak and I bled out
"my love, save me please..."
While he stood and wept
"you'll be fine my dear"
And lightning struck his frame
And his wings lit up
He was too entangled in me
And we both choked on raindrops
And I replied
"I'll be fine if you will be for you are too much a part of me"
And suddenly I wished to know what it would be like to breathe you in
And to know what you taste like
And to rest my head upon your shoulder
And to hear your heart beat in my ear
Or to hold your hand as we drive through the night on an endless road trip -
The kind we both long for
With your awful singing that I know I'll love so much and your strange taste in music
And we are so far apart with nothing in common but our desire to explore
And I remember how I felt this all before and I realise how I want this all much more
Sun glinting off the waves
A knife carving on a cheek
Silver moonlight reflected across the still ocean
A silver scar creeping across her jawline
The sun creates a silver lake
The knife creates a silver stream
Her blood is gold
The wound silver
Her head held high
The sight blinding
People stare in awe and wonder
At the sliver lake created in her eyes
At the silver lake reflected off the ocean tide
The smooth skin made smoother from the blade
(my very own nonsensical poem)
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