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The farmers praise these days of rain.
We've had weeks of heat.
Now all will explode
In green.

As a child, I would build forts with
Hay bales and hide from
Tractors and harvesters
As if they

Were monsters. My imagination
Took me on rides that would
Actually scare me.

Everywhere. I find I do the same
To myself now. Watching rain on windows
With soft music on her speakers that are
Still here.

Our music. I think back on that time
In the bowling alley. I picked her
Up and bowled a strike with her riding
Piggy Back; she was

Laughing nearly hysterically.
Just laughing nearly
Hysterically against
The camera.

Did that really happen? I love that.
I praise these days of rain.
I've had sunshine for nearly four years.
It's time to grow.
It wasnt often but when I did
Ardbeg would speak in my stead
and Ardbeg then would rule my head
It would speak the words I never could,
the words that should never be said
She entraps me in her golden snare
her pungent aroma fills the air
and the level of the liquid there
slowly and surely drops
The words oft unsaid then leave my mouth
for Ardbeg takes control
and speaks for me
The amber nectar in that bottle there
took my soul then destroyed the love I had
She has now gone, taken part of me
but the Ardbeg still remains
We sat together, but not like
Ever before.
Our Lady Peace on repeat.
I'd written a post for Facebook
About us being over.
Stating that we'd agreed
(Half a truth)
To end it.

I'd helped her write one too,
And counting down from three,
We posted.
Changed our statuses from In a
to blank.
Then stood up and
Thanked into each other's
Last embrace.

Flag up as we went down.
No loud voices,
Only this mutual sorrow
And chocked sighs.
It was done.

Something inside us both looked
Up and asked
What the Hell just happened?  
I heard angels moan no...
I felt Earth shiver
At our death.

She'd asked her friend later
If ending it in such grace was
A common thing.
"Girl, you just ended your first
Adult relationship."

And she did. With class.
Tears of gratitude
For years of passion and
Friendship, and the music.

*We are, we are all innocent.
We are all innocent.
We are.
We are.
What can we tell of this eloquent man
Of the way the words flow from his magic pen
He writes of history, of legend and myth
Stories of family, of kin and of kith
Tales of the fields,  the forest, of sea
He pens the words  that we all love to read

Sverre never stop writing
Green and blue joined
By red cabins
Against them both.

Skies and fields.
She yawns under my
Hand on the train.

Outside the other window,
The ancient snake of silver
River; no longer the

Highway, as in old
Days rich with
Boats and flotsam.

I cannot see a cloud.

She's a cat in the sun through
Glass; stretching, slight little
Clicks of joints and bones.

Leans her head
On my shoulder. Smells of
Shampoo and Summer-

Is gone.

There are woods yet that
We're in.
Paths perhaps in shadows

We must walk
To get out,
Together. Still,

I cannot see a cloud.
I stand so still
With no crop to protect
I become centre of ******

Island of Field
Backdrop of multiple
Horizons behind me

I can't see you through
The black cloud
Of crows  

I can't hear you through
Flutters of wings and
Hoarse cries

How many birds and
A man will it take
To frighten you away

Dressed in living
Black to your white roses.
Six full chambers
Lined up in front of me.

Suicide roulette with
All fingers on triggers.

One shot in each foot.
One through each palm

(Like some self-proclaimed
Saviour's stigmata).

Double-tap to the chest;  
I need my brain intact

To form poems
As it all goes up

In flames, like a Buddhist
Munk in protest.
I am a giant.

Near blind with seeing too
Much and squinting
When speaking to

Clear the flowers from the window
And light candles for me.
Light me a thousand.  
So I may find my way home,
And we finally fall into
Each other.
Then light me another.

Use clear words.
Speak my language; I'm tired from
Bending my knees to
Hear. Show me that you'll listen,
Show me that you care
Enough to really

I am bigger than you.  
I'll keep you safe
Until forever.  

As long as you dance with me;
Work with me; play with me.  
I'm clumsy and slow, might
Break everything
Except your

Light me a comet of candles,
An army of angels
To show that you
Want me there.

Light them all.
I have nights
To maneuver
 May 2014 Bjørn O Holter
I'm Adam's atom
Taking up once empty space
In significance
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