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 May 2013 NDHK
J Drake
A father looks deeply
  into the eyes of his son,
He speaks soft and sweetly:
  "Child, my days are done."

"I've loved every moment
  From the day that we met.
The day of your birth,
  And I'll never forget,
You told me you loved me
  Without using words,
I gave you my heart
  And you gave me the earth.

"And though my life's ending,
   I want you to know,
This is the beginning,
  Of life on your own.
So hear me right now,
   With these final breaths,
And I'll tell you how,
   Your life shall be blessed:

Sing with the water,
  Dance with the bees;
Travel the world,
  And sail on the seas.
Learn to enjoy
  The moments you have;
For now is eternal,
  Yet time moves so fast.

"Learn to love,
  And love to learn;
Light your passion,
  And let it burn.
Reach someone,
  Touch longing lives;
We are all one,
  Together we fight.

"Let go of hurt,
  Learn to forgive,
Understand others,
  We're all new at this.
One day you'll see,
  You'll blink and wake up;
And then you will teach
  Your son to grow up.
 May 2013 NDHK
I Wish I Could Know Your Perfume Name
So I Can Put It On Me
Smell It
Whenever I Miss You
Especially At Night
Imagining You
I Love You
 May 2013 NDHK
To You Baby
 May 2013 NDHK
You came into my life
During a time I wasn't thinking of loving again
Days went by,
we became close
I fell in love with you
I never thought I'd love you the most.
You took me home in your car
Our hands touched
you knew that I love you
Days come and go, we got close
And you're the one whose on my mind the most.
When our eyes meet,
my heart skips a beat.
 May 2013 NDHK
 May 2013 NDHK
 May 2013 NDHK
Do you care about me?
Do you love me?
why are you so mysterious !
Why do I think about you constantly
you are killing me slowly
I want to say I love you
But I'm scared
I am still not sure of your feelings
Although I try to appear tough
Love me, hold me, kiss me
Please I’m begging you don’t hurt me
All I want is YOU
Life is very simple
Why can’t we all get along
Am I doing something wrong?
turn your back to people &
lets be forever together
who cares!!
it's none of other people's business
IT'S LOVE !!!!!!
When I’m with you I’m in ecstasy
We don’t even have to do anything & I’m the happiest girl in the world
just simply sitting next to you doing absoluotly nothing means the is the WORLD to me.
I just know everything is going to be alright
Your looks takes away all my problems and pain
You bring me hope
You bring me life

When I first saw you I have to admit nothing really moved inside of me
I didn’t knew you,
But what happened then
I was excited, maybe a new friend
As I got to know you
I knew you were someone special
You had a tender loving side that I grew to adore
I grew to love your unforgettably cute smile
The  smell of you
Your touches on my shoulder
Your ability to know when something is wrong
No guy has ever done that so fast
I never thought I’d be the jealous selfish type
I might sometimes show it, but I can't control myself
I can't hand it
it kills me when other girls talk to you
I just can't
forgive me .
I will give you a love that is unshakable and true

'''Trust Me'''
 May 2013 NDHK
Jon Tobias
The posted photo
made on somones computer
looked like loneliness
dressed as wisdom
and begged you to believe the fallacy

It said
Don't fall in love when you're lonely
fall in love when you're ready

You will never learn how love works
if you save it

give it away
get hurt
give it away again

Love takes practice

And even if finding my love
looks like the crackhead's
needle in the haystack

Know that my love isn't *****
You won't get sick from my love
It is just that my love has been used

And that is all that love ever wanted anyway
was to be used

It is not some Star Wars action figure
Meant to never be opened
to maintain value

Imagine Luke Skywalker's
Anger at you upon tasting fresh air
Have you seriously been keeping this from me?

Have you seriously been keeping this from me?

My love is pure
Been refined
by the filter of bodies
and coming back to me

My love is top shelf
but it is always free
Thanks Taylor
 May 2013 NDHK
Andreus Soprano
Gone for a while, but stuck in the moment
Try to hold back, try not to show it
Her unwavering compassion and subtle flair
I can't help but to stop and stare

That smile of hers is freedom's light
Timeless eternal, an endless sight
Beautiful angel, she is worthy of love
A true sign of the One above
 May 2013 NDHK
 May 2013 NDHK
A fish needs water
I need someone to love me
What's the difference?
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