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 Dec 2012 NDHK
 Dec 2012 NDHK
removed from the soil
tossed in a bin
washed in the devils sin
distributed to the masses
spewing his message
repeat when needed
or turn the page
 Dec 2012 NDHK
one breath away from falling...

as I inhale your scent

your hair

free falling fingers trace
the unseen bonds

between your heart and mine

teasing playfully
your smile

from sleeping lips.

Again my want of you or' comes my need to sleep

as I give up this night

to love.
 Dec 2012 NDHK
Leonard Nimoy
A silence with you
Is not
a silence

But a moment rich
with peace
 Dec 2012 NDHK
Krusty Aranda
We met some time ago in a very unusual place.
You were the first one to say hello, and give a small compliment.
When I turned and saw you, I knew you were unlike anybody else.
Those blue eyes of yours had a story to tell.

So we talked and we laughed, and we shared some thoughts.
We liked the same things. Heavy metal and such.
Poetry, literature, all kinds of art.
You were slowly digging your way to my heart.

I was hesitant about what I wanted to do.
I wasn't looking for anything, but along came you.
It was the right time. You were the right person.
You just gave me everything I wasn't looking for.

And I built up the courage to speak out my heart
not knowing what you felt for me at the time.
So I said what I felt. I said "I love you".
You just added a word to make it "I love you too".

That is the way our story began,
and it's still going on. I hope it gets far.
Despite all the bumps we find in our way
I promised I'd love you forever and always.
Yeah, I love her that much and more... waaaay more :)
 Dec 2012 NDHK
Violet Wade
 Dec 2012 NDHK
Violet Wade
Our words weave between us like spider's webs,
Beautiful traps,

Strong, silk like sinews
Threading a dangerous lace

And I am caught
In the web of your promises,
Hanging helplessly

Whilst you spin ceaselessly
Around me
Preparing to **** out

Every last breath,
Every last protest.

But you needn't imprison me,
I have been yours from the first
Smile I saw pass your lips,

From even before your lies of love.

Perhaps it is only neurotoxins
That make me quiver and shake,
But you course through my blood

Like moonstruck tides
And I am yours, willingly or not.
 Dec 2012 NDHK
my love
 Dec 2012 NDHK
oh may i tell you one last time,of this far away place in my mind
where you and i can run, love and play, exclude the world and try to find
the truth in our hearts and be forever young.

the feeling as you touch me cripples my senses, if only for that moment
your breathe reawakens me to that everlasting sting of your siringe of love
if i can only pull that out of my body, and show you, you don't need to do it twice.
 Dec 2012 NDHK
 Dec 2012 NDHK
whisper me that thought again
of how we're meant to be
when you said let us not make this a fantasy
let's make it reality for eternity
 Dec 2012 NDHK
i see them ,hand in hand , people with spirit of the season, with the spirit of their lives
joy in their hearts and joy in their minds but alway escaping me
trying to capture it but it always seems to elude me
as a child and adult never finding the wonderment that this seasons brings
I see the lights and look in my mind and hope that I will be one of them
the ones who smile, laugh and emjoy the moment but I do not find
 Dec 2012 NDHK
 Dec 2012 NDHK
empty hallways, forgotten voices
pictures hang, dusty and off balanced
cobwebs spread from door to mirror
a young rat scurries past the broken floor

his picture still hangs over the fireplace
a spider runs down his well-shaped nose
each brush stroke is thick and sculptured
the dust collects as sand dunes

the whole room seems mysterious
books of occult line the paint-chipped walls
the windows cracked the night air blows
dead trees peer down on slamming shutters

the old house creeks and cracks
howling doge are echos of past crickets sing songs of last dreams
this house, this ledgend infinte
captures one's mind as lonley and hideous
remembers it's myths fools false illusions
under the now dim light of the moon
spooks creep silent footsteps
his spirit surrounds the acre
truth and lies untested question
of how he lived alone from living
 Dec 2012 NDHK
 Dec 2012 NDHK
as the evening streches out across the sky
winds calm with the emerging stars
eyes of the night,i am alone.

sad retreats pass through my mind
emptyness drains from these hands that held you
i know you had to leave on that quiet night
but you could have stayed till the morning light
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