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 Jan 2013 NDHK
Theodore Roethke
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
I feel my fate in what I cannot fear.
I learn by going where I have to go.

We think by feeling. What is there to know?
I hear my being dance from ear to ear.
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.

Of those so close beside me, which are you?
God bless the Ground! I shall walk softly there,
And learn by going where I have to go.

Light takes the Tree; but who can tell us how?
The lowly worm climbs up a winding stair;
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.

Great Nature has another thing to do
To you and me, so take the lively air,
And, lovely, learn by going where to go.

This shaking keeps me steady. I should know.
What falls away is always. And is near.
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
I learn by going where I have to go.
Black etched, heavy clouds
Fell thickly off the mountains
A roiling cauldron
Dropping, down, down and over
The motel's glowing neon
 Jan 2013 NDHK
Megan Grace
Your hands felt
like home and
they told me things
you wouldn't with
your mouth
 Jan 2013 NDHK
Danielle Jones
Confession I: I want to be with you, not just around you. I want to lie with you, gently tracing the thoughts from my head into yours. I want to follow where your limbs go, with my lips, like a map or the north star leading me to your most beautiful valleys and mountains. I would collaborate with your collarbone and back to mine, allowing a skin bridge, a focal point, to show how inherently beautiful you are.

Confession II: I want you out of my head, but not out of my life. I have teased myself into a conditioned state, a procedure that no one should ever live through.  I tripped over myself, and then over you, and I just want you the feel some electricity gathered at my fingertips, nose tips, please just kiss me. Kiss me like you would with your bent out of shape, looking for escape, lover. I could show you a thing or two about pleasure and how to love another woman just as much as you could love a man.

Confession III:  I hope to apologize in the kindest manner, see some of your exposure – I’m trying to lift composure out of ten thousand gallons of saltwater.  I know you have collected nothing but bitter – I just want to be sweet to you.
Copyright 2013
 Jan 2013 NDHK
Francisco DH
When I saw you make your way towards the door
My stomach went all weird
I felt a tingle, first small than a bit more

My friend has told me that it is nothing but obsession
But would I get this tingle in my stomach
This feeling that makes my cheek warm
This feeling that makes me look away
This feeling that I call love

I felt happiness when my eyes rested on you
But then sadness overcame me like a sickness
Showering with me sorrow
For I know I can only look but never touch

This sorrow that hangs over me like a cloud
Is just the constant reminder
But then that feeling turns to Jealousy
When I see you hang around and cling to that person
I want that to be me but I know that it will never be me  
I feel like ripping them from your arms
Like tearing them to shreds for being with you
But.... I can't

I love you and I know it is true
Why else would I feel like this with you
Why else would I look at you and just dream of resting upon your chest
Why else would I feel like you are my whole world, the sun, the moon and the stars

I want you but I can't have you
So I just stay at bay.
Wanting for this love to be a two way street
Not just one way

But it won't
So I love you but it's not returned
 Jan 2013 NDHK
 Jan 2013 NDHK
its so interesting to see you again
standing behind me in the mirror
why have you appeared again
i thought you vanished forever
what's your ploy,what game do you play this time
do you miss me, miss us, or are you
happy tortureing me every once and a while
with those puppy eyes and teasing smile
i have moved on you know.just like you
so your perfect whisper won't work anymore
your siren voice is a mere echo of the past
as i wipe the steam away from this mirror
 Jan 2013 NDHK
silence is what i heard when you slid into our bed
coldness is what i felt when you kissed my head
the distance between us is no mistake as the pillows can atest
my head turned, looking at the wall, wondering
remember me when you lay in his arms
as the tears creep down your cheeks
the guilt is yours, not mine anymore
i have made my plea for forgivness to you
i guess revenge is not your style
 Dec 2012 NDHK
eyes see
looks feel
hearts speed
skin reels
touch tingles
minds mingle
lips embrace
fingers trace
beds soft
spirits aloft
energy spent
dreams content
 Dec 2012 NDHK
 Dec 2012 NDHK
oh you what can i say, you captured my heart and can never release it
the beauty of your soul, the way you move, i wont allow it
for i am gifted with an angel, or so it seems, your glow will guide me
on my journey to destenies unknown. if i falter will you be there
to lift me up and brush the soil of life off me so i may continue to
were i'm not sure, or will you release me and let me be a man.
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