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 Jan 2013 NDHK
 Jan 2013 NDHK
only in the quiet, when darkness creeps in on me
can i truly reflect, and let my mind wander so free
thoughts that come to me at the speed of light
so siffting through them is a peerless plight

each one tempting, saying, pick me, pick me
so i navigate the ones i truly beleave
and i try to put them in a coherant phrase
and trust in you to interperate your way

for these are not truthts or lies i spew on this page
only a starting point in hopes you'll engage
so there, i have given you everything you request
so its your turn to tell me, or forever let it rest
 Jan 2013 NDHK
Victoria Jennings
I want
To prove
That bright
Colors and I
Simply don't
Go well together.
 Jan 2013 NDHK
Victoria Jennings
It wasn't  because
I found you attractive
It wasn't  because I found
You mentally desirable
Or because I found you
Sexually Wonderous
Its not due to the fact
That your kind and funny
I didn't know any of that at first
I loved you
Because the first time
You looked me in the eyes
My heart skipped a beat
And I just knew
You were the one
I'd spend the rest of my life with.
You stole my heart at first glance then everything else fell into place
When I said ' I didn't love you' what I really meant was ' I'm terrified.'
The love I have for you sent me running out the door because I knew from the minute I laid eyes on you, this was it for me.
You were my one and only, my freakin' knight and shining armor.
But I ran, I ran so fast that I forgot to look back at all the moments we had together.
Although they were short, I cherished every second.
The fear of another heartbreak sent me chasing after loneliness.
I couldn't bare another heartache, my heart wont survive.
I know once I dive into your love, I'll never be able to get back from it.
You'll be one disease, I can never truly recover from.
When you said you loved me, I ran because I was too scared but I guess the question here is, *why didn't you run after me?
Philiphobia: fear of falling in love.
 Jan 2013 NDHK
 Jan 2013 NDHK
the most beautiful thing i ever created is all grown up now
                              her smile bend's men's knees and leave them in a child like state
                              her intellgence will overwhelm those who want to coverse
                               the glow of her being can lite the darkest nights
                              her voice can calm the hardeat amomg us, a true gift from above
                              and a unrelenting love to all mankind
 Jan 2013 NDHK
 Jan 2013 NDHK
the glow around you has turn cold as i approch you
       your eyes stare past me and i am confused
       i reach for you but i am blocked by some unseen force
       an emotion unfamiler to me. what is this i wonder
       i ponder is this love affair of the century over
       our years together just a lie,a deciet to **** time
       why you wait for something better to come along
       or will you discard me like an old pair of jeans
       that just don't fit right anymore.
       your silence does'nt help, perhaps my goodbye will
 Jan 2013 NDHK
the dance
 Jan 2013 NDHK
so you ask me to dance,and i asked forever
                                    you replied, if you can handle me
                                    i asked do you have the stamina
                                    you laughed and said here we go
                                    fifty years later, we are still dancing
                                    together though our lives
                                                          i love you
 Jan 2013 NDHK
 Jan 2013 NDHK
                                                      the unrelenting cure of feelings
                                                           that torment my mind
It is storming out...and within...
The type that rattles the soul and stirs the senses...
And, within me, my own tumultuous sea roars, rages...rises...
I relate... to the wind...
Whirl ...with the waters...
Crash... with the the thunder...
Alive ...with the lightning...
We are kindred...This bewitching night and I...
The sensual staples of a cavernous soul are never truly enough...
Mere sustenance... is not satisfaction...
Wanton ...not well-wished...
Part... far from plenty...
And as we reel with the reeds...Twirl with the treetops...Mingle with the mud of the earth...
I am grounded...undone and whole...a walking, talking paradoxical phantom...
To connect to a Mother Earth...when mother-less...I am if in the womb...
And as the floods of ambiguous emotions recede...pull upon my being...
My ankles soul mingles...with humanity once again...the calm and calamity...
Oh, How I miss the stormy sensations of Oneness...It is as if to scale the height of the seas themselves...
And's  bitter bottom...
© Nancy McGinnis - Roberts 2013
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