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 Feb 2013 NDHK
for you
 Feb 2013 NDHK
i think it would do you well, my dear
                       not to glance at me that way,my dear
                       for i am not what you percieve, my dear
                       i can't be your savior, my dear
                       i  can't even save myself, my dear

                       the softness of your body, my love
                       cushions my aching heart, my love
                       your warmth radiates my senses, my love
                       your scent surrounds my mind, my love

                       just holding you this way, my dear
                       knowing were not alone, my dear
                       creates an unwavering feeling, my dear
                       of love eternal, my love
 Feb 2013 NDHK
oh little baby, let me lay you down
                                              on you bed so soft and soothing
                                              comfort your cries, you no not why
                                              through the night, you calm and breathe with ease
                                              a little fidgeting here and there
                                              rolling over once or twice, a dad's concern
                                              as the morning sun rays
                                              filter through the shade's i check in on you
                                              and to my astonishment, a beautiful woman
                                              has emerged from the night
                                              so grown and independent, you walk past me
                                              kiss me on the cheek, and simply say
                                              thank you dad.      
                                                                        i love you
 Feb 2013 NDHK
 Feb 2013 NDHK
gently waves tickle the shores
like sirens fingers motioning
me to come join them

gentle breeze wraps around me
and holds me in a trance
my eyes staring at the horizon

oh those noisy seagulls
with their happy chatter
searching for what they desire

and what is my desire i ask
or am i like them, searching
the horzion again and again

perhaps i should get off this rock
and return to the world
and realize i am me
 Feb 2013 NDHK
 Feb 2013 NDHK
your  memory comes to me time and time again
relentlessly bleeding the love for you from my heart
will you cup it in your hands and bathe yourself in it
deep in your pores, resisting all those who may wash it away
for they are not true to you,  they are only vampires in the night
seeking every droplet, ******* you dry, then moving on
but i am your sunrise and your sunset, and every moment in between
i am the constant that is your life
Do not stand at my grave and weep..
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awake in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft star-shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry..
I am not there. I did not die.
 Jan 2013 NDHK
Christina Rossetti
When I am dead, my dearest,
  Sing no sad songs for me;
Plant thou no roses at my head,
  Nor shady cypress tree:
Be the green grass above me
  With showers and dewdrops wet;
And if thou wilt, remember,
  And if thou wilt, forget.

I shall not see the shadows,
  I shall not feel the rain;
I shall not hear the nightingale
  Sing on, as if in pain:
And dreaming through the twilight
  That doth not rise nor set,
Haply I may remember,
  And haply may forget.
 Jan 2013 NDHK
 Jan 2013 NDHK
ok, i need to go in, i know he's there, let him not see me till i compose myself
ok i'm at my chair, working hard, oh no, he glides past me, concentrate i say
to late, his aura is to strong, need to look up, our eyes meet, smile you fool
watch him move by, heart racing, gaze trance fixed,concentratei say whew.
 Jan 2013 NDHK
more than money,
more than intellect,
more than power,
more than knowledge,

it is the conscience,
that makes one a human being,

it is the conscience,
that makes one Love.

Conscience is Love.
Love is Conscience.

Love overcomes ego,
Love overcomes lust,
Love overcomes attachment,
Love overcomes greed,
Love overcomes anger,
Love overcomes fear,
Love overcomes death.

In the end,
Love hurts, Love is painful, Love is revolution,
this is when we get God.
 Jan 2013 NDHK
Nebulous the Poet
I can't look at you
'Cause your beautiful beauty
Tantalizes me.
Don't really prefer doing haikus, but thought this one might be worth a shot.
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