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Wynnefred Mar 2021
How does it feel
When you think
You can't be loved
Or you won't find love
Or love isn't for you
Things you don't know
Love is for everyone
You will find love
Love will find you
We all find love
We all do
Just wait
Waiting don't I'll
It won't
It may make you
Want to run mad at times
But you won't
Because it will find you
When you least expect
Wynnefred Mar 2021
being in love
What is love
How does it feel being in love

you want to feel it
I want to feel it
I think am in love
in love with just not myself
I think am in love with you

never in my life
did i ever think
i would say this word
but i said it anyways
am in love
Wynnefred Mar 2021
Falling inlove
You thinking
there wont be fight
And you not knowing
You have to try
Leaving incomplete
Thought was the best thing
It never will
It never can
It never was
There will be fight
Misunderstanding too
But knowing
All over again repeatedly
When it comes
It will be you and i
You and I
To try
To fight
Because we do not
Want to be like them

— The End —