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Mysterious Aries Oct 2016
I've been a fan of faith at most of my life
Until a sharp dagger took the life of my wife
"She's at blistering cherry shaded hell" They've said
Upon intentionally milking her skin's liquid red

I've been so busy giving holy bread to other
If only to my family I've given that time rather
My preferred fate will not be like this
Holding the same evil dagger that cut my wife's wrist

I will follow my sugary honey
Who always sing to me she's okay
Not knowing her voice a recorded audiotape
Her immense pain shrouded by smiley cape

I've been busy showing to others the bridge of heaven
But now I've chosen the road to unforgiven
Where I will meet my alluring sweet scented rose
I will search the land of hell from coast to coast

But seems the sun read my foggy mind, knows what's within
Suffered from heart attack first, before the dagger kiss my skin
Not the way that I want it, but I will see death just as the same
Memories fly, but I've never forgotten my wife's name

Finally, the darkness switches off the light
Praying to be in hell with all my might
Alas! What a shattered fate
I'm in front of an indigo colored sad heaven's gate

Mysterious Aries
Mysterious Aries Aug 2016
The dove is not ready to fly
Not ready yet for goodbye
Many dreams must to fulfill
Have shown not his best skill

The dove is not ready to fly
Oh please! Not today, not tonight
Must freed what his life embraced
The hellish art made must be erased

The dove is not ready to fly
At this time he will not reach the sky
Hadn't yet shared the delicious bread
The new wisdom fathom hasn't spread

The dove is not ready  to fly
Tears are flowing into his eyes
The dove is not ready to take wing
From his dying body and bruised skin

Mysterious Aries Jul 2016
You are the one

Who let me see the sun

Gray is not always be

The color of the clouds

That the nature plows

Whites and oranges I could see

Because of the heart shape

You've sketched in me

For you my dear, I've learned

To save for rainy days

Valued what I've earned

You truly gave me strength

To face the war of any length

Like I hold an arrow and a bow

Because of you I've answered

Many questions how

You gave voices to my song

Come with me sing a long

I don't care if our tune is wrong

My blood, my skin, my all

I see it within you, my soul

Indeed you are like me, my child

Whenever I think of you

Simply, I smiled


Mysterious Aries Jul 2016
In front of a tree
Kneeling down
Who do you see
Whispering words to the air
Teary eyes
What have you shared

Then, the unexplained happened
Out of the blue
Seems birds are singing
Simply for you
One branch of the tree
Extended like arm
And the leaves
Turned into
Some magical hands

Touching your hair
Caressing your back
Oh, my! This is impossible
My eyes are under attack
I don't believe in holy ghost
This is just a dream
Nightmares catches me almost
Into its raging stream

So I just close my eyes
And when I open it
Indeed, my eyes didn't betrayed me twice
The man that I saw is gone
Nothing at all
But the tree and me

The journey of the night
Reaches its dawn
I did not unlock the bolt
I still have the key

Now I wonder
What will happen
What would I see
If I've tried to knelt down
In front of that tree

Mysterious Aries
Mysterious Aries Jul 2016
Creator of the mysterious wind
To you I’m humbly praying
Whisper to me
Soft and breezy wisdom
Enhanced my understanding
Mysterious Aries Jun 2016
There was a story

A life that I know

The legions of brainy

Flocked down below

They were gifted

Yet they were cursed

A mind that was heavily talented

But wrongfully nursed

Yes, they have straight A's at school

And seems to be tracking the right way

But a machine with a missing tool

At most, they are looking for a needle in a stack of hay

The action of nature

Easily creates them a scar

A sensitive player

Of every life's war

They were great at concealing

Their collection of pain

You can't even see them crying

Even in front of the rain

If you only knew

What's the color of their mind

Closer to insanity blue

Playing with rope, knife and gun all the time

Simply alive because they flow with the wind

I hope this simple note will let the world know

Hugged every gifted child, truly embraces their brain

Thus the legions of brainy won't flocked down below


Mysterious Aries Jun 2016
Let this be no dream
The emerald leaves are dancing
A lovely night, the birds are singing
While I am swimming at cupid stream

If it was a dream
Don’t wake me up from my slumber
The moon and sun embrace each other
Crafting a beautiful gleam

But this is not a dream
I can feel it all, few inches away to heaven
‘Coz of this, all sins committed to me are forgiven
What a lovely a scene

Was she just a dream
Touching, kissing her reddish lips
While I saw my body deeply sleep
Oh Please! Let this be no dream.

Mysterious Aries
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