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Mya Dec 2024
I count each day
Until we hit that magic age
That brings you back to me
And we laugh
About the time spent apart
The torments faced alone
Silent achievements celebrated in solitude  

Fast forward to a time
When we've healed from the wounds
We inflicted on each other
In tender moments
Of misguided passion

I'll meet you in the space
Where sorrow and anger have no hold
And time has created the distance needed
To fade the agony of memory
And bring only joyful remembrance
Don't you remember what you said that day?
Mya Jul 2017
It wasn't too long ago that I thought I'd never forget your face
Now the color of your eyes have faded
And the soft tingle of your lips on mine has pasted
I can't recall the way you smell
Only faintly can I ponder your smile
As the days pass by
I wonder how much you'll forget of me
Maybe that's all I'll be to you soon.
Mya Jun 2018
This lake sings to me
Saving me from the depths
Of the other waters before it
Thank you, Lake Michigan
Mya Jun 2017
The only thing I want to be addicted to is love
Too bad liquor is cheaper
And easier to find
Mya Mar 2018
Your legacy
Will be a new set of scars
Mya Aug 2018
I know I'm late
For 11:11
But I wish
You'd come back home
Mya Jan 2017
I traded in what could have been
For a long line of maybe laters and sheets
Stained to the brim
With only what a blacklight would love to find
Either blood from my heart or from the hearts
Of all the dumb fools before me
Mya Oct 2014
Its all the same, no matter where you go. You still have people jumping off of bridges and putting bullets in their throats. Nothing is ever going to change. And me, thinking I could make a difference, isn't going to change ****. I couldn't do a **** thing. I've been living in a wonderland. But you know what, I’m not Alice. There is nothing at the end of my rabbit hole but the abandoned hopes and dreams of a broken girl.
Mya Mar 2015
Hard love rips you apart
And leaves you for dead

Passionate love eat you up
And boils you to moosh

False love cuts deep
And lets you bleed out

True love glides right in
And saves you from all the others
Mya May 2018
I want to live in these moments of misery with you forever
Because they're the only things we have left
You dropped everything else along the way.
Mya Jan 2018
Every tree needs leaves
So allow me to shade you
Mya May 2018
His hands aren't as rough
And his fingers aren't as long
Your lips are softer
And you always tasted sweeter

He'll never hold me as tight
His arms aren't as strong
He's warmer than you in the night
But doesn't call for me like you did

He's never going to be you
And that's hard
I'm never going to get you back
And that's the hardest pill to swallow
How long must it take for love to truly die? How long did it take you to let go of me?
Mya Mar 2017
You make me feel a special kind of high
Like the sea in the eye of the storm
In all the chaos my heart can rest

Youre sweeter than ice cream
Melting in the heavy sun
and sticking to my heart

Like the funniest joke in a lifetime
I want to keep on laughing
Every second more dear than the last

Youre a sunset
For no other reason
than you make me smile

Promise me something
If we become shapes
That we'd be a circle
Only so you'll always
be a-round
Mya Sep 2017
The way his smile carries me is delightful
His personality is intoxicating and heavy
My heart bleeds for him
We are close, but in no other way than the soul
Which in its purest form,
Is nothing more than every essential piece of a being

If he were a color, his body parts would be all different
Such a profound concept
Wrapped up into flesh and bone
Its almost hard to believe- in a human mindset
The universe delivered him to me
To guide me to where I need to be

Thank you,
          You know who you are,
and I love you, in a certain way, for all you are.
I fall in love wrongfully with those who don't understand. I hope you can see where my heart is actually at, and know what just I mean.
Mya Jul 2018
Forever let my fingers trace your spine
Dot to dot- I'll draw every line
Your soft, sensitive skin
Smells - where have you been?

So many words flying
The rooms spinning and I'm crying
Your words slam to the floor
With your hand on the door

Oh god, he's leaving
My already widowed heart grieving
What can I say
to make him stay

"I know its not you- its me!"
What a desperate plee
Rooted in lies
Something more ugly, than all of our highs

"No, it's not you,
that's not the least bit true"
But with each of his sighs
I see in his eyes

It's the end
And for us, no longer will time bend.
Mya Feb 2018
What is love
If not many?
Hearts are trinkets just like everything else.
Mya Jun 2018
Because if it's not one thing! Its another!
She screams and her words crack the floor beneath her.
I'm a horrible person- I ******* get it
They, trapped in a single body, throw their arms up.
Their words were faint- but heard.
I don't know how to love!
His remark shatters the sky
or how to be loved
those ones shatter her heart as he holds the other boys hand in the photo of his phone screen- where she once belonged
You don't understand that!
She said throwing the clothes her mother got her from the /mens/ department out the window
I'm battling demons that nobody understands
he looks in the mirror one last time with the glistening escape hanging ever so slightly off the edge of the sink
In a soft other worldly whisper,
Heard from everywhere,
Because it comes from everywhere:
Nobody will ever understand
Happy Pride month! I know it's an odd thing to say after the poem ends this way but trust me, no one understands. But there are those who try. Regardless of gender, identity, sexuality, or mental abilities- everyone is important and loved. Nobody may understand you now, but that's because you haven't found the right somebodies. Keep looking. This life can be worth it.
Mya May 2018
But tonight
He will soothe my aching heart
And take up the empty space
On your side of the bed
Mya May 2018
I want to hurt you with this heartbreak
Like you hurt me with this false sense of love
Mya May 2018
Trying to survive you
Will be what kills me
Tortured right up to when the last drop of blood hits the soil.
Mya Jun 2018
Even quitting cigarettes
Was easier than quitting you
I might just be an addict after all.
Mya May 2018
Maybe things
Are moving kind of fast
But maybe
That's because
The universe finally thinks we're ready
Mya Oct 2018
Of course I love you
But love is not as consuming
As pleasure.
I need that pleasure
To continue to love.
And if I cant get it from you
I'll just have to take it form him.
Nothing will please me more
Than him rolling in my innocence
And tearing my flesh apart.
All while knowing
You're none the wiser
Mya Sep 2018
Dont let the right time
Lead you into the arms
Of the wrong person
And it may happen time and time again. The universe moves constantly but never any closer to the right direction.
Mya May 2018
I've smoked more cigarettes
Than calories I've consumed this week
Maybe the starvation will make me pretty enough for you
Mya Jul 2024
Well, I have done a lot of searching
and I know now what I deserve.

I won't get stuck in a trap
of second guessing myself.

If this causes something
that cannot be repaired
I won't live with a shadow
of looming resentment.
Mya Oct 2018
I cut my tongue
to bleed out the words
you've been dying to hear
but even in these final moments
of curt existence
you're still not satisfied
And that's a pain worse than death.
Mya Nov 2017
Close your eyes, sweet prince
When you rise in the morning-
The dragons will be gone
Your burns will have healed

This light of the new day
Paves another path to glory
Rise now!
Your prince(ss) still waits to be saved
Lands yearn to be conquered
Life begs to be lived

Therefore, give up not!
Yesterday has beaten you down
But tomorrow will crown you King
Not all princes need a princess
Mya Jul 2018
We're all self-destructive at heart
This practice is an art
That we've perfected
While emotions are left neglected

Come now, come now
I guess I could see how
Such a past
Would stick and last
But it's not healthy to dwell
Inside this hell
You trap yourself in

Maybe you're right but people are people
And no amount of praying under a steeple
Will save a soul
Or help wanderers know
How to thrive
Or keep tender moments alive
We'll destroy what we can't control
Just to fill a hole
And I'm afraid I'm joining the herd
Mya Jan 2018
I let the embers turn to Ash
I'm letting you go
As I believe you've long since done to me
You destroyed most in your path
But I've found the Vallie
Nascent and lovely
Her joy for me sings with grace
In the silent moonlight I can hear her calling
I could only ever hear your flames raging
and burning
I'm finally ready to heal
and I'm going to let it be by her fields
Mya Nov 2018
Your name
Is so blood thirsty now
It can no longer
Cross the threshold of my lips
Mya Dec 2024
Do you still write?
Or did your words leave
When you did?
Mya Dec 2018
Here I go again
Waiting for my player two
To join in this game
that I have no chance of winning
I just want to end this level.
Mya Jun 2018
The rain last night
Washed away my sins
What's going to wash away yours?
My tears perhaps?
Mya Jun 2018
I want to love you again
But tonight my lust is stronger
So that will have to do for now
Mya Jul 2018
On this climb up from broke
I hope I don't slip and choke

There's no escaping this noose
I found the golden goose

I think the greed has changed me
Haven't recognized myself lately

See, I sacrificed love for money
But paper don't taste like honey

So I sit here numbing my mind
Forgetting all I left behind
Nothing can touch me now
I rule the world- so bow
Mya Oct 2018
Have you ever
cried so hard
your teeth rattled
and your body shook
So much so,
that you were convinced
without a doubt
that your entire being
would crack and crumble too?
and my cries cause earthquakes.
Mya Dec 2024
They don't want to see you
They want to see you bent
Twisted and contorted
Into something unrecognizable
A thing only worthy
Of their pity
Mya Jul 2018
I should probably stop drinking
And probably soon

I should probably stop myself
From drowning in a bottle by moonlight

If I were wise
I probably would
Too bad I drank away the last cell to care
Mya Apr 2015
I'm fine with the way I am
I'm happy with me

All of the broken bits of myself
The leftovers of perfection
Torn down by those I loved

All together burn bright
To make me who I am

And I love her
Mya Sep 2018
Oh Love,
As I watch you fall
all I want is to offer my hand
and raise you in your glory once again.
It pains me that I cannot.
You know as well as I
that the flesh of an angel,
cannot withstand the sting
of a demon's touch.
I wish you luck through this journey of flames.
Mya Jun 2018
Perhaps I was wrong
Maybe on my own
I am not a complete person


Maybe I had given
So much of myself to him
That I only feel complete around him
Because my body aches
For the return of those pieces
Mya Nov 2017
He touched me and the sky lit up
Blue had a meaning once again
Clouds could gather
To accumulate and rain down
Once again
That essential hue

They hit the ground, bringing life
Green dominated the land
Complimenting the sky
Brining further colors in the voice of petals
In this presence of new life

I began to thrive
Mya Jul 2015
From heart string to heart string
We tug and we pull
We rip and we tear
Only with heartbreak to spare

From fist to fist
We swing and we punch
We hit and we miss
Only with bruises to bare
Mya May 2018
You can break a heart
But you can't taint my soul
From heaven to hell I fell- wrongly for you.
Mya Nov 2018
I'm falling for you
And my heart cant take it

Girl, I'd ask you to stay
But I know you'd break it

I'd give you my heart
Straight from the start
But that's not smart

You're the girl
With the lovely face

And I want to hold you
In my tight embrace

Far sweeter than the ***** I chug
You sting less than any drug
Yet on my chest you slightly tug

With a smile like that
Girl, you're the devil

All I can do
Is sit here and revel
Mya Mar 2017
Come walk with me to the place of dreams
Let us dance forever in this silver lining
The diamonds of my dress glistening
Off the light of the stars in your eyes
Let the music carry us
While your arms pull me into the sun
With endless skies ahead
and many galaxies to come
We could be eternal
A love-sick romantic who can't get her head out of the clouds. Forever my eyes will keep dreaming.
Mya Oct 2018
I never thought
you ever fought for me
Until now
as I see you still on the field
Fighting a war
that someone else already won
But I'd rip an army apart to start over again if it meant I could be with you in the end.
Mya Jan 2018
Night after night
Of crying in agony
because of you
Now I spend my precious tears
Giving them to the moon
and wishing for you back
Mya Sep 2018
Darling, please,
Lay your head down
Even on my shoulder

Curl up nice and warm
Grab the blankets
And my arm

I'll fight the demons away
If only for tonight
You don't need to be strong

Your fight is over
The war has ended
Its time for me to save you

Close your eyes
I'll hold your head
It's time for you to rest
And let this all be forgotten.
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