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234 · Feb 2019
I'll probably never quit
Mya Feb 2019
Why is it hard to catch a cigarette?
Because its impossible
When you chase one
After another
It's a filthy habit and an even more dangerous cycle.
234 · Jul 2018
Drinking Problem
Mya Jul 2018
The whiskey is not as sweet
When you're not around
234 · Feb 2015
This Love, This Hate
Mya Feb 2015
I hate you for every time you've held out your hand,
as you stabbed my back

I hate you for every time you told me it was okay,
when it wasn't

I hate you for every time you made me cry,
even when I didn't want to

I hate you for every time you hurt me,
just so you could feel strong

I love you for every false smile you've ever given me

I love you for every warm moment you wrongly gave me

I love you for blinding me from the painful lies

I love you for letting me forget the world as you destroyed mine

I love you for hurting me so you could be strong
Mya Sep 2018
There is no sense,
or evidence,
that we should at all
call the world peaceful.
Mya Dec 2018
What the ****
Am I to do
When everything
Comes back to you?

You leave me beaten
Like you do
Always my heart aching
Black and blue
Forever and always my love.
Mya Sep 2018
Some birds leave for the winter
It gets cold and they fly away
It's how they survive

But some of them
Fall in love
Before they go

They survive seasons and storms through
Just waiting until they can return
To their summer home and comforts

But as they fly back
On tired wings
Do you think they remember their love?

Because after this long winter between us
I don't recognize you
Your feathers are ruffled yet beautiful as ever- but your song is all wrong.
231 · Apr 2017
Hateful Knuckles
Mya Apr 2017
The patterns of coughing up blood at 3 a.m. will have to stop
One day you will have to see yourself in a reflection
Maybe in a puddle or in a mirror
And realize that it is time to surrender
Be brave and take the knee
Give yourself up to all that breaks you down
Each moment thereafter is not of weakness
But of rebirth
Your once concussed mind will thank you
The sigh of your lungs should be enough to tell you
Your fight is over
230 · Oct 2014
Mya Oct 2014
Life is having something; hope, light, dreams. Something that keeps us going. Love, friendship, anything. I know this is life. I know how the game is played. I'm not playing to win, I just wanna reach the end, I just wanna be able to say I played and made it out alive. I know this is life, and I know how I will reach my end.
230 · Nov 2017
Lackluster Lulliby
Mya Nov 2017
Her hands melted right into mine
The perfect fit, one of a kind
I was gifted the words in which to speak
The flavored sentences to make her weak
Too perfect to exist, God had made her
Lust had consumed me, Satan her sender
But lust had to be my least worry
When my heart departed in a hurry
It leaped right into her sweet soft eyes
Without any warrant or comprimise
When the hell will I come to realize
My heart wishes for my own demise
But yet another chance I give, to my own
229 · Dec 2016
Whispers in the Night
Mya Dec 2016
I could hear you talking in your sleep
Your lips quivered as you whispered those words
My ear perked up and my legs began to quake
What was it you said?
Say it again, louder for me?
But where your lips failed to speak
Your heart recited the lines
With each trace of my fingers over your skin your heart screamed
And I knew it was screaming for me
225 · Jul 2017
Do I Even Know Anymore
Mya Jul 2017
I'm sorry that it ends this way
I just had to leave
Before we boil in sin
My heart cannot be conflicted
By one raw material and
From things not of this world
Running as my feet blister
Only to keep them from melting
Lucas, where did you go? I keep searching but I only found comfort in another. Your riddle keeps my mind on you but my love on another. However, the answer brings me back. For reasons I cannot explain I miss you. Your smile is a trap, even your words condemn me, but your laugh is the key. What ways my heart is tangled; in, around, between, and through this chaos.
224 · Aug 2018
After the Sun Sets
Mya Aug 2018
I know I'm late
For 11:11
But I wish
You'd come back home
223 · Jun 2017
Ode to the Alcoholic
Mya Jun 2017
It was wrong to call you on your crap
Karma will do that soon enough
223 · Jan 2017
Soft Ice at Sun-Up
Mya Jan 2017
Gleaming while melting
Slowly dying, but with grace
To melt is to move on
It is to become something new
A time for change
Much like the sun rising
Each morning the same result
Yet the colors continue
to dance a different dance
       -So will you
Mya Mar 2015
Being ripped open
Again and again
Over and over
Can sometimes
Be the only way to heal
222 · Jul 2017
The Difference is....
Mya Jul 2017
Love is a chemical reaction
Its the rush of things mixing in the brain
The sweaty palms and achy legs
Nights filled with lengthy texts
Leading up to the risky three words:
"I love you"

Lust in a physical desire
Its the rush of rolling in another's sheets
The sweaty bodies and shaky limbs
Nights filled with screams of desire
Leading up to the routine phrase:
"Let's ****"
217 · Jan 2017
Immune to Your Romantics
Mya Jan 2017
The only time he holds my hand
Is after he ***** me until I can't tell
Where one inch of flesh meets another
The numb feeling of knowing I'm being held
Without knowing where
As hot flesh melds together-
It's not as if it mattered anyway
217 · Jul 2018
I love you, Clyde
Mya Jul 2018
The goal was to be loaded
With my pockets now bloated
All my old friends have noted
To something new I'm devoted
And he's more dangerous than the heist
216 · Jan 2017
Oh Violent Sea,
Mya Jan 2017
Please be calm
Open the eye of the storm
To see the pain this brings

Settle now and let the sun rises again
I need the light to guide my poor soul
Help me off this wreck and to know
To know this mess of a sea within me
Mya Dec 2018
The taste of stale cigarettes
On her lips
Mixing with the stinging cherry
On my own
Is a flavor I'll probably never forget
Or trade for the world
213 · Dec 2016
Melting Sin
Mya Dec 2016
He pulls me in close to his heart as he sleeps because I know
He craves the sensation of my skin pressed against his own
Yet little be known I crave it worse than he does but my lips will remained sealed to protect those hearts
212 · Feb 2015
Love me? (10w)
Mya Feb 2015
"I never did." he said as he walked away forever.
211 · Mar 2015
The World
Mya Mar 2015
Sometimes I let my mind wonder
And it can be dangerous
Because in a world so horrid
It's all too easy
To get lost in a world in my mind
A world
Which does not exist
211 · Jul 2018
Natures Course
Mya Jul 2018
I'm bound to slip
Is it you- who will be there to catch me?
211 · Jun 2018
Question 26
Mya Jun 2018
As the sun kissed my cheeks,
I being to ask myself,
am I worthy?
I would like the sun to be the judge and jury in this case.
Mya Oct 2018
It's something you got
From a fickle girl

Just an apology
Not common of her character

The words you never heard before
Out of the blue
A radical shift in behavior is just a further sign of manipulation. Changing tactics as you catch on. You're biggest mistake is that you always underestimate her.
Mya Jul 2018
Writing in prose
allows me to freely say
without needing to rhyme
or sugar coat it in metaphors
until the point gets lost in imagery
Did you ever have a sweet tooth, or attitude?
209 · Mar 2015
Mya Mar 2015
As for demons and devils
Keep them
I have my own
Mya Dec 2018
You were supposed to be
my hero.
So then tell my why
in the face of the fire and flames
you left me to perish alone.
A damsel should never need to save herself but I'll be ****** if I let myself be destroyed while waiting for you.
208 · Jan 2017
What do they call this now?
Mya Jan 2017
I will give you my hand
Listen to your demands
Only in these second hand moments
I'm yours
My hand in these times doesn't guarantee
Only for as long as God and other like him
Can bare to watch
Before even they must turn away
From this less than graceful act
That we will forever give our hands to
During those makeshift meetings
207 · Dec 2018
My last hope
Mya Dec 2018
Is that you never blame yourself.

Becuase it wasn't your fault.
I love(d) you.
205 · Jan 2017
The Sober Heart
Mya Jan 2017
When you live your life through a sober lens
you have to open up your heart to all the hurt
and the hardships
that are going to come with it
but when you open up your heart it leads
to great things
you can feel love and joy and you can have
the help and the company of all those around you
Living life for the sober soul is more than just living to feel pain
it's living so you can feel all of the great things
that come along with being alive.
And if you can't open your heart
to even those piercing feelings
how do you expect to feel anything ever again?
204 · Oct 2018
An Exchange
Mya Oct 2018
Of course I love you
But love is not as consuming
As pleasure.
I need that pleasure
To continue to love.
And if I cant get it from you
I'll just have to take it form him.
Nothing will please me more
Than him rolling in my innocence
And tearing my flesh apart.
All while knowing
You're none the wiser
Mya Jan 2018
Every tree needs leaves
So allow me to shade you
Mya Nov 2018
Your name
Is so blood thirsty now
It can no longer
Cross the threshold of my lips
Mya Jan 2018
My face wasn't the one you saw
When Life became too much to carry
...doesn't moving on feel good?
202 · Jan 2020
Something Lost
Mya Jan 2020
Remember when we would
fight so hard to be happy
Now its like
we don't know the meaning anymore
Mya Oct 2018
I feel like all of my dreams
Random as they may be
Are trying to tell me something
They all want to circle back
And connect in some cryptic way
I'm terrified to death becuase
What if
Every dream is actually a nightmare
And what if all these nightmares
Take me back to you?
So I lay awake at night to avoid closing me eyes and seeing you- 'loving' me. My insomnia is more loyal than you ever were.
201 · Jan 2020
Good Bye!
Mya Jan 2020
Some people sit there
and just make excuses.
But not me.
No, not anymore.
I'm not making any more excuses.
I'm making progress
and I refuse to stop growing.
201 · Jul 2018
Before my innocence is lost
Mya Jul 2018
I should probably stop drinking
And probably soon

I should probably stop myself
From drowning in a bottle by moonlight

If I were wise
I probably would
Too bad I drank away the last cell to care
199 · Jan 2017
The Spirit of the Second
Mya Jan 2017
There are no words to describe a spirt
They are not if this world
Therefore words of this world
Do not do such spirits justice

I know this only after his spirt touched me
Right there in the smallest of moments
It happened in the space between seconds
Only as the Earth stopted in the breath before the blink

The strength of his gaze
The energy behind those twinkling gems
If only he knew the power he held
What actually lived on within himself

His spirt was something profound
It is a shame really that I have no other Earthly words
To describe this heavenly warrior
Who's own passion he has yet to fully realize
199 · Mar 2015
In the Heat
Mya Mar 2015
And eventually
Even the Snow
Has to melt
Mya Mar 2018
Mi alma debe ser perfecto
Con buena salud
Mi dolor es bonita.
198 · Dec 2017
Mya Dec 2017
The troubles of being the plague
Come with only finding love
From lepers
Who can only be cured in death
Mya Jul 2017
You are the most I have ever met
I have never been so caught in a soul
So may doors to enter
Though which the one I opened
Has taught me to see
What I could be
And how your life is closer to mine than anything before
You are perfection
Only because you are all that I wish to be
After opening this door
I could see that you are I
And I am me
I love you more than anything. You are the most real person that I have ever met, because you are so much like me. Our souls come together as one because we have always been one. Forever my love~
195 · Oct 2018
Just so you know
Mya Oct 2018
When consoling people
Most try to be soothing
Not accusing
194 · Apr 2017
Rip my heart
Mya Apr 2017
I am so madly in love with you
Are you enjoying the show?
Watching as the madness destroys me
194 · Jun 2018
Mya Jun 2018
I want to give all my love away
And have it circled back
So then why shouldn't it
Be you?
194 · Mar 2017
Mya Mar 2017
I hear you
You speak in nascent flowers
But breathe out raw sewage
Your to tongue writhes with lies
While your heart suffocates
Soon silence will be left to flourish
Then my ears will no longer bleed
When I have to hear you
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