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170 · Oct 2015
My Loss
Sin Oct 2015
I kissed her cheek
So soft that night
When life ebbed away
Before the light
For three years she held the fight
But now sorrow breaks my heart.
The love we had
Knew now bounds
Our hearts so pure and true
But now I hold a cold lonley hand
As my love walks to the promised land
My tears are plenty
Please angels help me
For this pain burns my heart
She was my world my every breath
From our very start
Now I look at this sorrow before me
And wonder what it means
Was I so bad in life I think
For my world to fall and sink
Now I watch as the earth hides my love
Beneath the sodden ground
I know my life and my heart
Now hear an empty sound
Forever more I'll mourn my loss
Everyday an empty time
But I know deep down
Within my heart
She will again be mine
168 · Nov 2015
Sin Nov 2015
        Peel a petal
From            your love

Each one
        Falls so gently
                     Upon a whisp of wind doth blow
And carries each one towards me
168 · Nov 2015
Sin Nov 2015
Her firm body standing tall in the smoked filled room, I watch her lean into his neck and kiss him ever so gently like a butterfly upon the petal's of a rose.
I smile in her direction as her warm coco coloured eyes glance up and raise my glass of bourbon in honour of her beauty.
Why can't she see that he is no good, **** I'd give her the world I mean everything the whole lot, but here I am just nursing this drink wishing, wishing that it was me her soft kiss was caressing.
Sorry I know it's not a poem but I guess I have to let out words sometimes that just ain't in that group.
166 · Oct 2015
Sin Oct 2015
How time has touched the heart of lovers
To bring together as one soul
Hand in hand against the world
Standing strong never fail

But what if time was never there
Would hearts rejoice who would care
Wandering forever lost and alone
Crimson tear stained cheeks aglow

Finding the world harsh and cruel
Wishing for the time we knew
When our hearts did beat
Together once
Now gone in the breeze of time

Look for me I'll find you soon
And once again love will bloom
Time can stop slowing down
But I'll have your heart
As my crown
163 · Nov 2015
Sin Nov 2015
Old songs on the radio they so much to me
Singing about lazing around or making love in a summer breeze, holding you tight in the night when I couldn't breathe.
Memories they come with every song that make me cry others make me long for the touch of your caress, to feel you in the words of a memory.
I turn the radio up to drown out the bad, when darkest thoughts want to play and sadness takes my eyes, yeah the song's they shine yeah my love will climb, and you are just a heartbeat away.
162 · Jan 2016
Sin Jan 2016
Inside I cry at the thought of you gone
No pain comes sharper than a broken heart
For I'll never hold the hand
Or kiss those lips again
My memory
162 · Oct 2015
Sin Oct 2015
Light the fire of hell
For unto the dark world
The soul has fallen
Pain waits with sated breath
Wanting to kiss
The smooth skin of lost hope
For all whom fall
Love shall die
And tears shall waste away
160 · Nov 2015
Sin Nov 2015
Can I see you in a teardrop from a blind man's cry
158 · Jan 2016
Sin Jan 2016
I've got nothing to say and I'm saying it to loud.
156 · Oct 2015
Death calls
Sin Oct 2015
Touched by the cold grey hand
Death smiled and held tight
Speaking in whispers
Death said a prayer

The tortured soul lay bleak and mild
Not withstanding deaths caress
It knew who he belonged to now
If a tear could flow but none came

Death stood silent now
Raised a hand so dark
Winds gathered ready to carry
The penance of a life that was

Gone now are the if only
Disappeared are dreams of tomorrow
But what remains is forever
156 · Nov 2015
Sin Nov 2015
We sit in silence not a word
Staring at walls abusord
Asking for time to say
I love you
But in a way
Yet still the silence
Takes control

Maybe hands will reach out
Touching love with no doubt
But yet our eyes do not see
The other one
Sitting quietly
149 · Nov 2015
Sin Nov 2015
Lonely are the nights that only emptiness is the one thing I hold onto.
146 · Oct 2015
Seven Days
Sin Oct 2015
Seven days pass by so quick
In a blink they sweep past
I try to smile yet cannot
For the hurt is to much
She promised me paradise
Yet all I have is sorrow

She said love would give
A family strength
Forever bound by all that
Is most treasured
Funny how words
Slip from her mouth
Like mud from a broken pipe

Am I about to see the real
Meaning of love
Does not the broken rod
make for a poor back
am I to blame is it me
Did I not hold
Close the one thing I worshipped the most

Peering through the window
looking out upon the city
High above the worthless
My heart hangs heavy
I feel their eyes looking up
Pointing the guilty finger at me
Laughing at the loveless home

**** why did seven days
start for me
I can taste the tears rolling into my mouth
I can't address the hate that now flows
For all things that will never be
How I miss the promise of forever
Why did she crush my world

This emotional bike that now races
Through the narrow ways of my heart
Speeding my feelings towards
The final end
Forevermore I shall be ******
Lost to the love
That now turns it's face
Away from my gaze
A sigh escapes
The final flood of tears now flow
And another seven day's will grow
145 · Dec 2015
Rose My Special One
Sin Dec 2015
Rose I love you
To me you are the sweetest
Each petal
I would cry upon
To water
I would grab the sun with both hands
To warm you
Protect you from the storms
And cherish your
My rose
I truly love you
I don't know anybody called rose but if I did :-)
142 · Dec 2019
Sin Dec 2019
Flutter by butterfly
Dancing on the air
Wings of rainbows
Painting hues
For all of us to see
137 · Nov 2015
Sin Nov 2015
Small leaves lay upon the ground
Kicked up by feet of no conscience
133 · Oct 2015
Sin Oct 2015
Every day I thank your heart
For taking me into your life
Your a friend that helps
Me through the times
Of darkness when it's light

A smile you share a laugh or two
Makes me really feel
Safe with you
We tell each one
Of our times
And trust undoubtedly
In our minds

Your friendship is of
Purest gold
And a treasure that I hold dear
I know with you
I never fear
Or cry a solemn tear

So thank you my dearest one
For making all the stars and sun
Shine on me when we meet
And say hello
Your so neat
131 · Oct 2015
Sin Oct 2015
How it came to be I don't know
But inside I feel the hatred flow
Will my mind be ever clear
Of this evil that appears appears

Dream on my lucky son
For you know when nighttime comes
We will be inside your head
Waiting for
The time of dread

Why can't you leave me alone
My mind is never your home
Is the only place I have
Safe and clean
Never dammed

Oh how you make it real
Poor you we should feel
But you seem so full of lies
Hiding those darkest eyes

I will not listen I cannot fall
You evil nightmare
My mind will rest I know this true
And banish the dark heart
From you

Think you can stop me
Now your wrong
My evil ways will sing this song
I'll live in your mind till I am done
It seems that you are
The chosen one

I'll not sleep I'll keep awake
Till the new bright
Dawn will break
The sun will shine and you'll be gone
Banished forever with your song

Don't make me cry
Or laugh to loud
You know that it's
Inside you now
Embrace the dark
Never fear
For when you do sleep I'll be here
131 · Nov 2015
I Try
Sin Nov 2015
You never listen to me
When the door of opportunity
Opens from my heart
To tell you that I'm sorry

I've made mistakes and ****** up true
But honey truly I still love you

Yeah you're right not to belive in me
The drinking and wasted nights of love
But can't you see me
Down on one knee as I ask for you to look

Cmon babe just turn around
Give me that smile the one that grounds
My heart and soul
To you

Remember I can change for the best
I know I've said it before
But here's the test
I ain't gonna slam no door
I'll be the man I
Was once before
128 · Dec 2019
Sin Dec 2019
On the pavement is my bed

People pass me by

Looking at me

Going outta my head

With hunger and dying light

No thought for me

No time for a chat

Just to see if I'm alive


I don't want your money

Just a smile will do

A friendship hand to reach out now

To say it's not so blue

It's no one's fault how my path did change

That's life I'm afraid

Just in the wrong place

On this earth

Someday I'll find a way

So just remember when you see

A lost soul like me

A guiding light is all I need

To make it feel alright
128 · Jan 2021
Never Gone
Sin Jan 2021
Still I web over stoney ground
To find my way back home
Trickles of past lay behind
In puddles ***** brown

Calling out to distant dreams
Finding lost kisses
And a hand to hold
Guiding towards the path I miss
Quenching my desire

Be the tender eyes to hold
My soul that needs a home
Cradle me in patchouli mist
For love you are to me
121 · Dec 2019
Dark heart
Sin Dec 2019
Did the shadows hide tonight
Afraid of the ***** night
At the hand of fate
Holding the blade
So tight

Hounds of hell wait to see
If it will strike with ease
Sweeping through the silent air
Looking for skin so fair

Beeded sweat gathers now
Upon a carefree brow
For ****** is of the hour
From Satan's little helper

Come taste the pain oh it's good
Let no man say it should
Never hurt or go away
When dark hearts come to play

So farewell you snivelling *****
There's no one here to stitch
The wounds that I'll inflict
With my darkest heart
119 · Nov 2015
Sin Nov 2015
When the straight path becomes crooked is it then we truly see
99 · Dec 2019
Sin Dec 2019
Cold nights bite upon unloved hearts
Sweet jasmine eludes my sense
Remembering your touch
How the love we made
Raged like thunder
On sheets so pure

Now all I have is shadows
Mocking my life my thoughts
They dance around laughing
And count the tears that fall
Lost in empty spaces

Why couldn't you stay with me
Promises snipped away
And left to rot like a dying rose
Where are the dreams we had
The warm summer breeze that
Danced on our naked love

As the night draws deeper
I swirl into dispare
Knowing forever
That loneliness is my keeper
As your heart I say goodbye too
95 · Dec 2019
Sin Dec 2019
Where did the clouds drift to
When the sun cried crimson tears
Scream aloud as warmer days disappear
Hearts wrench at stupid goodbyes
As the earth swallows the dead
Her heart beats slow behind
******* so aching
For the hot stab of loss bites away at her
Farewell my bluebell's of love
Scorched beneath the hand of war
91 · Dec 2019
Sin Dec 2019
Have I lost my way
Stumbling on cracked wishes
Remembering a sweet aroma
Of patchouli

Your heart was there in my needs
As the darkest night claws
At my soul beneath a crimson moon

How my tears sting upon
My tired face
As I wait for the time to eat away at my life
I try to remember
When I mattered to the world
Sleeping holds me in warm arms
Her breath of the night
Caressing my chilled skin
Slipping away
In lost moments

— The End —