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471 · Apr 2016
Alone The Dark Soul
Sin Apr 2016
I look for her in burned pages of
My queen that love brought to my door
The darkness brings with it the shadows
And lost kisses fall upon
The dust riddled floor

How my black heart aches
To see the moon shine in her eyes again
And to taste the crimson life
Spill from the neck of pure beauty

Am I destined to howl like a banshee
Alone and chastised
By the hand of the master that now
Robs me of slight happiness
And blinds my sight
Oh cruel world punisher of my soul

Tis not the sound of her
Baying at my door
For my sense of sound deceives me
Yet love holds me tight

Play not with my feelings oh lord of the ******
Just let one more night belong to us
For I am nothing come the morn
And by the light of this nights moon
She will be gone
I know it's not a poem but just had to put this out. Hope all who reads it enjoys. Thanx.
469 · Nov 2015
Sin Nov 2015
Sycamore trees in summertime
Stolen smiles behind shimmering rays
Laying down in fields of gold
Honey wheat and busy bees

Songs of thrushes blackbirds too
A symphony of warbled words
Playing sweet melancholy tunes
To ears that listen intently now

How the earth plays its best
To lovers that rest now
Willing the world to stop
And holding one another's hand

If all the time could be spent
Forever laying here
Then this is where I would love
To end my days amongst heavens play
447 · Nov 2015
A Place Of Love
Sin Nov 2015
She held me closer than life itself
Arms caressed my shaking body
For until now I only dreamed of love
In some old downtown hotel lobby

The busboy held the lift doors open
And my legs carried me on
With her still holding me
Hoping that today wasn't gone

This hotel of love for all that stay
Opens to all lone hearts
With dreams that climb way up high
And sleep upon the stars
442 · Feb 2016
Sin Feb 2016
Frozen by the bitter wind
Hands so numb
To hold her heart I cannot win
With love so cold and dark

Punish me now great north god
For hell is locked inside my heart
I know that I cannot have
Lips of hers so warm

A soul you **** as you blow tonight
Holding my love till death will fight
My last breath I call her name
Oh winter god why do you slain

My ***** awaits with bated breath for
I will return to her warm breast
In another world so strong I'll be
Then and only then the sun
Will bathe me
432 · Nov 2015
Sin Nov 2015
Putrid stench laying next to me
Was once my babe but now an empty
Chamber of venom that spat
Supposed words of love

Stupid ***** you couldn't see
I had a space behind the house for you
But ya just couldn't shut that **** filled mouth
Now you stinking out the house

And still you ***** and whine at me
Chewing my ***** off endlessly
Even in death you can't shut up
Why didn't I just dump your sorry ***

Annoyed that now I've gotta clean
Heart and lungs and your spleen
Of this ****** bed once ours
And fill the trash can with lost love
432 · Jan 2016
Jelly Baby Killer
Sin Jan 2016
Jelly babies I love them so
All squishy and fruity
In my mouth
How I like to squash them down

I bite their heads of then the legs
And leave them scared
Wibbly jelly babies
Your all dead

I laugh at the look of their tiny face
As one by one they fill a space
In my tummy
What a disgrace
431 · Jan 2016
No Law
Sin Jan 2016
**** I'm in your face man, no kinda plan just out to mack you off with a bang, yeah everybody's doing the same can't you see, I'm the one with the high velocity, packing this piece you know you ain't gonna sleep, so fall before me and prey real hard coz dude you gonna be seeing stars. I'll pull the trigger mess yo up I ain't no kidder, so don't think you can plead or beg, **** that this bullet's for your ******* head.
See I told you I ain't no ******* angel, well I am, kinda, **** no I ain't, I ain't messin, chilling out giving my blessing, to you, you gotta be stressing, okay enough of this jive, I'm gonna pop you in the eye
Or maybe in the dome, who the hell is calling your ******* cell phone,
Don't you answer, or I'll be all over you, like cancer, bleeding you out like a little stuck pig, bam, ha ha you know you just ****** ****,
okay okay enough of this ****, it ends here down on the ***** grit, where you belong you freaky piece of ***,
Say goodnight coz death is gonna last
426 · Mar 2016
Sin Mar 2016
Twirling, dancing, hypnotic trance
Amerela the gypsy queen
Captures your heart with her dance
Eyes of cobalt skin so fair
With flames of hell upon her hair

Singing her song of love unbound
Watch her twirling round and round
Hips alight the inner beast
Drawing closer to her feast

You cannot move words hide inside
All you can do is stare at the gypsy bride
You so desire and want for lust
Selling the heart of deepest trust

Closer she gets you fall from grace
Amerela twirls spins and fades
Darkness now kiss your eyes
As into the abyss your love lies
425 · Mar 2016
Just To Let You Know
Sin Mar 2016
Years of love pass by on each night and star so bright
The darkest sky the silver moon
There is no time when I'm with you
With hatred in a minute blown away by a cold night breeze
Tender is the love that brings me to my knees
How I hold you close to feel your love inside
My exquisite self destruction of hope and pride
You rescue me and lead me away from all the harm I feel
My strength my rod to wipe away the tears
Love grows love dies but in you I know
That together we shall walk this earth
As one we reap and sow.
So hold onto my hand so strong and never let it go
Because my love I have for you
Forever in my soul
417 · Feb 2016
You Ain't Nuthin
Sin Feb 2016
Splice the life you've taken for granted
Wash away the dreams of tomorrow
Drown all hope
Burn all love
For you my friend
Never gave enough

You piece of ****
A real low crawler
Talking all that jive
Like a real hip slinger
You ain't better than me
But you try to be

Yeah it hurts when I **** on your day
See I'm a real time player
So get the **** outta my way
I'll always be the best
For that I cannot lie
So do me a favour
Shut the **** down
And die

There ya go again with all that cussin
Boy you gotta know
I ain't hustling
For when I tell you
Judgement day
Will come along
And **** you gotta prey
415 · Jan 2016
War Child
Sin Jan 2016
Emerald eye's watching the war
They came and destroyed
What the hell for
I'm only a child with no where to go
Free this land and fight no more

My father was strong my mother of pure heart
They didn't ask for the fighting to start
I hide under the bed when the soldiers came
Kicking in doors and screaming the name of hatred and bile

Tears flow from my emerald eye's
Fear grips this child's heart
In Gaelic I prey when will it stop
Why did they have to start

Soon it will be over and the dying will rot
Returned to the earth no sacred plot
Boots that march over souls that weep
I prey to my god my soul he shall keep
410 · Nov 2015
Sin Nov 2015
I build you a sandcastle of hopes and dreams
Surrounded by shells of love
As the summer sun warms
The very womb of promise's

A lot of care in my hands
As I strive to stop waves of dispare
Eat at the foundations of my token of love

Let you be the queen to my poor working soul
For I shall build forever more on this ground
To keep you in the castle made of sand
401 · Mar 2016
The Battle
Sin Mar 2016
Under the sycamore tree
Lay a secret as dark as could be
Thunder splits the sky
And fairy tears caress
The bluebells bending with the wind

Storm clouds rumble
Rushing in to blind out the light
On the horizon
There's a mystical fight
As wizards and warlocks
Cast their spells
Bringing out the hordes of hell

The sun and moon hide with fear
And banshees howl
To the song of the dark
Time to choose time to stand
Against the magical of the land

Run little children
Into the arms of love
Cast away the spells
With songs of memories
Where hearts are true and smiles
Are there gateway to
Forever more
401 · Mar 2016
Not Really Me
Sin Mar 2016
I fell deep down into myself
And discovered an emptiness
Of love and understanding
How shallow a man I have become
For self importance is the skin I wear
And my crown of tear stained lies
Sit proud upon my head so empty
Yet I walk with confidence
Of a person learned
If only wasn't a lesson I lost
399 · Feb 2016
Dark Prince
Sin Feb 2016
I find your skin soft to the touch
Your eyes like the darkest moon
How my soulless life yearns tonight
To taste your sweetest love soon

I hide in the night waiting for you
To fall into a sleep
Where I dance my way
To your fantasy
For I am your prince of the other world
Your knight and lover too

So just tilt your head and let me kiss
Such sweet porcelain skin
Where I can bite into your neck
And make you whole again

Now walk with me my dearest heart
Amongst the black roses of the night
And see through eye's that shine so bright
How life has now become
389 · Feb 2016
A Deal Is A Deal
Sin Feb 2016
I asked the devil for one more chance
To feel the warmth and to dance
Beneath the blood moon high above
He waved his hand and took my love
A deal is a deal his raspy voice said
And hell will now become the bed
That you have made and now must sleep
With all the horrors that I keep

With broken spirit I did stand
For my selfish wish was now in his hands
I thought I was a bad *** soul
But now I see I'm just a rotten fool
It's true they say what they do
About paying the piper
When he plays your tune
So remember all when you think big
Old nick is there with his bent stick
380 · Nov 2015
Sin Nov 2015
In the moonlight's glare shadows fall
And thunder strikes the oak
Splitting bark and darkest hearts
Witches gather now

Robes of secrets adorn the hags
And spells they cast with glee
Singing of bad things to come
And dancing round in glee

Putrid smoke fills the air
The thunder growls so loud
The moon glows  so bright
Upon this darkest crowd

With mouths now bent
Words are sent
Into the midnight air
Flying away with a swirl that's meant
To chill the bones of the meek

Cackle and cawl the last of it all
Is spoken in a quiet hush
Then with a loud bang
The witches became
Shadows amongst the brush
365 · Jan 2016
Sin Jan 2016
Cradle me in your warmth
Along the river bank we stroll
Grass is growing between our toes
And thrushes sing your name

Promises of days gone by
When the sun did warm our hearts
And candy cotton clouds did fly
Along the northern breeze

Remember how we kissed that day
Lips that tasted heaven
And golden honey from bees of love
Caressed my mouth

Oh the days of summer walks
Along this river bank
Take us to another plain
Where in love we look beyond
The darkest and the plain
355 · Apr 2016
Just A Small One
Sin Apr 2016
In the night I hide under the bed
A nightmare for your head
Don't cry or scream aloud
Let me wrap you
In a hatred world
Lust for me
349 · Nov 2015
Sin Nov 2015
Little bricks oh how you wait
Until my feet you can steak
With sharp edges now stick in
And cause such pain I cannot grin

You build a house a rocket too
But at night there's something new
About your yellow, white, and red
Bricks that seem to get stuck in my head

Now I tread so light as not to get
Feet so full of plastic pegs
Or little arms and funny hair
Oh how I wish for no dispare

The answer surely lies within
To put you back inside the bin
Snap the lid firmly down
And walk barefoot when your not round
For anyone who has had the pleasure of treading on Lego :-)
349 · Feb 2016
Your Fault
Sin Feb 2016
Scared fingers claw at the wood
Breath now rapid if only she could
Escape from this tomb that lays in the dirt
This my angel is the price you pay
When you flirt

I saw you strutting around the bar
Chating to all the men
As they tasted your scent from afar
Wishing you belonged inside their bed

A smile a laugh you made it real
Turning heads like sunflowers in a field
Wanting each and everyone
But my little angel
You come undone

I waited for the time and it payed of
A little chat here the touch of your cloth
Against my skin it felt so soft
You are the one my love aloft

And so here you lay unable to scream
As stitches hold your lips so pristine
You never know who you just might meet
When selling your soul
On hells mean streets
348 · Feb 2016
Sin Feb 2016
Could you hold my heart
With scars so deep
And kiss them
Away from my eye's
For in you I want to see
The angel
With clipped wings
348 · Nov 2015
Sin Nov 2015
The man on TV comes on and says
Zombies might come let's protect our heads
For they eat brains and flesh
I just smile and munch another egg

Laughing at him preach to all
About the hordes of zombies
Taking over the mall
Wearing wellies and summer hats
Eating Mr Jones from the potpourri stall

My laughter drowns out this bleak news
As down the lanes and through the mews
The living dead march right on
Singing the words of the dead soul song

Tears fall down my cheeks
With laughter now that just peeks
Catching my breath there's a knock at the door
Holy hell the zombies want more
I just love the poor old zombie, so misunderstood.
344 · Jan 2016
Mr Odd
Sin Jan 2016
Let me explain how it works
You see I grew up in a world of no love
A deep seated hate for things that matter
No I don't hold anyone above

Collecting dead animals when I was young
Yeah the kid on the block
The unhinged one
No friends to call no smiles to give
Just hiding myself in dark twisted grief

They call me strange maybe even evil
But we all have a dark side just mine prevails
I feed of the fear that grows inside
Normal folk well they wanna hide

If you ask the right questions feed my ego
Maybe I'll tell you
But many a dark night I've dreamed of hell
I see that place is my place to dwell

Don't try to convert me or make me better
It's in my blood
I follow to the letter
There's something wonderful about
The game
I accept my life and all the fame
341 · Nov 2015
Sin Nov 2015
This is the midnight DJ
For all you lonely hearts out there
Playing songs that mean something
Loud and over the air

So don't feel down tonight
For I'll make it right
Spinning the tunes your heart will delight
So relax and listen to me

Yeah I know you've had it hard
Bad day at the farm
But these tunes gonna rock
Inside your soul tonight

That's right close your eyes
This music gonna take you high
With words just for you
Hey babe don't be blue

Enough of the talk let's spin a tune
I can see the mood will soon
Send you off into a dream
Of hope and love
This ones for you
341 · Feb 2016
Sin Feb 2016
Under the mask hides the scars of pain
Forged by the knife when she was insane
Driven by guilt from daddies hand
When he used to play
His special game

Tears burn the lines that the knife has left
Reminders of nights best left unsaid
Closed eye's see nothing except the dark
Where the welcoming hands outstreached
Of death

Close to the edge she now stands alone
One more cut forever leaving home
He can't hurt her when she's gone
Unfair she knows
Her dying swan song

So lay her down to rest in time
The final cut came to save her
No more daddies little special girl
Just a sad alone soul in hell
338 · Nov 2015
The Four Horsemen
Sin Nov 2015
Upon a scorched earth they did ride
The four horsemen of apocalyptic pride
The first came forth and said to thee
I am war and thou shall see
How the war will be for eternity

And with that was spake so shall it be done
The ground rose with a forceful scream
And hell began the battle within

Mine eyes did draw to the next hellish sight
As famine now entered with delight
The world shall starve at my hand
This baron place will feed no man
And the words did fade and the food did rot
Hell now taking all it's lot

A roar of hooves now stamped hard down
Tis pestilence I sawed hit the baron ground
And with him he did bring
Disease and sickness and all the things
That would consume the very breath of time
Smiling as his hand entwined
With all illness it could find

Doth not think man has been punished enough
And lo there was the final one
The winds did die and the land it stopped
Death now became the blackened sun
With all the four gathered around
Hearts did not beat there was no sound
Have I not forsaken my life I ask
As the end of time was brought to me
Upon four horsemen in devils masks
337 · Mar 2016
Sin Mar 2016
Banging on the door, can't take this no more, as I watch you fall to the ground.

And broken hearts no longer sing
And tears she cries no longer sting
The years fly by and the harder it seems
To get up and be everything

She holds her broken heart
Along with the smashed promise
That he would never again
Or so it seems

Laying on the floor whispers behind the door
Tell all is not what it seems
She begs

And broken hearts no longer sing
And tears she cries no longer sting
The years fly by and the harder it seems
To get up and be everything

And now the light dims
Nights closing in
And another slam awaits
In the cold night air
337 · Feb 2016
Sin Feb 2016
The guns did roar the sounds of death
Heavens skies cried
As draped in blacken smoke
They hide
The day men did fall

Brave hearts beating inside each man
Eye's wide with fear
Holding onto memories deep
Of loved ones
Shrouded in tears

The guns bellowed and death did rain
Upon the muddy fields
Men fell to the earth
Alone lost and pain

As death walked the sodden ground
Looking at the fallen
One man glimpsed a shining light
From heaven it was calling

Reaching out with a bloodied hand
A heart slowing down
He praised the lord above
For this was his thorny crown

Another roar and the mighty fell
The guns they called to all
No soul should live
For this day they give
To the iron dictators
One and all
336 · Jan 2016
Wish there was a way back
Sin Jan 2016
Just wrote a bleeding lot of words, refreshed the page by accident and ****** me me words have gone.
Going of now to take my bad mood out on me teddy. He deserves it  belive me.
335 · Mar 2016
Sin Mar 2016
Let the river bathe me oh highest king
For thine eye's are closed
To hell it seems
Wash away my sins so great
Abound me with your glory
So great

But do my ears deceive my mind
For sounds of darkness now climb
Into my empty mind at times
When lonely less
Stands by my side

So not forsake or abandon me
I feel the hands of him
Drag me from this place of peace
Down into
A space so bleak

Why doth you let me go
Did I not sing hallelujah
To your praise
Prey tell why this is so
That now my soul resides below

Rescue me I beg you now
For eternity taste so sour
And my eye's stay so blind
Below here amongst his kind

Now as I rest in soil so burnt
How my heart sinks
A lesson I've learnt
Yet still I belive in all that is written
While my world lays burnt
335 · Jan 2016
Sin Jan 2016
I miss you mumma
So deeply inside
How my little hand
Held yours so tight
And through the few years
All eleven
You always had my heart

I see your brown eyes look at me
And smile when cuddles were
Always free
The feel of your arms holding tight
Even when day came to night

Then you came ill
And my world did fall
So much for me to take in
No one to call
Tears burned for years there in
When god gave you wings
His angel
My hurt

And now I'm a man
My heart wants time back
To when the cuddles were free
And a shoulder to nap
I understand more now
But can never forgive
When up in heaven
You would live
333 · Jan 2016
Greedy Fool
Sin Jan 2016
Lesson number one begins
How naughty girls must sin
And throw the blessed towel
In the bin

Now I ain't saying
It's all good
But baby if you could
Buy a smile a false heart
Maybe take his merc
That's a start

Dry him out and don't you cry
Pappas got you some bling this time
Sparkling glass upon your hands
Now hurry up this devils got plans

I'll give you everything you want
Money riches the whole lot
And all I ask for in return
Is your shallow worthless
Life that's spurned
All the things good girls
330 · Mar 2016
Sin Mar 2016
Wind falls the quiet sound
Only heartbeats can be found
Pulsating louder in my mind
As try I might but cannot find

The key to open a chest so rare
Is to bequeath a soul mate to share
The special moment when the light exudes
All around and love consumes

If one cannot have the elusive prize
And blind takes the sight of loving eyes
Then broken times lay ahead
And peace shall be found
Within your bed
330 · Feb 2016
You Can't Read Me
Sin Feb 2016
You ask about my state of mind
You don't have a clue
Sitting in the ornate chair
Painting me black and blue

Shades of darkness cloud the way
In which I should be thinking
Unravel me if you wish
And see if you can play

Obvious questions the standard ones
Like what's this shape mean to you
Can you tell me when it started
Why do you colour
In darkest hues

I'll let you in once I find
Your weakest little link
And when your locked deep inside
Its you who will need the shrink
329 · Jan 2016
A Kings Loss
Sin Jan 2016
Does not the love thou show
Quench my arid heart
To quell the fire that doth rage within
My heartless kingdom

For you say to me your king
That there is no other such that can feed
Your pitiful heart
How you speak false words of snakes
Yet hide me unto the shadow of the night

Did I not feed the urge betwix the milky thighs and not give you all that desire called for
Yet here you stand with dagger pressed against my breast waiting to cull

Amartia doth thy not see you king loves you
For your eye's do not belong to a blind hag
Yet you cannot see what the gods have blessed you with

Be still child and let the gods whisper
And the fire that salty tears have quelled
Shall no longer burn for my Amartia
329 · Jan 2016
Ha Ha Told You
Sin Jan 2016
Colourless taint of heart so cold
Smiling now at the very soul
That she destroyed with a whimsical pout
Bored of him I have no doubt

But she the queen of pain and hurt
Hasn't met me the one with the smirk
An eye for a bad girl the taste of fresh blood
Think I'll make her mine to love

Hurt as you may queen of all pain
You know that today I'll take it away
Melt your iced heart with kisses of fire
Yeah that's me, your ***** desire

Come to me now and feel this love
Lay yourself down baby I'll come from above
Put my heat inside that body so cold and alone
You never gonna need
To prey alone

So you the baaaadddd iced heart
**** you ain't nothing now
Just a notch on my bedpost
See I told you how
I'll warm up your heart and burn you right down
No more ice queen, hell she left town.
326 · Feb 2016
Sin Feb 2016
Did the time just pass me by
For sleep did afford my tired body
The rest of an angel
And eyes that shut tight
Hold me in dreams so deep

How I step into realms of beauty
And wonders of nature
Rush to greet me
In slumber so deep

Yet on the horizon storm clouds do gather
And the darkness grows in my mind's eye
Wake me oh angel of comfort
For your hand of guidance
I truly need

Lead me into plains afar
With wild juniper
And vanilla kisses
So this slumber I shall not wake from
And dream my lonely hours away
326 · Feb 2016
Sin Feb 2016
For whom the bells toll
Hell awaits below
With all the desire of heaven
At a price you can afford

Nymphs dance with glee
And ******* see
The ***** filthy needs
Of your minds eye

So fall on down your hard luck now
And raise a hand in honour
For the horned one is waiting
To fulfill all your pleasure

And now your there and the dust has settled
How small and worm like you are
Well this is what you wanted now
The fiery path is yours to walk
So go and enjoy
My withered soul
This is all for you
323 · Mar 2016
Lies Can Break A Heart
Sin Mar 2016
Darkest soul take my hand ride into the night I beg
For far away I need to be under the blood red moon I'll see
That upon the hill is where my love now lay
With silver blade and life ebbing away
For wrong I was with his heart so true
I did stab him for a lie that grew
Within his lips it feel upon
My ears and heart a poisoned song
Played out through day and night
And now I fear this deadly sight
Ride oh shadow of death's wish now
Let me stop the life gone sour
For my breast the knife should hang
Not in the ***** of my love now stained
And as we rode faster than the night
The dark soul looked at my eyes so wide
And stopped his steed and set me down
Beside the love that I uncrowned
321 · Feb 2016
Sin Feb 2016
Buried her in earth so dark and damp
Opened up her vein and drank
Sliced my sign on her thigh so soft
Took that ***** to heights aloft

Shrouded in black she lay interred
My ritual sacrifice she would prefer
A nightime habit I can't resist
Such sweet flesh I must persist

So quiet she lays bleeding out
No more tears not even a shout
As blood seeps into earth so dark
I feel elated my heart it barks
318 · Feb 2016
Sin Feb 2016
And I still feel your breath, and my heart regrets, the time that you left, but it's over.
Will time ever feel, and do you think we will heal, even though miles keep us apart.

I know he's holding you now
And his love comes in showers
Does he kiss you
Like I did
When love lived here

How I wish that things had been
The every dream that we had
And how I try not to break down and cry
The way I'm missing you now

I know he's holding you now
And his love comes in showers
Does he kiss you
Like I did
When love lived here

So goodnight to all it seems
And may nightmares turn to dreams
Of a lonley road that leads you to me
Once again
318 · Mar 2016
Thinking Of You
Sin Mar 2016
Don't cry for me today
For I'm not lost or far away
In dreams I'll always stay
And in your heart
I'll be

The time files by and the world moves on
But stand tall and stand strong
For in memories I sleep
Inside your mind
With love and kisses
Never far behind

Celebrate this day today
In whatever way
And say a little prayer for me
To let me know
You set me free
315 · Nov 2015
Heart Of The Brave
Sin Nov 2015
Upon a bracken hill I spied
An army of a heathen *****
Come to bury my clan and pride
Beneath this Scottish moor

Let the wind and rain lash at their skin
Like a thousand cat o nine
For they cannot bury McCloud
His father or his kind

With dirk in hand I lay upon
Heather and moss in bloom
Breath shallow and eyes that glare
Waiting for the pipes to play
The brave Scottish tune

No man shall take my land
Or forsake my creed
I am a Scotsman standing tall
For all that I believe

So do your best beast of hate
Come dine at your ill ment fate
And see how we here in gods land
Extend our fighting hand.
315 · Mar 2016
Sin Mar 2016
Is it so strange to dance under the  star less night
Where memories glide into Neverland on whispers of tomorrow's winds
And the rain kisses a face so radiant

Come hold my hand and run
Through the grass that never weeps
To a time where my love for you
Can quell a thousand fires
Of heartache and storms

Don't look too far into the past
For the future comes with gifts of
Suprise and wonder
Each held within my heart for you

Blind the soul may be
But feel inside your heart
And then and only then
The light of all the stars
Will shine for you my
True love
314 · Nov 2015
If Only
Sin Nov 2015
When the time came for him
To leave his wife and kin
And follow ancestors to a higher plain
That's when it began
Her pain

Clutching at old clothes stained with his scent
Her tears fall like dew from a petal
Clutching the last of him close to her chest
Wishing how time was better spent

The argues and fights just came along
And now regrets stand tall over her
Judgemental to the last they stab at her heart
If only once more could be today

Alone is now the only thing that's in the room
Where once loved made stayed until the sun would rise
Locked in passion kept forever
How it slips through her mind now

And so she becomes the prisoner
Of life that once was good
And the evening shadows creep in
Snuffing out another day
312 · Jan 2016
Killer Of The Night
Sin Jan 2016
I creep at night into your dreams
The unseen killer so it seems
I'll dice up your soul
And bathe in your blood
Hell, I'm the strange dude
In the neighbourhood

Heavy metal screams from my veins
I wear only black
Yeah it's all the same
So lock your windows and bolt the door
I'm coming for you
And I want more

The police are dumb *****
They ain't gonna find
Any sign
Of the night taker
I'm way to smart you better belive
I'll be in and out
Spreading my seed

I'll hack at your hair
Bite your thighs
Carve my sign
Fill you with lies
Of promises that I'll let you live
So long as I get and you give

Now here's the best part
I've saved it till last
You ain't living no more
Your a thing of the past
So good night to you
And thanks it's been fun
Now I'll move on
There's more to be done
308 · Nov 2015
Nightime Lust
Sin Nov 2015
Beneath the star spangled night we lay
Upon a blanket of lust
Hearts racing minds churning
Eager to undress one another

The moon beams dance around
Our silhouettes black and excited
Cast on the ground
Aching ***** for each one

The nightime breeze blows animal scent
Hearts banging now as the end
Becomes more clearer in our naked state
To taste each precious drop
As we fornicate

And as the moon shines upon
These naked two
It smiles down for it sees
Lust like this grow on every breeze
306 · Nov 2015
Sin Nov 2015
My rose how doth you grow for me
With blooms of deepest red
My love will nurture your roots to grow
My tears they shall doth wet

Your crimson petal's with a scent so wild
Drive me to dispare
For my rose you are the one
I'll hold and treat with care

The thorns that adorn your outer self
Will keep the hands away
Of others that might want to take
My rose some other day

So let me take the sunshine now
And bathe you all the morn
Protect you from all the harm
Of life's incoming storm
306 · Dec 2015
Apocoliptic Crime
Sin Dec 2015
Upon this scorched earth I stand
One life just a man
Looking at the baron waste
The bomb that dropped
Now in haste

No food or water bequeathed to us
Scavengers we have become
And brown and baron greets my eyes
The palet of colours far and wide

No love or companion to guide me on
Left to roam this place
That once was home
Emptiness I feel so strong
Fighting back tears as I move on

Why was the world so greedy
Didn't even have time for the needy
Wealth and treasure's was what counts
Now just dirt and filth amounts

The finger that pressed the big red button
Safe in the knowledge they will be forgotten
Never to answer for the crime
Of killing this world and all mankind
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