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 Jan 2013 Socally Picter
 Jan 2013 Socally Picter
All drafts
too many

(c) Brooke Otto
 Jan 2013 Socally Picter
 Jan 2013 Socally Picter
This fog is all cranberries
pine is all frosted, he is so
far acclimated to flirtatious
language, my footprints are
stepping stones and all he
has to do is follow, so how
do I stop the cycle how do

(c) Brooke Otto
Open myself up to you
Like a gentlemen grabbing the door
This felt so special
Things were perking up
Happy, had something to look forward to
Only to be let down by insecurities
Am I the only one who's strong
Must I carry the weight of my burdens and those around me
Must I guide you down the path, as if you didn't know
Must I answer questions before they are asked
Must I be 20 steps ahead, as if 10 wasn't enough
Must I be held to a standard of perfection
Must I
Apparently I must
My strength is shadowed by your fears
How much evidence is needed to show I'm different
What must I do
Tell me
Explain to me as if I've never heard before
Every detail, so I may tread softly
For I fear your insecurities may trap our growth
Poaching on our happiness
I've shown my selflessness, as if theses words don't paint that picture
I've been down to one knee as if you were royalty
In attempts to prove my loyalty
I need to be shown you feel the same
Blinded by your actions
You've let me down
Broken me down
But help me rebuild
Open your eyes, loosen your jaw and open your ears
Speak to me your ideas to rebuild the rubble at our feet
So we may protect ourselves from the elements of error and fear
Prove this to me
For I can't do this alone
Travel this two lane road with me
So we may reach our destination together
Vacant pictures captured through summer beneath my tiny dreams
Language is the love of raw skin
Play and  paint my lust
Together sordid shadows turn into rust
A thousand winds trudge sleepily into the goodness of my need
I’m greedy with madness and the urge to seed
Worship upon my knees
Urging the moon to stay out all night
With a luscious honey that drips
The rain can pound our skin
Wearing wings to this warm world as we feed
 Jan 2013 Socally Picter
On a Summer night in possibly the sketchiest park in town
With a tall can of cheap beer and two already empty bottles of surprisingly cheaper wine,
We laid in the grass and admired the spinning sky.

We couldn't see the stars but we settled for the moon

I looked over at you and
you knew I was looking but pretended to not notice
you tried your best to look handsome

You are always so handsome

You turned to me and asked, "do you ever write about me in that little black diary you always carry around?"
I laughed out loud and honestly responded "no, not yet."
With a playfully offended or frustrated tone you said "What's a boy gotta do to get into that little black book of yours?!"

it was probably my second or third most favorite night in the history of ever
so here it is, a page in my little black book for you Mr.
 Jan 2013 Socally Picter
I've been trying to phone you;
for a few months now actually.
I just want to tell you that I miss you
and that sometimes the whole sky reminds me of you.

You're always traveling to new places,
your inability to sit still for more than four seconds
is both your gift and your curse.
I never know where you might decide to rest your head.
(if you even feel inclined to sleep at all)
I envy that about you.

We once very drunkenly shared
a kiss in the summer rain,
in the middle of a street, in Brooklyn.
(It's one of my most favorite memories)
We laughed so hard and hailed a cab
and you told me that you one day hoped
to love a woman as much as you love New York.
You have such a way of putting your poetic thoughts
into beautiful prose.

Last I heard you were in Amsterdam.
I can see you now...
Smoking Marijuana, telling clever jokes
that no one will understand,
preaching about the constellations or maybe
your favorite albums;
which of course should be listened to
through the crackles of dusty vinyl
and eating ONLY the best of food in tiny cafes.

I hope you are well my friend, my thoughts are with you
along with a hope that another strong wind will ******* your way again soon.
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