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Socally Picter Aug 2013
I am going to stand here and say I am sorry first off.
Sorry that I don't have the courage to tell you I like you.
Sorry that because the stars aren't aligning that I am complacent.
Sorry That I am the sort of ******* to let you be with someone not me.
Sorry about ...well sorry about me my lacking of character is showing.
Socally Picter Jul 2013
You ever just get so angry
that tears fill your eyes and tomorrow seems so far away that you sink

to the bottom of a well of being un well.

Drowning and people are just showing you pictures of air as if to offer some comfort. One day I'd like to not know what I am talking about.

Maybe the knowledge of life isn't meant to breathe air into our souls but to slowly take it away.
Socally Picter Jul 2013
I am ******* weird.
Last night I dreamt I fell in love with a girl and she looked through me and smiled at my empty heart.
She kissed my cold breath and drank in the self loathing "what the ****"-ness of my ego. She lead me by the hand in the moments I forgot I was a drug dealer on the run from God and the empty softness of saying "I love you" in drunk english.
I was beast screaming at monsters and running with demons.
The girl got lost in the snow and I Who sought happiness died alone with only the sun to mourn my damp flickering life.
Socally Picter Jul 2013
Be brave to allow yourself hope.

I want to hold her hand
And take her to the world
I want to break her self doubt
with the truth of her smile
I want to hold her heart
and just watch her soar
I want her and
I want her know to this

One day this hope will die
with having been realized.
Socally Picter Jun 2013
Friday afternoon and there she stood. Her phone in one hand and my breathe in the other. She glowed and made me think creator had placed an angel on this earth for me, for at least today.
Her and me, we drove around for a little bit like two fools...maybe I was just the fool. I couldn't look at her for too long without her eye meeting mine and I'd blush (which is nice and new).

Her eyes looked as if I was staring into two explosions of brown inside green that had been stilled in time and placed here to bless any person who had the chance to hold that lovely gaze.

After walking around the river and talking for a few little hours, I know I meet someone who other men would write songs for. Her elegance made me wonder what sort of person could even think of harming her in any way.

You know, I could use all the fancy words and phrases now, but let me tell you this. When I was next to her just listening to her voice, smiling with her smile, or looking as her eyes lit up that edge of the bench...the only word tumbling through my head was "".

It's a good thing she had to leave, if she hadn't I would have sat there on that bench with her for the rest of my life. We would have new presidents, empires would have risen and fall, the Avenger 2 would have come out and I would still be sitting there smiling and blushing every time she said my name.
Socally Picter Jun 2013
Away I've taken to the streets moving to the rhythm of my heart.
The sun sets and under the darkness I feel at home all alone.

Thump thump thump

Taking a drag from this bottle of wine and nothing sings like my fists.
weeping and roaring, look at that moon andswaying to the motion.

Thump thump

Now times running out and I want to hold your hand, I'd settle for a word.
My feet moved and I don't remember how but now we're on a bench looking at waves.


One in the afternoon and I peel myself away from the staring match with my eyelids.
I hear one words and my day is made, She says "Tomorrow?"
Socally Picter Jun 2013
How do you tell your friends, "Hey I'm having a panic attack"
I don't know they asked when I went and I just told them "Cigarette".
Sat by the river in the drizzle and had a nice long cry.
Screamed at the emptiness, "You made me this broken! For what?"
Nothing to throw so I threw my head back and sighed.
Looked at my phone and thought about the time...where'd it go?
I lost a dozen minutes and can't find my shoes.
Maybe I'm truly drunk on this sobriety, and ****** with self righteousness.
"Someone pick up their phone. I'm scared and alone!"
The drunk man stumbling by looks at me and hides his eyes.
Looking at that flowing water, just stopping the thoughts.
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