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Socally Picter May 2013
I do hope sometime someone tells her she's beautiful, she is.
Adrenaline ****** with some a cute anxiety.  
When I read her words her face always says "duh".
She conveyed tone in words with no sound, amazing.
Her heart is skipping beats just keeping up with her feet.
She likes Doctor Who and Violent movies, and ****
I haven't heard her voice but I bet she talks almost as quick as me.
She made me blush when she said, "You're not an idiot".
She fell in love with a bat who thought herself a bird, and wonderful.
I never had a clue of how much she liked her some Blue too.
A silvery Dee block element with a penchant for sarcastic remarks.
I don't know I just find her quite lovely, and beguiling
I put two poems in here, I don't know if anyone will notice the second one but it's there.
Socally Picter May 2013
"He was an all right kind of guy.
He said what was on his mind.
Often times it was simple hyperbole
But I understood him well enough.

He seemed to always be in love.
I am just not sure he understood it.
I loved him a lot and he loved me.
He could think of a million reason not to
but he also loved the misery in his life.
He often looked at it as an opportunity to be strong.
He once told me,
'Dad, God wants be to be the strongest thing on the planet'
He was happy a lot, but he seemed to truly shine when
He got to make another just as happy.
I love my son."
~My Dad.
Socally Picter May 2013
Give me my pain meds hand me that book.
The cure for a sad reality is at times another's shoes.
Dancing to the same rhythm just another person's moves.
Oscar said to influence is to stifle your own glow.
I liked those words when I read them but I changed.
I am not as original as that Wilde man.
I am a mosaic of every single person I've ever met.
Socally Picter May 2013
Sitting at the bar talking about poetry.
Talking about the girl I want to look at me.
Hold up my hands as if those thoughts were fire
Burning me from the inside out, just had to get it all out.

"I met her for the one night, and I've been writing about her ever since"
Then she looked at me and just said "Wow".
I wanted to smile but I felt just *****.
These are my true feelings and I don't want share them with you.

Hold up the time for me I can't see it through this mask.
My head hangs low and stitches are bleeding.
I want to fall in love with this girl, so I write and hope she'll read it one day.
Now I am alone, high as ****, totally drunk on that idea.
Socally Picter May 2013
I do not remember where we were.
I can not fathom why you said it.
I do not recall if I was crying.

But I do know that you were drunk.
And I know that these words shaped my life.
From the moments they left your lips
To this moment and beyond.

"Son, complaining only makes you look like a *****"

I never complain even when I can barely stand.
My tongue remains stilled.

Weakness is not something a man possesses.
The world has enough boys.
Socally Picter May 2013
Today I woke up with a dream in mind, "To wander".
Throw away the map and dance to the beat of the clouds.
Chase the sunset till that ocean is far behind you.
Hold in your heart only the far away till we reach it.
Scatter pieces of my soul in places I'll never return.
Touch the abyss and smile at loneliness.
I'm going to run til this gas pedal gives way.
I'm going to run til this heart becomes whole.
Socally Picter May 2013
You coward with your false pride.
Choosing words to hurt and smiling smugly.
It is not brave to try to fight who you call a friend.
It is not wise to divide the room with "you idiot".
Drunk minds quickly breed hardened fists.
I love you brother
but you can't pick a fight with some brawlers.
The night didn't call me last night
Her whisper fell silent and cold.
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