I hate being used to
The everyday calls
Text and no wonders at all
I hate being used to
Give you my all
With no care at all
I hate being used to
The fact you let me fall
In love knowing it wasn’t for long
I hate being used to
Sleeping without a call
With some wonders that all
I hate being used to
Being left that all
I hate being used to
My heart being played with
Hate opening up to being hurt
Hate that I let you undo my wall
Hate that you got close enough to me
Hate you n myself
Hate who you made me become
Hate how I feel after it all
Hate the insecure I gained
Hate trust issues that came
I hate it all.
Hate that you didn’t let me be
Hate you just had to mess with me
Hate that I love you that all
I hate what you have done
Hate I still want you
I hate that I don’t hate
I just love you that all
I wrote this poem about a man. My emotions was all over the place when I did wrote it. Now I think it’s time I let it go and delete out my phone. So I can lift this weight off my chest