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I grew up in the same house, same town, same place
my entire life.
Big brick house with a cinnamon smelling winter and lavender summer,
tiny garden around the corner edge filled with baby red tomatoes and daddy's carrots.
I used to splash around in the puddles the cracks in our sidewalk made
after a huge storm until mommy yelled for getting my dress all muddy.
Always warm, filled with fire, hope, and being together
with someone known that one is never going to lose.
I used to fit behind the sofa in the living room during hide and seek,
but then I grew too big and everyone started to find me-
no more secrets.
I grew up in the comfortable security of a real home,
consistent with the idea of family and love behind circumstance.

Then I met you,
shaggy hair, grey sweatshirt innocence
with loose jeans and a smile that felt safe when directed at me.
You took me,
to your fourth house by now,
after some time.
I walked in to the aroma of wet dirt mixed with grass and beer,
cigarette smoke smells sunk deep into the brown couch
with puffy yellow stuffing popping out of the seams.
Wood walls left uncovered, rusty nails sticking out
living underneath the minimal television light.
I could hear your dad outside chopping word,
his wife coughing over the sound of doing the dishes
and whatever program she wasn't pretending to listen to.
You told me you used to stick your clothing tags underneath the coffee table,
but you had to leave it behind when you moved.
There's a stain on the carpet and dog hair stuck on my jeans.
You told me you used to collect bottle caps from holes you dug in the ground,
until your dad told you to fill them all back up
as quickly as you could.
It was cold in there, but someone
I felt warm.
And I realized that no matter where I was,
if I was laying in your strong arms wrapped around me
pool blue eyes tracing my smile when I laughed,
then I was home.
I had something to crash into after the disaster of the day,
complaining about things that don't really matter
until you shut me up the way you know I love you to.

I realized,
the pencil height measure walls, the hush-hush closet hideouts
aren't what makes it feel like home.
The *** and pan rock bands, the albums on the shelf
don't really matter,
if you have no one to call your own.
are my home.
Somewhere I feel safe, secure, never left alone.
Somewhere with you,
even if the future is left unknown
if I'm in your arms,
I know I'm home.
is beautiful
when it's strung together with metal links
and hung like chains in the candlelight
so the world can see it glisten on the sour part
at just the right time.
My body,
liked to **** up that ignorance
late at night when the moonlight uncovered my hidden despair,
my secret wish that you could be mine,
so that I could pretend like it still didn't hurt that much,
like it still wasn't painful to open my eyes
when the sun came up.

When my future became blurry,
I found clarity in the comfort of the past
because truth is,
I knew it well.
So I opened the lock on the wrecking ball cabinet,
let it explode all over my life
burnt out all the flame remnants
with my fingers,
I let myself love this stencil someone
of everything I told myself I'd never give excuses to
no more,
because that was easier,
pure ignorance was more painless
than admitting
I still needed you,
after all these days.

I mean,
how is it we continue to want those that break us apart?
And why is it we can erasing the memories, tearing and tugging the stitches
but people still remain in our hearts?
I mean,
how is it after this complicated translation
I still want back to you,
I still want

It didn't make sense to me,
and I cruelly didn't want it to make sense to you.
So I fragmentaly kept it covered in my safety guard,
my ignorance
because that's easier than sinking into innocence,
calling out help, tracing out apologies on your skin,
begging you to believe that trust is more than just
some cacophony I've prepared in the back of my soul.
It's easier than trying to get you to believe in me again.

I didn't want to admit that I needed you,
but I do.

is beautiful

when it's strung together with metal links
and hung like chains in the candlelight
so the world can see it glisten on the sour part
at just the right time.
6th period ends, and
my heart is full and hurting-
the honey ache
of knowledge departed
but at the same
Entirely Intentional.

The epitome of a New Teacher in an
Old Trap-
Blind, yet
leading the blindfolded.
distinguishing their candles,
then, Extinguishing them,
allowing them to walk in the dark
giving them permission to
feel the way.

In "Treatment",
Truth is found-
In the falsity
of the environment.
A globe as small as an egg
cradeling the daggers
of one entire county
Shaken, not stirred.

To dump, re-mingle, mainstream.
will they ever?
should they?
can they?
It requires more research-
Now-please turn to page 3 and read aloud.
copyright fhw 2013
i’ve got to
un                        stuck
from these words
lost i am -  vegetated
all patterns are identically embroidered
same sentiments in a static loop
the images all insipid
i’ve got to do
something drastic

- Vijayalakshmi Harish
   Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
dark winds of self-doubt
blow furiously today
in their sway i flee
toward those same old roads
where i sure do suffer

- Vijayalakshmi Harish
   Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish,
“writing about a writer's block is better than not writing at all”
― Charles Bukowski, The Last Night of the Earth Poems

Its not writer's block really...I just feel my work has become repetitive and stuck! :(
When I felt like nobody cared, YOU were there,
Soothing the wounds in my heart…

When I felt life was not worth it, YOU came around,
And proved the opposite…

When no one knew my worth, YOU showed me,
How much I meant to you…

When I had issues, YOU supported me,
Showing me how much I need you…

Now, when I look back, I have no regrets,
Because to know YOU is to know LOVE

Harish Natarajan
Copyright © Harish Natarajan
This poem was written by my husband :) This is what he has to say about this poem :
"Wrote this poem in Hindi in the year 2001 during my B.Tech years..but left writing after that due to work load...but I think the DNA is still there :-)....Dedicated to all the lovely women out there...including my woman :-)"
 Jan 2013 Michael W Noland
A blend of threads
Yet dead
A braid on her head

She's young
Yet old
In mind
She's bold
Young girl
I could've told
"Don't lose
that fierce sense
of self."

But she's gone
Moved on
She's become
It's like
Her identity
Was sold.

No more
Will she know
Who she is
She's only told
Things that don't make sense in her head.

She's lost.
I can see the weakness
in my own words- their
weary Translucence,

even as I
wind my euphemisms and parry
snip the comma off,

attempt to catch my thoughts
before venom leaks out
of my em-dash.

but I can't.
take back any
noun I flung

And So.

as you
walk down the hall

I see my adjectives
dripping off your
rolling down the corridor

fat, black
and innocuous

and somehow feel
that I have
completely failed

at English.
copyright fhw, 2012
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