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Liana 2d
Stay with me here,
You have just died

Take a moment to acknowledge that
And think about it
Think about how it’s all over

You will never speak to a loved one
cry uncontrollably
Or throw up as your mother caresses your back

You will never compliment another stranger
Or have a silent panic attack

You will never get a bad grade
Or lose a friend
For you are now dead

Congratulations, you made it this far
Was what I thought
Crying and jumping outside in the rain of New Year’s Day
As if I would never step into my house again

I was not nearly as happy that I got an A on that essay
Or that I’d exercised that one day

I was the most happy that I survived that one bad day
that I felt sad
I felt overcome with rage
Or overwhelming happy

I was alive
That was life
And it was everything
While simultaneously being nothing

We live to die
But we live to live on

Just enjoy now
Or don’t

Be positive
Or don’t

Play the piano that is our life to the fullest and
Most beautiful song;
The one with black keys too
But they don’t feel right in their own, do they?

I can only remember though
I suppose
Because we are both dead right now
Busy looking from a different point of view
Liana 5d
I asked
I spoke
I cried
I got help

I guess not everyone ***** after all
Texted my friend tonight when I was in a really bad place and she really helped.  She was so shocked when I told her about everything. I really want to hug her, but once again it’s nit possible. 😭❤️
Liana 6d
Drink some water
Eat something
Write a poem
Take a walk
Just sit there and exist for a moment

It’s okay
Nothing really matters anyway
Take care of yourself! Kind of ironic coming from someone who’s up at 12:30 writing poetry, not drinking, and not doing homework or anything else I should be. Meh :/
Liana 6d
Poor young girl
I dared to cry
Little did I know
my dad would
“Try to make me feel better”

He would pull his shirt over his face
So I wouldn’t see his expressions
The things that make him human
But I would see his stomach
And I would see him chasing me around the house

I would shout
I didn’t want the hug
I didn’t want the hug
I didn’t want the hug
He was scary

But I was little
And not so fast
So he would grab me

I was trapped
In my mind
In the house
And in his arms clutched against his bare, hairy chest

And maybe I never truly left there
Trying hard to believe that he was truly trying to help me
Trying to be okay
Trying to stop what he was doing from hurting me constantly

I have since recovered slightly
With meds, poetry, and therapy
but I still feel the squeeze of his hands sometimes
I still his chest hair against my neck
I still feel the fear of a switch
The fear that someone will get angry

I’m still a little trapped
And a little afraid to cry
He wasn’t hitting me, but he still left internal bruising
Liana 6d
When they cry
I provide comfort

When they scream
I tell them they have the right

But they don’t notice it in me
For my tears flood my heart
And my screams are silent

I have some hard battles
I just keep them inside and quiet
Liana 6d
She is a dog.                   She is my sister
Your half sister.             We share our trauma
She bites.                        She was neglected
She barks.                       It’s not her fault
She’s dangerous.           Her owner is dangerous
I hate her.                        I love her
She pees on my bed.     My dad locks her in my old room
We are so different.        We are so similar
So far apart.                     So very connected
She has some terrible, terrible behavior, I get it though. He’s both my father and abuser too…
Liana Mar 14
I know it's easier said than done,
But maybe instead of deporting children with brain cancer to Mexico to die
And depriving the depressed and suicidal meds
We just


Instead of misgendering Trans people's passports
And denying people health care
We just


Could we possibly
Not encourage ******
And not cut down millions of trees in forests and parks
But just

Not ****?

I don't know,
Just a dream I guess
Just keeps getting worse... This is just a small part of what was done THIS WEEK. It's ridiculous. To me, it's common decency. To the orange dump, I suppose it never occurred to him. 🙃

(If you don't agree with my opinion on this, you can simply keep on scrolling, that's truly okay. I just felt strongly and wanted to write.)

The whole world is in crisis, lets stick together ❤️❤️❤️
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