I know it's easier said than done,
But maybe instead of deporting children with brain cancer to Mexico to die
And depriving the depressed and suicidal meds
We just
Instead of misgendering Trans people's passports
And denying people health care
We just
Could we possibly
Not encourage ******
And not cut down millions of trees in forests and parks
But just
Not ****?
I don't know,
Just a dream I guess
Just keeps getting worse... This is just a small part of what was done THIS WEEK. It's ridiculous. To me, it's common decency. To the orange dump, I suppose it never occurred to him. 🙃
(If you don't agree with my opinion on this, you can simply keep on scrolling, that's truly okay. I just felt strongly and wanted to write.)
The whole world is in crisis, lets stick together ❤️❤️❤️