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Melanie Jan 2017
Hopes that I get on a daytime schedule
Hopes for actions to come of my words
Hopes of prosper that sprinkles out of me
Hopes of slave to become of me??
Stay white then
As for me
Z  123
Im all over the prospects
The possibilities.
I dont define the sky as blue
cause I ain't you
Im me,
Im not near all that ill ever be
Please dont believe me
Its not your bussiness
Your bussiness is suffering & business is good.
Ill go to my local supermarket, you keep ******* where you eat.
Quit eating, it only perpetuates more self insecurity
God hates you
cause your ******* ugly

Uh der
So what?
Be prettier.
Or get all mad.
Cause yea what good that does you.
It is the woman that are **** when mad
But to be **** as a man
Youd have to be james dean
or some hunk hot thing machine
Found this is my notes, two years ago. Guess what my daughters name is ❤️
Melanie Jun 2016
Caught up in the laws you provide
In order to survive
Who you are and WHY??!!

you are so catastrophically
****** up in your ******* mind

Nor does the idea "not scared of any judge anymore"
**** block all you want,
I'm still gonna score..
Melanie Feb 2016
All regret ascertaining,

So to speaking
To start saying,
Little red roaring rare
So feral
is it not fair

Debating whether she
Turns down up and coming
To spare into the night
Thoughtful plight,
And she might
Melanie Jun 2015
because lately you're so ******* shady
I need a pad just to soak the sun up
*******, you are deliverengly lazy
character is built by the things we do when no one is looking
to be judged for sins we are sick for living in
we both are given the same amount of time
your intentions aren't a fraction as good as mine
and your actions; delayed dissatisfaction
the misery your company loves
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