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May 2020 · 155
I don't hate you
Megan Westlake May 2020
They say I should hate you
They say I should be so angry at you for all the pain you put me through
They say I deserve something exciting and new
They say I deserve to move on on as if it's an easy thing to do
but I don't hate you
and no, it's not because I am still hung up on you or because I am incapable of getting over you
I don't hate you because why would I give you the satisfaction?
Why would I allow you to carry any more of me than you already do?
I don't hate you because hating is tiring and I am already exhausted
I don't hate you because that would make all the good we had suddenly dissapear and then what would have been the point?
It's not because I can't because honestly, I could quite easily
I don't hate you because I don't want to
Just a bunch of jumbled thoughts that took months to be able to put into words
May 2020 · 120
A Note about Love
Megan Westlake May 2020
Love is not a crutch to be used when desperate
Love is not built on conditions and what if's
Love is not an excuse to be used
Love is not a burden to be held
Love is not convenient
Love is not easy
I don’t know much about what love is
but one things for sure-
Love was not meant for you and me
May 2020 · 96
Lessons from the Flowers
Megan Westlake May 2020
I envy the flowers for they stand tall all day with the sun’s full attention
Their beauty is not defined by who admires them or to what extent
They just simply are
They don’t have ears to hear what is said about them
They don’t have eyes to see who stares at them
They simply just are
How lovely would it be if we became more like the flowers?
Standing tall, allowing the sun to give us all of its attention
Not allowing our beauty or our worth to be determined by others
For even when their petals fall, their beauty never fades
Megan Westlake May 2020
You started out as a stranger and with a little time and a whole lot of charm you became the prince that I had spent so much time searching for.  
I told you I had kissed a lot of frogs and that I felt like the luckiest girl in the world for having had kissed my last frog.
You replied with a cheesy grin, and a never before seen shimmer in your eyes, that said “I finally found my princess”.
I believed you, never for a second thinking you were even capable of faking any words or feelings that you had spent so much time conveying to me.  
You proved me wrong, over and over again and yet I continued to look for that shimmer in your eye-
ignoring your frog shaped mouth and all the warts that began to become more present with every passing day
You started out as a stranger and with a little time and a whole lot of charm you became the frog I had spent so much time trying to avoid.
May 2020 · 101
Two Ducks Crossing a Pond
Megan Westlake May 2020
They sat there for quite some time before they got the courage to pick up their big webbed feet one by one and cross the forbidden land.
There were no exchanges of quacks or glances, just silence and blank stares until finally it was decided that they could no longer be where they were.
Together they waddled carefully across the hot black pavement and through the long wispy grass, still not sure of what would be on the other side.  
The wind ruffled their feathers with such intent as if that was how they were supposed to be all along.
Time seemed to come to a halt when they finally discovered the mystery that was the other side of the pond.
To their surprise, this new land was both completely new and incredibly familiar, feeling like the home they had become accustomed to.
They sat side by side staring at the small body of water in front of them and it was in that moment that they discovered as long as they had one another they would always be home.
May 2020 · 105
A Heart of Glass
Megan Westlake May 2020
Was everything you said a lie?
did you mean it when you said you wouldn’t make me cry?
because you left before my tears had the chance to dry.
You said you would never say goodbye
and there were a million reasons why
but that was all a lie.
You left me
all teary
and for months I was weary.
The days were all dreary
our memories were now all eerie
but finally, I’m seeing things more clearly.
I now realize it wasn’t my loss
sometimes things end with no real cause
and it’s okay for a permanent pause.
It’s time for me to say goodbye.
I hope you don’t feel too weary-
after all it is your loss.

— The End —