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 May 2017 Max
Mike Hauser
Thurston started off easy enough
With the simple slurping of Sippy cups
But soon enough moved on the the bigger stuff
When Sippy cups didn't do the job

He constructed a straw three feet long
Though Thurston was thirsty he wasn't that tall
So he could reach the kitchen sink
As Mom did the dishes Thurston could drink

Soon the sink was not enough
So Thurston moved on to the bathroom tub
You would think that that would be too much
As Thurston rub a dub dub'd and drank it all up

From there he moved to the aquarium
As he watched the fish around him swim
As they watched their world go sinking in
To the glass reflection of Thurston's grin

With an inch of water left he left them alone
As he spied outside the retention pond
That's when Thurston's thirst came on strong
And he dropped everything he had going on

Once he had the pond drunk dry
Thirsty Thurston heard the waves nearby
Dare he even give the ocean a try
His answer was yes to the question of why

Though Thurston did give a pause
Along with a bit of a thought  
Before he left he went out and bought
The makings for a longer straw
 May 2017 Max
Olivia A Keaton
snappity snap
I wanna take a nap.
My friend kyleigh said this because she's poetic too :)
 May 2017 Max
Mike Hauser
Let It Go
 May 2017 Max
Mike Hauser
You don't like what they say
Or the way that they play
A decision needs to be made
Don't let it ruin your day

There is one thing that I know
A mechanism in which to cope
Take the short end of the rope
Let it go

Because it's not just you but them
That seems to have the problem
With the handling of the angry stick
They keep beating you with

Before you lose all hope
Seeds need to be sown
And then to help them grow
Let it go

Take it from me
Time and again I have seen
The worst in these
Played out in history

They'll tie you up with guilty rope
Feed you all their worthless dope
But now that you know
Let it go
 May 2017 Max
Mike Hauser
 May 2017 Max
Mike Hauser
Why do people make excuses
For all that they get wrong
Why not just say, I made a mistake
Then kindly move along

Is it because they swallowed
The poison pill of pride
Where they need to list their accomplishments
No matter how dark the lie

When did the pretending of perfection
Become the sea that we swim in
When did the learning of life's lessons
Get buried too deep to dig

When you make a mistake don't make your way
To the side of do no wrong
Telling the honest truth in everything you do
Is the best way to play along
 May 2017 Max
Mike Hauser
 May 2017 Max
Mike Hauser
Why continue to hold the hand
Of this ugly bitterness
Wouldn't it suit you better
If it were buried in the past

Then you would be free
To enjoy the life of peace
That can only come to someone
When bitterness is released

It's like acid in the heart
That burns the tinder parts
Forming you into something you
Really wish you weren't

Better to take the bitterness you have
And let go of its hand
Then use that hand to reach the ones
You need to make amends
 May 2017 Max
Mike Hauser
She holds tight her Rosary beads
Kneeling down amongst all the weeds
Hoping they don't go to seed
Praying for relief

Mumbling in monotone
Knowing she is not alone
In the heart of the Father at home
Even rocks groan

Sorrow builds itself a nest
Justly in its righteousness
How much more can she take of this
World where ignorance is bliss

Hangs with the sinners and saints
Who's who is at times hard to say
No need to give it away
Where there will come a day

But until that day comes
Refuses to go totally numb
To much truth in her soul to play dumb
With the beads she'll tightly hold on
 May 2017 Max
Mike Hauser
Call it fate or a mistake
But I'm always running late
Whether it's in to morning work
Or out to nightly dinner dates

Never have I been early
At anything I do
Except to say that I'll be late
But that you already knew

It's been that way from the beginning
Starting with my nine and a half month birth
Inside of the womb, slept till way past noon
For all that I was worth

Still feel I'm in my teenage years
Late at growing up
But I must say the way adults act these days
Don't think I'm missing much

I may even be late for my own funeral
But would that be a crime
I ask who out there wouldn't care
If they missed their day of dying

So call it fate or a mistake
One or another, either way
All I can say is that to this day
I'm always running late
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