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dawnie May 2018
You're a good subject for art. Not pretty like a painting, but pretty like a slow motion car crash with a seven person casualty. It takes your breath away, literally and figuratively. You're a lovely piece of ugly truths and you make everything you touch a little darker and twisted.
dawnie May 2018
Your hands on my body are the only way I know how love feels without it dying at my touch
And I'm so scared of you seeing me the way I see my self
Or really seeing me at all because
I feel so gross when I'm naked and I hate it when you stare at me
But you make me feel different than anyone else and that's a cliche thing to say
But skip the normative romance *******
It makes me feel wanted when you hit me.
dawnie Mar 2018
Not so soft
Not so pretty
Broken edges
And burning citys
dawnie Feb 2018
You’re tearing me apart
You're breaking my heart
But you're so sweet
To me
dawnie Jan 2018
You open your hands to me
they encase a *****, banged up,
pitiful excuse of a heart

and piece by piece I steal it from you.

"You love me right?"

I'm just a parasite looking for validation.
Making sure that you're still going to
feed me.

You see through my deception
But you don't say anything.

It's bigger than an elephant,
this phantom in the room.

But while I was feeding off of your love,
You were bingeing
on mine.

You love to love

And I guess even the empath
does not have the "heart" to put
those pieces back.

The ones that you took with my
false consent.

Because I told you
you could.

That I made you think it was fine.
That all you'd ever need was me.

While I tried to trick you into satisfying my
craving for an emotional connection

I forgot my gasoline.

and without the fire to protect my soft heart
you walked in and ripped it out of my

As I had barely felt anything there
for years,
I didn't notice it was missing.

Until I left you.

Like a child leaving an overworked
toy in the mud.

We went different ways
you took my heart with you
and I took some loose screws and gears.

When I finally realized what you had done,
I looked back down the path that I had left you on

and you had disappeared
with everything I had.
Pov switch in this one. People tell me it's a good idea to look at things from the other persons perspective, so here it is.
dawnie Dec 2017
I think you knew you’d be in my poetry.
I think you knew that every line would secretly be about you,
Every ****** word pouring out what's left of my heart
Like I am screaming at you but no words are coming out.
And you are just smiling at me because you know.
You know the front I put on.
I told you too much.
I broke my rule for you.
I’m not supposed to fall in love.
It's not what I am designed to do,
I am a soldier, of a war that cannot be won by either side.
I'm fighting against a militia of thousands of poets
And my words are cemented to the walls of my diaphragm
I cant win this war but I can sure as hell hate you while I try.
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