"All who hate me whisper
Together against me;
Against me they
Devise my hurt, saying,....
"Like, is he stupid?"
No Monica
I am not stupid
I am fairly intelligent
Regardless of what you think
Was it the keycards?
I was thinking
I could share one with
My friend
I asked him where he
Would leave it
I wasn't sure where
You had put your
I didn't know
If you would be
Needing one
More often
Or where you would
Be going
I didn't know
You would put it
On the counter
I thought you might
Keep it in your pocket
That is why I asked
Where my good friend
Was going to keep
One of the cards
Or, "our keycard"
Your keycard
Can't be relied upon
You never said
You would keep it
On the counter
I didn't know
Where you would
Keep it
Or how often
You would use it
Yes, I understand
Keycards are
But I didn't know
How often
You would be using yours
That is why
4 people
1 keycard for each
Group of two
I asked him
Where he was keeping ours
Because I didn't know
Where you were placing
The other one
No, I'm not stupid
Should I forgive you?
No, I won't