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69 · Feb 2021
Burning! Burning!
Mathieu Feb 2021
There I stood - the world ablaze
Try I did, to pave a way
My heart got lost in a tidal wave
and through the night, I slaved away;

Chose the course and caught a break
But you never opened up, saw the light of day
The shadows caught on, dragged you far away
I forgive you now, but the walls are stained.

Only never-ending rage could light a spark
Hatred only told me who you are.
When you needed someone most, you couldn't look within.
and that was on me, I should've known then.

Don't tell me how you feel when you lie awake
I came into your life and I cleaned the slate
You climbed from the beaches,
and spread your embers on the forest floor

and caught in the flames of war, was our little boy.
65 · Apr 2021
Find Me Peace
Mathieu Apr 2021
Can you find peace in the heart of a demon?
Can you find home when the darkness is breathing?
Can you find love when your soulmate is leaving?
Can you find hope when your smile is decieving?
62 · Sep 2021
Big Picture
Mathieu Sep 2021
Did Someone Try To Love Me?
Did I Even Care?
Every Now And Then,
I See The Big Picture...

I Was Drowing In My Fear.

Did I Make Mistakes?
Did Life Try To Break Me?
I Tried My Best,
To You I Swear...

Still I Tried, Tried, Tried To Disappear.

Did I Ever Disappoint You?
Did You Ever Hurt?
Those Nights You Broke Down Crying,
I Strived To Make Life Work.

But I'm Only Human, Even At My Worst.

I Feel The Sunset Warm Against My Skin,
I Feel The Winter Breeze.
I Hug My Mum And My Sister
And Hear All The Trees In Harmony, Sing Their Verse.
60 · Aug 2020
Mathieu Aug 2020
Some moments in time
we think back and we smile
mellow for a while
suspended in our minds

A flicker of the eye
a crinkle of the cheeks
throwing up our nose
I know, she knows, i know

Did we mind a little rain?
Specs of dust about the place?
Beauty brushed landscapes
Golden were the days
58 · Apr 2021
Then You Were Gone...
Mathieu Apr 2021
You promised me,
As your shirt fell to the floor,
and the bumps on your skin,
my hand caressing them,
and desire our eyes,
every night,
cuddle fest,
kissing your head,
laying on my chest,
Forever, you said.
then you were gone.
57 · Nov 2020
About Last Night...
Mathieu Nov 2020
Last night, lady with a fervent face
Turned and asked about time and space.

The lights flickered; vision slim
Yet obvious how her night had been.

Trapping me between shelves of gin
might not be intention

Rather an honest to god lesson
in wormhole prevention.

Note for my readers:
I wanted to pass her

I wanted to sprint
And not give an answer

But I knew this would make
A great story to tell

That, and she hit me
With a fuzzy fox pelt

Not that it hurt,
Just gave me a fright

And out came the words
To her greatest delight.
About last night..
55 · Sep 2021
No Country For Young Men
Mathieu Sep 2021
Held Down In The Dirt And Sweat
From Town to Town, Knows No Regret
Dust Sways In The Wind That Silence Thread.

Angels Weep To Hear The Sound,
The End Of Times Hides Underground,
Knowing Of The Road That Lies Ahead.  

He Answers Not, to Death or Sword
Violence is the Symphonic Chord,
A Holstered Gun That Knows the Words to Every Line.  

Footsteps Leading To The Door,
A Last-Ditch Rise Before The Fall,
Stood A Soldier, No More Than Three or Four

Here Stood A Bird, Wings To Be Clipped.
A Shallow Grave and One Swift Kick,
Honor Preaches In An Empty Banquet Hall

As The Ring Carried On Throughout The Town
The Shadow's Vision Faded Out
Fate This Day Had Reared Its Ugly Head

The Wide-Brimmed, High-Crowned Duster
Fell Slowly From His Head,
A Remnant Of A Legacy That Bled.  

Young He Was, Picked Up The Hat
Walked To The Door And Opened That
Drowned In The Sun, A Man.
#stranger #sun #legacy #young #man #country
48 · Jul 2021
Mathieu Jul 2021
I know the enemy.
I know myself.
I have  the energy to
Away at this hell.
Those naysayers.
Those martyr's.
Those doubters.
Those harlets.
Drink in oblivion.
Taste all I know so well.
And when
the echo's
of dreamers
The meek
The crushed
The beautiful,
Won't hide in shadows
We won't be denied
Eternity will
swallow the victor.
Rewrite the world
History will reveal itself.
Gentrify truth.
Untarnished youth.
Segregate misery
to thrive without
converts publicity
wields authority
unshackled from destruction
47 · Sep 2020
A Place For You
Mathieu Sep 2020
here before
standing on
golden shores
with childish

An eroding score
of violins,
glass cliffs
and visceral
made my eyes
open wide
at what's to come
a rising tide

A withered brow
furrowed now,
aged a day.
slipping into
footprints laid
seagulls sway,
I've breathed,
Do I fade away?

here before,
refracting howls
of the golden light,
reach my soul,
bottomless lagoons,
spring to life,
Prussian blue
this starry night

I've only been here
once before
and hence my weary
tired eyes
have lost their
and lust
for life

Here before,
but nevermore
nature remains beyond
claim or fate.
Yet tomorrow
should I
not wake
This secret space
Is yours
44 · Feb 21
Parts of Me;
Mathieu Feb 21
You **** every part of me, except the parts you look at me.

I turn to run, but my dreams are dreams, they load the gun.

And when I sleep I am the sleet, the ice shelf that tears away from safe embrace.

Tips and sinks into the deep, exposed to what may lay beneath.

And the best of me,
Slips away.

The rest of me,
Wastes away.

What silouette drifts away to the rising sun is cool and calm.

The surface shimmers brilliantly, a glass, a ghost, drowning out what I was made to be.

— The End —