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Osifeso Abiodun Jan 2019
I woke up this morning
joyfully happily
The only though that runs through
My mind is you

Let be naught
Let get drunk and play stupid
Let feel the intoxication
No communication
Let screen till both knockoff

Let be naught
I wanna do everything with you
The **** of love is burning down my throat
******* off
Pant off
boxer off
and braless
Let be naught serious for once
It feels good
Osifeso Abiodun Jan 2019
The day I die
Before I died,
I want to go to the bar and drink beers with
My hommie
I don't want to die a ******.
I want to see my grandchildren, if I have one.
I want to know the exact day I am going to die.
The code dress should be white Or pink.
It was a funeral, not a disaster.
The day I diedIt would be a sad day.
But remember, it was my funeral, not yours.
No crying or long face
Order the best meal in the world.
I want to be buried in a coffin made of gold and diamonds.
Don't forget to bury me in my favourite clothes.
Italian wine And a silver cupAfter I die,Wake me up with a fresh rose.
Clean my buried ground.
Don't forgethow good I am to the world.
if I am not, Just pretend I am.
Osifeso Abiodun Jan 2019
Let fold arms
And stare at each other
Or let tell the truth with arms
Dead is a good thing
Dead is  wonderful
Dead is compulsory
Dead is universe
Dead is painful
But the other hand is a good thing
Dead make's us strong
Tell me why is dead wicked?
We all pray for someone to die
Sometimes dead gives us a reason to smile
Dead is acceptable
Dead is a challenge
Dead is a challenge
Dead is the reason why we live again
Osifeso Abiodun Jan 2019
Oh my my
What have you done wrong?
What have you done to mankind?
Oh my sweet lover
Look at your helpless body
How had I known
How wish I have known
You never did anything wrong
I can till smell the fresh grape of your body
It smells like hibiscus
Then give my lover sadness
And he shall turn it to joy
Given him a broken heart
And he shall make it his companion unbroken
But never give my lover a woman
Because he those not know what to do with her
Honey can not be compare to the way my lover taste
In my lover eye you see rainbow
We were both stupid drunk
Oh love is intoxicating
I was left for dead but
You were taking by dead
What have you done to the children
Of Adam?
Neither do you part take from the fruit
I was his ***** and he was my Gomorrah

If being who I am was a sin
Tell the sun not to shine on me
Seize the air
Cast away the moon
But if you can't do that
Then let us toxicate in love

If being who I am was an abomination
Turn the day to night
And turn the night
To mid-day
Turn water to blood
And turn blood to tears
Then banned my lover and I
If this was heaven
Then give me hell
My lover is dead
I can till feel the hot rod
That was place in between his leg
I can feel his pain
I can hear your blood screaming
I wish I was able to safe you
I wish I could defend you

Being who I am
Why was your manhood cut off?
Why are they fighting for God?
Did God send them?
Judge not neither shall you be judge

If being who i am
The rain was unfriendly
The storm over cloud my lover voice
I could only see my lover with pain
Is this my lover?
Why was manhood replace by hot iron rod?
Who could hear my darling scream for help?
The rain and thunder was also a supporter
Of his dead
If not why should the rain fall
And thunder strike
Who should I tell?
Who should I cry too?
Nobody were dare to help
Some watch him stab
Some watch him cry
Some watching him beg
Are will not suppose to be our brothers Keeper?
The so called religious people
The so called homophobia
What an abomination?

If being who I am was a judge
I will sue the rain that keep raining
The rain that watch away my lover blood
If i were to sue
I will not hesitated to jail the striking
I will sue the storm
That made everyone indoor
But what judgement would I give the killers
Oh what judgement would befit them
I will Let their conscious
Be their judge
What will i gain from revenge?
I will forgive them
For they don't know what their doing

If being who I am was a sin
Then leave me for God
As they have left me for dead
Neither you or I are righteous
To judge my sin
If loving the same *** was an abomination
It better you cast me into the deepest part of hell
That could not stop me for loving my darling
If ***** and Gomorrah were destroyed
For this
Then the whole world should be destroy
Because the world as done more evil than

This is who will are
We did not ask for this
Neither did my lover and l decide this fate
It is plan in our mother womb
It was analysis before
We were brought to this world

This is who will are
Nothing as change
Your corpse smell
Like fresh morning wine
Your face as white as snow
Your skin as tender as the day you were born
You look more alive than dead
Nobody were here to witness your funeral
But you never mind
That smile that drove me crazy the first time I saw you
That was did same smile
I saw now in your coffin
Just tell me?
How come you keep that smile?
I can till remember that lovely night
At the club
Before we were ambush
You said if I were to die ,I die by you
I wish I never force you out
What should I tell my our unborn child
Of a surrogate mother?
That I was the killer of their father

This is who will shall be
Am thousands in one
Am hundred in one
This funeral is perfect
Just me and you
Funeral like marriage
What if today was the D-day?
You smile a lot
Are you really dead?
They say the dead can speak if we listen
They can hear us if we pour out our heart
Just know you are only six feet away
From me
Make sure you wait for me
Never find another lover
Prepare a place for us
I might come very soon
By then we live to separate no more
Rest my darling
Fresh rose flower is coming tomorrow
The poem is about a gay couple's who were ambush on there home.
That did society we live...everything is threat
But the ant and flies are threat to human, so how homosexual an abomination that need to destroy but the forgot that they are human . human with flesh, blood,mind and though....that the world we live in
Osifeso Abiodun Jan 2019
Let be naught
I woke up this morning
joyfully happily
The only though that runs through
My mind is you

Let be naught
Let get drunk and play stupid
Let feel the intoxication
No communication
Let screen till both knockoff

Let be naught
I wanna do everything with you
The **** of love is burning down my throat
******* off
Pant off,boxer off and braless
Let be naught serious for once
It feels good
Osifeso Abiodun Jan 2019
Am going on a ride to the beach
We gonna ride across the bridge
I will fetch the sea
I will ship to sail
I promise not to kiss
The male sailors
I promise not to fail
I will pick a lot of shell
A lot more to sell
What a bliss
To miss
A wonderful kiss
Kiss my lips
My lips never lies
And let lie
I promise to wake you up
When the ship sails
Osifeso Abiodun Jan 2019
I wish, I wish, I wish
Once upon a time, as the story was told
A very funny, serious story
I wish I wasn't there to hear it
I wish I didn't come back from the ****** war
I wish I was dead
I wish I didn't leave home
I wish I stayed with her
I would be called a Coward
Why Coward? For not fighting for my country

I wish I didn't meet her
I wish, I wish, I wish
I always wish
As beautiful as a peacock, fresh as a morning breeze
Calm as a dove, the love of my life
Was she dead or alive?
Was she worried about me?
Why didn't she tell me she was going on a trip?
A trip of unknown destination
Why! Why!!

I wish I could change the hand of the clock
I wish I could tell her how much I love her
I wish I didn't yell at her
I wish I listened to her
I wish I had solved the issue
I wish, I wish, I wish
My wish could come true

What a stupid war
What happened to my love?
Can you come back to me?
Have I turned a new leaf?
Talking to a dead rose
As dead as she is
Smells like fresh Rosary's
Skin as smooth as ever
But my wish can never come true
My love has rested in Abraham's *****?
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