If I were a painter, I will paint you on the surface of water.
I will paint your love on the sky, so everybody that looks up knows you are mine.
I will use my brush and color to express the expressible.
If I were an artist, I will sketch your beauty on walls.
I will draw you on sand, so no one walks on it.
If I were a hunter, I will hunt the sweetest meat for you.
My back will be your ride; I will worship you.
You eat the best part of my game.
If I were a Goldsmith, you be the first to taste the work of my hand.
You would be showered with jewelry; yours is to name it, and mine is to command.
If I were to be a king, I will make you my queen.
When I die, you be my successor; you be the one to rule while I am on the throne.
If I were to be your husband, you suffer no more.
Do not worry about the house choir; what am I here for, my darling?
If I were to be a priest or prince, the rain will not fall on you, neither will the sun smite you.
I will bring the stars of the sky to you; I will command the moon to shine on your way.
Anybody that passes without greeting will be beheaded; I will not pardon the flies, neither will I pardon the mosquito.
Every living thing must know that you are mine.