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 Jul 2018 Stephanie
 Jul 2018 Stephanie
My heart is such a stupid thing,
I cannot tell a lie
But deep inside the stinking walls
There's plenty rotting piles.
Don't destroy the only thing you've ever loved
I laugh. I cry. I do it anyway;
It's all a play
a farce, a dutiful desire to feel
Some pain of some kind somewhere

where no one can ever see the tears that fall and puddle in the deep spots of my insides where there is hardly any light and I only know they're there because the water weighs me down...

and every time I look at her I smile
every time I look at her I die
and every time I dream of her, she's right there by my side
So I can't tell the difference anymore;
nightmare, daydream, its all the same to me

flip hair, crimp hair, I'm on my way to hell.
let the fires fade away, tell the doorman he can
I want to tell the story to a face that doesn't know

Strangers give me freedom because there is no consequence. But those who love me stick like glue
So I can't tell them truly. What I am
Is a secret fit for none but me and h̶e̶r̶ .

— The End —